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Everything posted by elsint

  1. Thanks for the reply! Well, it takes around 5 minutes to get the error. I see that it is 5 minutes in seconds defined in the IIS settings. But , 5 minutes are too long for phpinfo(). I should get the page in seconds. That's why changing the CGI Timeout seconds doesn't do anything here.
  2. I am trying to install PHP 5.1.6 on a Windows Server(2003)(IIS 6)(Intel Xeon 64 bit). I am doing all the directives on the PHP documents.(installing ISAPI module) But I am getting CGI Timeout error. I made a great search but can not get over this. So, if any of you guys can help me solve this problem it will be great! Here's all the nice error: Quote: CGI Timeout The specified CGI application exceeded the allowed time for processing. The server has deleted the process. By the way, I can not convert to Apache.
  3. got it solved $conn->Open("DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=server_ip;UID=username; PWD=password;APP=;DATABASE=database_name");
  4. Well, not an answer but another question :) I am trying to connect a database that is on another server but I can't! I'm trying the code below but can not get it worked. $conn = new COM("ADODB.Connection") or die("Cannot start ADO"); $conn->Open("Remote Provider=bla.blablabla.edu; Data Source=name_of_the_database; User ID=blabla; Password=blabla"); I would appreciate if you tell me how you connect Thanks!
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