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Everything posted by calvinmcdaniel

  1. That's true. After creating the database, I added "Grant all privileges *.* to 'calvinmcdaniel'@'localhost' identified by 'perrydog; I've read a couple articles about mysql adding prefixed to usernames and another about not using the ' around password. Squirrel Cart support hasn't really helped. They say it has to be something with mysql. In their config file store.php, it wants you to add the following : $sql_host = 'localhost'; $sql_username = 'calvinmcdaniel'; $sql_password = 'perrydog'; $db = 'c:\program files\mysql\mysql server 5.0\data\framedata; Do these look correct. Framedata is the name of my database to connect to. Thanks Calvin
  2. Totally new to MySQL. Just purchased a shopping cart called Squirrel Cart. It required setting up user name, password and database. I have followed the Squirrel Cart instructions to set these up and the database is created; however, the Squirrel Cart software cannot connect to mysql database when username, password and database are supplied. Any suggestions how to resolve this. Would someone be willing to look at the config.htm from Squirrel Cart that was created to troubleshoot. Thanks Calvin
  3. I need some help. I am running Apache server and would like to run 2 website from same IP. I've read the docs on how to set up the virtual hosts, but still can't get it. I'm confused about the main server area at the top of httpd file for document root and directory. Are those to be left blank in order to pick up the virtual host information. My sites come in on port 8000. I've added this without luck. namevirtualhose *:8000 <virtualhost *:8000> documentroot c:\apache2\htdocs\cmcwebsite servername www.cmcdaniel.com </virtualhost> <virtualhost *:8000> documentroot c:\apache2\htdocs\awesomeframes servername www.awesomeframes.com </virtualhost> Where am I messing up, please. Thanks Calvin McDaniel
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