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Everything posted by wildross

  1. wildross


    all sorted, i would like to thank you for your help the new code case you would like to know was this [code] echo "<tr>\n <td><img src=\"/images/jpg.gif\" /> <a href=\"$dir/$file\"> $file </a></td>[/code] Changed to $dir as it was defined early in the page
  2. wildross


    The listing of the array is defined by $user though, user x requests list, it displays the content of /up/userx/ user y requests list, it displays the content of /up/usery/ Which is where i got stuck on because if its defined the *user* once,,, it should be able to do it again with the linking of the files..?
  3. wildross


    config contains [code] <?    ob_start();    $conn = mysql_connect("localhost","DATABASE USERNAME","DATABASE PASSWORD");    mysql_select_db(DATABASE NAME) or die(mysql_error());    $logged = MYSQL_QUERY("SELECT * from users WHERE id='$_COOKIE[id]' AND password =     '$_COOKIE[pass]'");    $logged = mysql_fetch_array($logged); ?> [/code] thanks for all the help so far
  4. wildross


    yeah sry, kinda new to php [code]<?php    ob_start();    include("config.php");    if ($logged[username])    {       echo ("<center><b>$logged[username]</b></center>");    }    else    {       echo("You are not logged in");    } $totalsize=0; $user = "$logged[username]"; function doFilesize($size, $base=2) {   $size = $size/(1024^$base);   $out = round($size, 2);   switch( $base )   {     case 1:       $out .= "bytes";       break;     case 2:       $out .= "KB";       break;     case 3:       $out .= "MB";       break;     case 4:       $out .= "GB";       break;   }   return $out; } function show_dir($dir, $pos=2) {   global $totalsize;   if($pos == 2)     echo "<table border=\"1\">\n  <tr>\n    <th>File</th>\n    <th>Size</th><th>upload date</th>\n  </tr>\n";   $handle = @opendir($dir);   while ($file = @readdir ($handle))   {     if (eregi("^\.{1,2}$",$file))       continue;     if(is_dir($dir.$file))     {       echo " ";       show_dir("$dir.$file/", $pos+3);     }else{           $size=doFilesize(filesize($dir.$file));     {     }       echo "<tr>\n <td><img src=\"/images/jpg.gif\" /> <a href=\"$file/$file\"> $file </a></td>\n    <td> $size </td><td> Date</td>\n  </tr>\n";       $totalsize=$totalsize+$size;     }   }   @closedir($handle);   if($pos == 2) echo "</pre><hr>";     return($totalsize); } $totalsize = show_dir("up/$user/"); echo "Total space used by images: "; echo doFilesize($totalsize, 3); ?> <br><br> <?php $directory = opendir("up/$user/"); while($item = readdir()){     if(($item != ".") && ($item != "..")){     $files[] = $item;     echo "";     } } $sizeofarray = count($files); echo "The total amount of files is: <b>" . $sizeofarray . "</b>"; ?>[/code]
  5. wildross


    ok im making an image uploader which on registration it creats a folder defined by the username picked in registration, when the user logs in, it will upload to the user's folder, but on making an array for the users's dir i cant link the files that are there eg, $user = "test"; $file = " test.gif"; Then i would want the code like this yes? [code] echo "<tr>\n <td><img src=\"/images/jpg.gif\" /> <a href=\"$user/$file\"> $file </a></td>[/code] i would expect the output of this to be "www.domain.com/test/test.gif" yes? what im getting back is "www.domain.com//test.gif Its completly droping the $user data user is defined by [code]$user = "$logged[username]"; [/code] Please help Thanks
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