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Everything posted by eranwein

  1. how do i increment a record field which is a type of datetime to be it's initial value plus let's say one year. i want to use one UPDATE query, and not SELECT and then UPDATE. for example '2004-11-15 10:11:48' will be 2005-11-15 10:11:48.
  2. i have in my project something like 300 querys. all built with "mydb.", so i'm guessing this is not the reason... btw, whenever i forgot to call "mydb." it failed to run.
  3. just did. it doesnt work
  4. i have two tables: tblItem and tblItemColor. i want to delete some records from the tblItemByColor table. this is the query i'm trying: DELETE FROM mydb.tblItemByColor WHERE item_number = 10 AND (color_number = 6 OR color_number = 9) no rows are effected by running it, although there are records with those properties.
  5. gave it a shot. it doesnt work
  6. it's a submit() function that operates "post" method and it's action is the addres of the other page.
  7. i have a function that adds a record to a table and then redirects the user to a different page where he should see all of the table's records, including the one that was just added. the problem is that the second page shows all of the records except the one that was just added. after a lot of testings, i've tried to manualy refresh the database (mysql-front). after i did that, i've refreshed my page and lost record was found. is that the way it suppose to be? if so, is there a function in php that refreshes the database?
  8. the missing ; is not relavent because it's not copy+paste from the code. how do io set my error reporting to display my problam?
  9. i need to check if an uploaded file exists. i'm using file_exists($filename). as i understand, the $filename should be the path and name of the uploaded file. $_FILES['uploadedFile']['name'] returns only the name but not the path. so how do i do it?
  10. i know that it's a problem most of you didnt encounter with, but still... i'm trying to upload files. this is the code i'm using: if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadedFile']['tmp_name'],$file_path)) print "file insert" else print "file not insert"; when i'm trying to upload files containing hebrew words, it doesnt do anything. it doesnt even print "file not insert". is there any configuration i have to do ?
  11. i have an array stored in $_SESSION. ($_SESSION['some_array']). how do i remove it from the session without using unset() for each of the array values?
  12. i have a tsble field which is defined as varchar(11) for storing mobile phone number. the values should be in this format: 999-999999. when i run an UPDATE query, it stores it with different value and without the "-". but when i write it directly to the database with mysql-front there is no problem. so, what should i do? let me just say that i know about the option of seperating the two values into two different fields, but i would prefer it to be done as explained.
  13. thanks. works great. to all the others who reads it, notice that there is a missing $ on date2. thanks again, eran
  14. is there any function that returns a random date between two givven dates?
  15. i want my user to upload a file to the server. there are some buttons which call the submit() function. the thing is that if the user has browsed for the file has yet to upload it to the server, each time he presses one of these buttons, the browsed file dissapears from the file box. i've tried to write: value = "$_FILES['file1']['name'], but as i understand it can't be done. any ideas?
  16. i would prefer the first option, but any other help would also be appreciated.
  17. can anybody send me a link to a script that handles with sending a reminder email to a user that forgot his passwrod?
  18. you only changed "<? " to "<?php". well... i've checked it anyway and it doesn't work. thanks anyway.
  19. i'm trying to send mail but it doesnt work. this is what i wrote: <? mail('myMail@yahoo.com', 'My Subject', 'something'); ?> what am i'm doing wrong?
  20. i have two dates which are formed by date and time. how do i get the difference between them. let's say i need the number of days or hours that pased between start and end?
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