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Everything posted by fenway

  1. Assuming that format is uniform, you can just split on space.
  2. If you ever need to cross clients, then different databases is a royal pain.
  3. This topic has been moved to PHP Coding Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=331154.0
  4. This is quickly become a php issue -- if the mysql issues have been resolved, I'll move the thread accordingly.
  5. You don't need to pass the pretty string and use it in your query -- just have your URL include low & high values, and search those.
  6. Yeah, but that's scary, since you're returning non-aggregated values in the column list, which likely makes them meaningless.
  7. Not if you're using standard common Western character sets, no.
  8. IMHO, over-indexing, either in number or size, is going to be noticeable.
  9. It will be stored if you store it -- but binary data shouldn't be in a database, as a general rule.
  10. You can't use that kind of flow control in an update statement -- you need: editLock = IF( editCount > 2, '1', '0' )
  11. And even so, 1 slow query is worse than 100 instant ones.
  12. Perhaps you're seeing unicode issues.
  13. When you want variable-length BINARY data -- which shouldn't be stored in the DB anyway.
  14. The refman covers it all -- there are dozens of other subtle differences (trimming, index implications, etc.). More importantly, one variable-length column means you can't have any CHAR fields anymore.
  15. I'm not sure I understand why you need to know... unless these two tables were UNION-able.
  16. Not sure where you're pulling those metric from -- 25-50x faster for 8 bytes?
  17. Don't try and make tables "smaller' -- it's just work for no reason.
  18. (2) should be replaced with last-insert-id() -- or whatever the php function from mysqli is called.
  19. Each of your FULLTEXT indexes lists a single column -- your MATCH() lists multiple.
  20. Sounds like you just want to sort() in php.
  21. You can't mix FULLTEXT indexes -- if you want to search N columns, you'll need an index with N columns.
  22. You need to cross join, one for each of the three conditions.
  23. "display" has nothing to do with mysql.
  24. Weird symbols how?
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