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Everything posted by liltbobas

  1. You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''electronics'' at line 1
  2. fixed spaces, still doesn't work. any other suggestions?
  3. I'm trying to build a script to load tab delimited text files into my database, but I can't get a working query. Here's what I got: $command = mysql_query ("LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/file.txt' INTO TABLE electronics FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' (ITEM NUMBER, ITEM NAME, CATEGORY, SUB-CATEGORY, DESCRIPTION, WEIGHT, WHOLESALE PRICE, RETAIL PRICE, SHIPPING, HANDLING, CARRIER NAME, QUANTITY IN STOCK, IMAGE SMALL, IMAGE MEDIUM, IMAGE LARGE, DETAIL URL)"); if ($command) { echo "<br>good"; } else { echo "<br>bad"; } It returns bad every time. Any suggestions? Thanks.
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