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Everything posted by Chetan

  1. I hav dun this wid oracle lets try here [code] SELECT * FROM members ORDER BY type,category DESC; [/code]
  2. Thats because you might have your cache send back the same stuff. Its better that you refresh twice or put cache control in your headers
  3. Chetan


    That layout just streches and only shows the banner if on dosent scroll making it look like a splash page. and it looks like the layout would only look good in some specific content, tell us what is the topic of site?
  4. well its Where there is a will, there is a way. but it dosent even differ and im not even the language type, I only like germen as a language Offtopic yet not offtopic
  5. You see the timestamp is in seconds and i minus it to check if it works there so minus in seconds and for the renaming thing, you have to go through some pain sometimes, ya i know you are not suppose to go through the pain but yet just telling you if you cant get akitchins script to work. Ill see wat you do though to check if you do something wrong. Well do this to check akitchins code     // check if the list is less than 24 hours old     if ($image_list['timestamp'] >= (time() - 24*3600)) changed to     // check if the list is less than 24 hours old     if ($image_list['timestamp'] >= (time() - 10)) Now it should change every 10 secs
  6. U see a hacker can always get more than one password, and so he can goto www.md5decrypter.com to decrypt passwords. Then he/she can find the similarities in the passwords, like the salt in the beginning and end, remove it and you are done and also even if the words are not dictionary words they can be decrypted many times, and you cant trust the users to always choose a non dictionary words also it is basically an admins resposibility to make his login system secure, not the users to choose a good password
  7. Well thanks for the big thank you
  8. No encryption key is safe by itself, though sha1 is still not that easy to decrypt, use <?php $pass = sha1(md5($pass)); ?> Though its also quite secure you can use str_replace to Change a letter into number and then use something like that again, a frend of mine did 1. First use str_replace(), to firstttttt use your own encryption 2. MD5 the string. 3. SHA1 the string. 4. Use str_replace again.
  9. But remember if you dont have your Computer online all the time, it might not be safe to do this. And you need to have it online forever so it works
  10. I see you are a really new person at this and so you must understand that using MySQL would be better for you. and this is just an example of creatting a really secure login without using DBs, which is indeed not as secure.
  11. It is not safe. I am not gonna make the script as its unsafe, i 1ce hd such a script. Ill just give the script to u, wait EDIT: Here I consider that you already have a directory login setup and your domain is http://localhost so your login pages are at http://localhost/login/ now 1. Create a directory users in the login directory. 2. Here is your register script [b]Register.html[/b] [code] <html> <head><title>Register</title></head> <body> <b>Register</b> <br> <form action="Register.php" method="post"> Username: <input type="text" name="un"><br> Password: <input type="password" name="ps"><br> Re-type Password: <input type="password" name="rps"><br> <input type="submit" value="Register"><br> </form> </body> </html> [/code] 3. Here is register page [b]Register.php[/b] [code] <html><head><title>Register</title></head> <?php $un=$_POST['un']; $ps=$_POST['ps']; $rps=$_POST['rps']; if($ps==$rps) { echo("<font color=blue>Password matched! </font> you may continue!<br>"); if(file_exists("users/kaddu".$un."ismypass.bmp")) { echo("<font color=red>Sorry but the username already exits</font>"); exit(); } else { $ps = sha1(md5($ps)); } echo("<font color=blue>Adding your username and password to database</font>"); $users = "users/kaddu".$un."ismypass.bmp"; $ousers = fopen( $users, "a+" ); fwrite( $ousers, $ps ); fclose( $ousers ); } } else { echo("<font color=red>Password does not match </font> Please return and retype the password correctly!"); exit(); } ?> </html> [/code] 4. Now lets create a login script. [b]Login.html[/b] [code] <html> <head><title>Login</title></head> <body> <b>Login</b> <br> <form action="Login.php" method="post"> Username: <input type="text" name="un"><br> Password: <input type="password" name="ps"><br> <input type="submit" value="Login"><br> </form> </body> [/code] 5. To login we need login.php [b]Login.php[/b] [code] <html><head><title>Login</title></head> <?php $un=$_POST['un']; $ps=$_POST['ps']; if(file_exists("users/kaddu".$un."ismypass.bmp")) { $ps = sha1(md5($ps)); $users = "users/kaddu".$un."ismypass.bmp"; $ousers = fopen( $users, "a+" ); $size = filesize($users); $ps2=fread( $ousers, $size ); fclose( $ousers ); if($ps==$ps2) { echo("You are now logged in"); } else { echo("<font color=red>Wrong Password!</font>"); } } else { echo("<font color=red>Wrong Username!</font>"); } ?> </html> [/code] Its not safe and you would have to code a lot even after you have done this to check weather someone is logged in or not, best thing to do is to use cookies after this
  12. Use this the first time when you select data, order it by id descending and limit it to 1. when renaming set the file name to the resulted id +1. That means Change $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `style_imgupload` ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 2") to $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `style_imgupload` ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0, 1") and rename("styles/$file_name", "styles/$uid$ext"); to $uida = $uid+1; rename("styles/$file_name", "styles/$uida$ext");
  13. I know that. You see what I meant by resources was that you need MySQL to have Databases, or neother SQL. You need to have COOKIES enabled to have cookies, and the webmaster needs to allow SESSIONS to use sessions. btw the reason i got hyper was that mostly I dont create scripts for ppl cause i have HW to, u see i am too younger to you ppl. I am in VIIth grade The first time I created a script for sum1 and there was sum1 to give him a better 1. You can urself know how angry i cud hav got
  14. Have two page where one page gives info to the other, and the other uses hidden inputs to send the old info and the info one puts in this to the script which uploads
  15. It dosent matter me if you beat me, but the reason I dont use COOKIES, SESSIONS or SQL is because I make scripts so everyone can use it, and with the lowest resources. I know you came out aa li'l better than me but whatever, atleast I made it. ^_^
  16. I made it, the only problem is that this dosent check if the image is already in the 20 and also your images shud have names like image2000.gif EDIT: Let me just go through it if i can set it to check if the images are repeating [attachment deleted by admin]
  17. Damn i just wrote the whole script here and accidently pressed F5, ill just make the mscript and tell you
  18. I dont think he even has MySQL or any SQL server, else he wud hav used wat his hosting service gave him.
  19. And you have to post this in the other Servers as it is mail or PHP help And to answer your question Get ArGoSoft mail server if you want to only be able to send email from your computer Get Mercury/32 if you also want to recieve emails In both the cases set your smtp server to localhost in PHP.ini and also set the port to 25 unless you change it In both the cases you also have to allow relaying or it would not work. I know you are not as advanced so Google for tutorials to install these programs
  20. And it would be really difficult in Flat File databases, and they are not even secure. Use Mysql or such.
  21. Why are you trimming twice? and you sure have a really difficult, complicated way of writing PHP
  22. You cant do it with PHP but you can put javascript so that when one clicks to download it takes to the page and a popup downloads
  23. I posted the layout, I only want to know about my layout
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