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Everything posted by dark_messenger84

  1. Problem solved, I noticed that the method inside the DB_INTERFACE object in question got renamed somehow.
  2. Apologies for the upper case, that's just my own personal coding style. Anyway, here's the DB_INTERFACE class definition. <?php class DB_INTERFACE { // This interfacing library only permits one database connection // at a time in order to reserve system resources and processor power // In order to maintain database efficiency, a brand spanking new connection will be created when a // previous connection is closed, this is done through the means of assigning the connection to an array // variable, so that when a new connection is created it will be appended to the end of the array. // Current database connection status parameters; private $_CONNECTION_ID; // Integer variable containing the current connection ID; private $_CONNECTION_LINK; // Resource array variable that contains the parameters to the database connection; private $_CONNECTION_ERROR; // String variable that contains the current error, should there be one; // Cureent database query paramters; private $_QUERY_SQL; // String variable containing the SQL to be executed; public $_QUERY_QRY; // Resource variable containing the result to the query; public $_QUERY_ROW; // Method to free the database resource links and results and to unset the member variables and finally free memory; public function db_free_result() { if (isset($this->_QUERY_QRY)) { mysql_free_result($this->_QUERY_QRY); } } // Checks to see if a connection is already open; public function db_is_conn_open() { if ($this->_CONNECTION_LINK[$this->_CONNECTION_ID] == TRUE) { return true; } else { return false; } } private function db_opn_conn() { // Open an non-existant connection, providing one isn't already open if (empty($this->_CONNECTION_LINK[$this->_CONNECTION_ID])) { $this->_CONNECTION_LINK[$this->_CONNECTION_ID] = mysql_connect(MYSQL_HOSTNAME, MYSQL_USERNAME, MYSQL_PASSWORD) or $this->_CONNECTION_ERROR = mysql_error(); if (isset($this->_CONNECTION_ERROR)) { echo $this->_CONNECTION_ERROR; unset($this->_CONNECTION_ERROR); $this->db_cls_conn(); return false; } else { return true; } } else { // Throw an error is an attempt was made to open a new connection when one is already open; ?><p>Error: Cannot open a new MySQL database connection, one already exists.</p><?php return false; } } // Close an already open connection; private function db_cls_conn() { if (!empty($this->_CONNECTION_LINK[$this->_CONNECTION_ID])) { // Close an existing connection, and increment the $_CONNECTION_ID variable by one; mysql_close($this->_CONNECTION_LINK[$this->_CONNECTION_ID]) or $this->_CONNECTION_ERROR = mysql_error(); // Output an error if there is one, else continue; if (isset($this->_CONNECTION_ERROR)) { echo $this->_CONNECTION_ERROR; unset($this->_CONNECTION_ERROR); return false; } else { $this->_CONNECTION_LINK[$this->_CONNECTION_ID] = NULL; $this->_CONNECTION_ID++; return true; } } else { // Throw an error if an attempt was made to close a non-existant connection; ?><p>Error: Cannot close a non-existant MySQL database connection.</p><?php return false; } } // Open or close a database connection // This method is the one to be called when opening or closing // a connection to the database as it will be automatically // determine whether or not a connection is already open, and // thus will open or close a single connection to the database. public function db_connect() { if (!isset($this->_CONNECTION_ID)) { $this->_CONNECTION_ID = 0; } if (!empty($this->_CONNECTION_LINK[$this->_CONNECTION_ID])) { $this->db_cls_conn(); } else { $this->db_opn_conn(); } } // Report current connection and server status; public function db_report_conn_stat() { if ($this->_CONNECTION_LINK[$this->_CONNECTION_ID] == TRUE) { // If the connection is active... ?><p>Notice: A connection to the MySQL database at '<?php echo MYSQL_HOSTNAME;?>' is valid and open.<br /> Current MySQL database server system status will now be displayed below this message.</p><?php $status = explode(" ", mysql_stat($this->_CONNECTION_LINK[$this->_CONNECTION_ID])); for ($i = 0; $i < count($status); $i++) { echo ($i == 0) ? $status[$i] : "<br />\n" . $status[$i]; } $this->db_report_conn_count(); } else { // If the connection is inactive... ?> <p>Error: There seems to be a problem regarding the connection to the MySQL database at '<?php echo MYSQL_HOSTNAME;?>'.<br /> Please make certain that the database server is running and/or your connection parameters are correct and try again.</p> <?php } } // Report current connection count public function db_report_conn_count() { ?><p><?php echo $this->_CONNECTION_ID;?> individual database connection(s) made to generate this page.</p><?php } // Fetch data from a specific table in the database; public function _SITE_DB_INTERFACE_OBJ($_TABLE, $_QUERY) { if ($this->db_is_conn_open()) { // Access a database; mysql_select_db($_TABLE) or $this->_CONNECTION_ERROR = mysql_error(); // Output an error if there is one, else continue; if (isset($this->_CONNECTION_ERROR)) { echo $this->_CONNECTION_ERROR; unset($this->_CONNECTION_ERROR); return false; } else { // Access a specific table and/or row in the database and then store the resource link in the object's member variable; $this->_QUERY_SQL = $_QUERY; $this->_QUERY_QRY = mysql_query(mysq_real_escape_string($this->_QUERY_SQL)) or $this->_CONNECTION_ERROR = mysql_error(); echo $this->_CONNECTION_ERROR; return true; } } } public function __destruct() { unset($this->_CONNECTION_ID, $this->_CONNECTION_LINK, $this->_CONNECTION_ERROR, $this->_QUERY_SQL, $this->_QUERY_QRY); return true; } } ?>
  3. This code is giving me a headache... <?php class SITE { public $_SITE_DB_INTERFACE_OBJ; public $_SITE_GLOBAL_CONSTANTS; private function load_dependencies() { REQUIRE_ONCE("lib/lib_constants.php"); $this->_SITE_GLOBAL_CONSTANTS = new CONSTANTS; REQUIRE_ONCE(PATH_TO_LIB_DIR . "lib_mysql.php"); $this->_SITE_DB_INTERFACE_OBJ = new DB_INTERFACE; } public function __construct() { $this->load_dependencies(); } } $SITE = new SITE; $SITE->_SITE_DB_INTERFACE_OBJ->db_execute_sql("website","SELECT * FROM site_articles WHERE article_shortcut='test_article'"); ?> The last line returns the following error: PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method DB_INTERFACE::db_execute_sql() in C:\\Program Files\\Apache Software Foundation\\Apache2.2\\htdocs\\v2\\index.php on line 68 As in the above code, I would like to be able to access the DB_INTERFACE methods contained in the SITE class member variable of $_SITE_GLOBAL_CONSTANTS; But PHP tells me that the said method is undefined. Tell me, is any special syntax to be used in order to use the methods of an object assigned to a member variable of another object? Thanks in advance. -Dave
  4. I'm not sure about the connection code in the installation script, I daren't tamper with that... PHP.net tells me to enable an extension in my configuration and following that, correct connection settings... in which I have done and also add a client library file to the Win XP path in which I have done, and to make sure things are working correctly I downloaded the up-to-date PHP connector extensions from MySQL.com.
  5. I have correctly configured MySQL to accept incoming connections, but my latest problem is configuring PHP to connect to it, as you can see in my topic discription, I am trying to install phpBB and because of my problem I'm not getting very far.
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