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Everything posted by dmcalerney

  1. Howdy all, I'm trying to use passthru to run a batch file that is in the same directory as my script.  I keep getting the error "CGI Error The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers.".  I've googled for a while now but I haven't been able to find any pertinant help.  Here's my simple  test batch file called copy.bat. [code]copy functions.php ..\functions.php exit[/code] Here's how I'm launching it from PHP: [code]<?php echo passthru("start /b copy.bat > logme.txt", $return); echo "return:" . $return . "<br>"; ?>[/code] Here's My Specs: Windows Server 2003 IIS 6 PHP 4.3 Looks simple enough, but I can't get past this error.  Any ideas? Danny
  2. I didn't post a script because it's happining on a lot of mine. Here's a generic (and otherwise useless) example of my scripts. this is called my_script.php [code]<?php session_start(); header("Cache-control: private"); include("functions.php"); $taco = $_SESSION['taco']; $taco_count = $_SESSION['taco_count']; echo "Here is taco: $taco<br>"; $taco_count++; $_SESSION['taco_count'] = $taco_count; ?> <html>     <head>              <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">             window.location="my_script.php";         </script>         --/>     </head> </html>[/code] In IE I'll See this:(assuming I defined taco in an earlier script) Here is taco: Chicken And I'd see that every time the script calls itself. But in firefox, it won't display that line. Know what I mean?
  3. I've got this script where it does some calculations and at the end it calls itself again. In internet explorer, all of my echo statements that I'm using for debugging are showing up on the screen. They don't show up when I'm using firefox. Does anyone else know what's up with this? Thanx, Danny
  4. That didn't work for me. If I understand what you are trying to do, this might work a little bit better. [code]<?php $vCht4 = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= 52; $i++) {     if ($i < 10)     {         $temp = "0" . $i;     }     else     {         $temp = $i;     }     $salescum[$i] = $temp; } $vCht4 = $salescum; for ($i = 1; $i < sizeof($salescum); $i++) {     ECHO $salescum[$i] . "<br>"; } ?>[/code]
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