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Posts posted by tibberous

  1. I just use a md5('!h6'.$password.'8mj'). That way if my hash list was to get stolen it couldn't be ran against a md5 database, and even if they got my algorithm, it would mean creating a new database. Guess a salt would be better, since then it would mean making a new database per password.


    How about this:




    Wow! That accomplishes everything that a salt would, except you don't have to store it.


    Damn that is awesome, from now on, that is how I'm doing my hashes.

  2. I am using Joomla, and am having some trouble getting rid of some of it's built in features. I want to make it so that if someone goes to the url Blog.html, it gives a 404 error. Making this even harder is the fact that I have SEO friendly links already on, meaning that Blog.html is already getting rewrote... as something...


    Does anyone know a way around this?

  3. Probably that you don't have a mail server setup on port 25, or that if you do it isn't running right.


    What you need to do is go to http://www.softstack.com/scrfreesmtp.html and download and install their free smtp server for Windows. After you install it, run the program and you will be able to send mail - if you don't want to screw with your php.ini file, just make sure that you set a From header. Keep in mind that sending from a local machine, a lot of servers (ie: yahoo) will block you, others, like gmail, will send you straight to the spam box.

  4. Wow...


    Did you make a different table for... everything?


    You might want to ... I mean, you could make a table called items, and put everything in it - and only make one query and loop it. Performance wise you don't want to make that many queries...


    I've never seen so many queries... that must have taken forever...


    You might want to look into classes - normally I don't recommend using them due to the general nature of web scripts, but the way you are creating items with properties it probably would be a good use for them.

  5. You have it easy, I had to learn with C++, and then move on to Perl. Ever see Perl code? And all the functions took references and changed the input parameters - it wasn't $string = trim($string), it was trim($string), which seems nice till you realize you can't chain anyway.


    Oh, and Delphi, which was hard because it was more strongly typed than C++ - there were function to convert big ints to little ones!

  6. I want to make it so that browsers will cache the images, scripts and css pages from my site, but not the php pages themselves. Is all I need to do add this?


    header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');

    header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate');

    header('Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', FALSE);

    header('Pragma: no-cache');

  7. I am trying to make the switch from PHP freelancer to webmaster but am having some trouble. I'm down to about a hundred bucks and even if I do manage to get my big site up this week, probably won't have any money from it for a month or two, and even then I'm not sure how much. I don't want to freelance until my sites are up because it will just slow me down - I thought about selling some scripts but I'm not real sure how and everything but my FLV player would take some time to clean up enough to be considered a resellable script. Anyone have any ideas? or want to buy an FLV player? =/


    I also have a VPS that I can setup CPanel hosting accounts on, so I could sell hosting, but I can't picture I'd make much doing that.

  8. this should be moved to the CSS forum :P


    Not necessarily, he could use GD to overlay his photos over that image, then cache the result so he didn't kill his server.


    But if you want to use straight html, you need to cut the image into 8 pieces, and throw them in a table. Basically, you have the 4 corners, which are a fixed size, then the top and bottom, which are a fixed height, and then the right and left, which are a fixed with. So, your table is three rows, with three columns. Here is a site I made that uses that effect, http://www.suckered.us/


    Notice that it doesn't load that great - it looks really nice, but when the page first loads you can see the layout being pieced together, and it takes a minute.

  9. I am looking for a way to have users upload images, with an upload progress bar. I tried using SWF Uploader, which uses Flash and PHP, but had a hell of a time getting it to work. Basically I want a way for them to choose an image, and after they do, it to upload the image and display it, and let them either remove the image or upload more. I also want something that, at very worst, will degrade into a normal file upload box.


    Does anyone know of a way to do this? Maybe something without Flash, just like AJAX and PHP?



  10. I have a file. I want to read in the first 64 bytes, as 8, 8 byte integers.


    Does anyone know how to do this? It is a binary file, so I was thinking to open it up as binary, read($fp, 8), then convert it to a number somehow?

  11. Swf files are able to load content externally, it can help load times and make them harder to steal.


    I'd just try to download it normally and see what you get. If it doesn't look like anything, decompile it and you'll probably the find the code to a loader.

  12. I never liked Linux - it runs slow and crashes a lot, most programs are hard to setup on it.


    It doesn't have text-to-speech (you might be able to add it, if you compile festival from source) or Flash CS3 (maybe you can run it under Wine). Basically, if you are smart enough to run linux, you should be smart enough to go get a cracked version XP - who needs updates anyway?

  13. Server powered just took me for $30. Unless you are really good at Linux I would watch getting anything unmanaged from them, as they are really stripped down out of the box. They don't have PHP, but they also don't have a lot of the standard Linux packages, like Yum and GCC. I will say that the VPS was fast, just they really want their $60/mo. If you give them the $60 up front, get it setup, then downgrade, they might be alright. They won't let me do that now though =(


    Bluehost.com are great, just slow. Even their web site is slow.


    I just want something fast with a good company, that will be able to take some traffic. I really just need the basic setup, PHP 5, Apache 2, maybe Tidy and Curl, and a name server that works with my domains. I'm just tight on cash right now - need really need the next host to be the right one.


    Anyone have any advice? I was looking more for a VPS than a standard host, more for speed than any VPS related features.

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