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Everything posted by psycoprogrammer

  1. I'm working with php5 on a windows box and I'm trying to read a file from a zip using zip_open. However, when i run the script, I a "call to undefinied function zip_open" error. I've enabled the extension=php_zip.dll line in my php.ini file and the only thing i can think of is that i need zziplib to be installed. I've googled how to do that on a windows machine for many fruitless hours. Also, here's what my code looks like: $file = "output.txt"; $tax_file = "RMKR602A.ZIP"; $fh = fopen($file, 'a'); $unzip = zip_open($tax_file); $zip_entry = zip_read($unzip); if (zip_entry_open($unzip, $zip_entry, "r")){ $buf = zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry)); fwrite($fh, $buf); } else { echo "file not opened or read"; } fclose($fh); zip_entry_close($zip_entry); And like i said, the error is when i try to do $unzip = zip_open($tax_file); Any help on how to get this working by either installing zziplib on windows or changing some of the configuration would be greatly appreciated.
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