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  1. hi guys, thanks for that i've now added that but the script on the other page is still not working, and now adds nothing to the DB, any other ideas?
  2. ok here is the form: <form name="form1" method="post" action="formsubmit.php?mode=add"> <br> <TABLE width="75%" align="center" class="imagebox55"> <TR> <TD colspan="2"><P class="header" align="center"><b>Upload New Scooter </b></P><p class="menu" align="right">*required fields</p></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD><p class="normal2">Make*</p></TD> <TD> <select name="Make"> <option value="Vespa">Vespa</option> <option value="Piaggio">Piaggio</option> <option value="TGB">TGB</option> <option value="Peagout">Peagout</option> </select></TD> </TR> <tr> <td height="37"> <p class="normal2">Model*</p></td> <td><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="Model"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><p class="normal2">Engine Size*</p></td> <td><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="EngineSize"></td> </tr> <tr> <tr> <td><p class="normal2">Engine Type*</p></td> <td><input type="text" name="EngineType"></td> </tr> <tr> <tr> <td><p class="normal2">Speed*</p></td> <td><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="Speed"></td> </tr> <tr> <tr> <td><p class="normal2">Wheels</p></td> <td><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="Wheels"></td> </tr> <tr> <tr> <td><p class="normal2">Brakes</p></td> <td><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="Brakes"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><p class="normal2">Year</p></td> <td><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="Year"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><p class="normal2">Kilometres</p></td> <td width=81%><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="Kilometres"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><br><br><br><p class="normal2">Image 1</p></td> <td><p class="menu">Please insure images are 300x300 pixels</p><br><input type="file" name="image1" size="30"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><p class="normal2">Image 2</p></td> <td><input type="file" name="image2" size="30"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><p class="normal2">Image 3</p></td> <td><input type="file" name="image3" size="30"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><p class="normal2">Short Description - up to 100 Characters</p></td> <td><textarea name="ShortDes" cols="50" rows="2"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td><p class="normal2">Details - up to 250 Characters</p></td> <td><textarea name="LongDes" cols="50" rows="4"></textarea></td> </tr> <td><p class="normal2">Price (NZD)$*</p></td> <td><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="Price" size="7"></td> </tr> </TABLE> <input type="submit" name="submit2" value="Save Data" class="header"> <INPUT TYPE="RESET" VALUE="Reset"> </FORM>
  3. HI guys, i feel like a real loser asking this as i've done this may-a-time in the past (all be it a number of years ago) the rest of the site works fine and the last bit i'm trying to do is to get an image to upload, basicaly i have a simple add/edit/delete page, and it does everything it should - except laod the images, all the code i have done does is hard cropy the root directory i put in as a varible. i'd really really appricate a solotuion (FYI the form field and the DB field is called 'image1' (image 2 and 3 i'll add once i get image1 working)) here's the slice of code i'm working on if($mode=="add") { //copy ($_FILES['image1']['tmp_name'], "./images".$_FILES['image1']['name']); $uploaddir = "/home/scootnz/public_html/images"; // Wherethe files to upload to copy($_FILES['image1']['tmp_name'],$uploaddir.$_FILES['image1']['name']); $image1 = $uploaddir.$_FILES['image1']['name']; $Make=$_POST["Make"]; $Model=$_POST["Model"]; $EngineType=$_POST["EngineType"]; $EngineSize=$_POST["EngineSize"]; $Speed=$_POST["Speed"]; $Wheels=$_POST["Wheels"]; $Price=$_POST["Price"]; $Kilometres=$_POST["Kilometres"]; $Year=$_POST["Year"]; $Brakes=$_POST["Brakes"]; $image2=$_POST["image2"]; $image3=$_POST["image3"]; $ShortDes=$_POST["ShortDes"]; $LongDes=$_POST["LongDes"]; $sql="insert into bikes(Make,Model,EngineType,EngineSize,Speed,Wheels,Price,Kilometres,Year,Brakes,image1,image2,image3,ShortDes,LongDes) values('$Make','$Model','$EngineType','$EngineSize','$Speed','$Wheels','$Price','$Kilometres','$Year','$Brakes','$image1','$image2','$image3','$ShortDes','$LongDes')"; $result=mysql_query($sql,$connection) or die(mysql_error()); header("location: indexadmin.php");} Thank guys in advance for your help!!
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