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Posts posted by black.horizons

  1. Hi Guys,


    I'm doing a website for a client - and all my forms (bar one) are using the POST method. I'm getting the typical "Don't Hit Back" message - due the post method recalling - and double submitting data. I want to get rid of this and I've read about the PRG method.


    I've tried a simple implementation here: www.catalyticstudios.haisoft.net/grr/send.php


    but it doesn't seem to work. Both pages have their code echo'd too - so you can have a look at the code i've put on there. Any ideas what's gone wrong?



  2. i guess you're trying to make your own gmail app? otherwise you wouldn't need your password to be included in that. Can't really see the need to make your own gmail - but whatever floats your boat.


    I would imagine it's possible sites like www.bebo.com let you sign in to gmail to access your contact book to add them as contacts to your social network.

  3. hmm i'm not sure. surely IE6 would be kind enough to tell them there's an error...if not a white screen a blue one!


    One user is using a Home PC, the other is using a computer on a network that i was previously connected to - and I had no problems access the site on that network myself.

  4. hi all,


    i've developed this site: www.annadale.co.uk. I've had a couple of users reporting issues with login (2 out of 67 users - 3%).


    Their issue is that when they fill in the login form and hit return, or click the button that the screen goes mysteriously blank, and does nothing.


    The way I have the login set to work is to send the details to a process.php page, which then bounces the user over to the homepage (this page then checks the login details - to make sure the user is logged in - as do most pages on the site).


    I cannot seem to get this error myself running XP, and Firefox 2.0, IE6, IE7 or Opera 9. I know that both the users are running IE6 on XP.


    Any ideas?

  5. fantasy_teams: teamid, teamname, gk, def1, def2, def3, def4, mid1, mid2, mid3, mid4, for1, for2, owner


    fantasy_players: playerid, firstname, lastname, position


    fantasy_players_weekly: playerid, clean_sheet, league_goals, cup_goals, green_cards, yellow_cards, red_cards, date


    fantasy_settings: name, value, comment


    owner in fantasy_teams links to a table called users (this is irrelevant at this stage). teamid and playerid are PK's (not in _weekly).

  6. Hi all,


    i'm making a fantasy hockey buildin for my clubs website. At the minute I've got:


    A table with the team details - team name as well as the 11 players in the team - id'd by unique number.

    I have another table with a new row for match one player plays in (it has date and number of goals, number of cards).

    I also have a table with the players details (name, position)

    I also have a table settings with details about points per position for a goal (defense gets 15, midfield gets 10, forward gets 5), as well as points per card (same points for everyone).


    Now I need to write php to multiply the points per goal by the total number of goals scored, as well as per cards and number of cards for every player in a team, and make a total value of points (so 11 players worth of goal points, and card points). The points each player gets per goal depends on their position.


    ..then when this total is made for every team i'll need to be ordering the total values to make a leaderboard.


    i've never attempted anything so mind boggling! i once read about temporary tables...and i'm thinking they might be able to help in some fashion? anybody have any ideas?

  7. hi all,


    i'm giving in 11 variables to a function and i need to make sure they're all unique - is there a quick way to do this, or do i have to do a MASS of if's ...


    if($p1 == $p2){ echo "ERROR"; }

    if($p1 == $p3){ echo "ERROR"; }

    if($p1 == $p4){ echo "ERROR"; }

    if($p1 == $p5){ echo "ERROR"; }

    if($p1 == $p6){ echo "ERROR"; }

    if($p1 == $p7){ echo "ERROR"; }

    if($p1 == $p8){ echo "ERROR"; }

    if($p1 == $p9){ echo "ERROR"; }

    if($p1 == $p10){ echo "ERROR"; }

    if($p1 == $p11){ echo "ERROR"; }


    and repeat that section for each 11 variables .. i.e. change $p1 to $p2 and repeat till $p11...and then at the very end if there's no error then it has to carry out an operation in an else {} statement.


    any shortcut there?


    i've been racking my brains here!

  8. worked a treat. i had the rows displaying in a foreach loop - as the number of rows was determined frmo the number of results returned from a mysql table. for anybody else with a similar problem in future after the "while" line put "$i=0;" at the end of your foreach loop (i.e. before the "}" put "$i++;". Insert " <input type="checkbox" name="ticked[$i]" " where appropriate.


    Many thanks akitchin. I knew what I needed and what the problem was, just wasn't aware I could state the array key explicitly. Come to think of it I should have known this ... no matter.

  9. hi all,


    i have a datagrid (several columns of arrays). submitting values from textboxes is fine, as submitted values are related to each row (i.e. for row1 if text entered is "boo" then that is what is returned for row1.) however i have tried to implement checkboxes and have discovered that if you tick the box for row 5 and non of the four preceding rows, then what is returned says row1 has the box ticked. this i gather is from the checkbox not submitting a value if it is not ticked. is there a way round this?


    that explanation was totally pants, and if anybody understands it i for one will be amazed!!


    tia - alex

  10. the links are arranged by the order that they're added to the database. the news could be second - but its not majorly important because its only an archive repository. The mens link is second [the first "database page"] because its the most hit section - according to my google analytics anyway!!


    photoshop isn't my strong point, and unfortunately nobody else in the club is interested in webdesign etc - the nearest is web security! (so i'm getting ssl on soon)

  11. the extra bar is because when a user logs in there is upto ten hyperlinks involving members items - which alongside the submenu content would stretch beyond the width of the page.


    the darker content area is fine a good idea - i'll change it sometime (working on the backend a bit more)


    more content? 90 news articles for a local club I thought was good going - the point of the fluid width is to cover screen widths. I have a very mixed range of users runing from 800 x 600 right upto 1900 x 1200 (a lot of those both and a lot at 1024 x 768).


    the verification is weak - and i developed the site on another server which supported making a captcha script - when i transferred it over i found the server didn't support using fonts to make jpgs and i don't have the permissions to change that! [ i borrowed the current idea from techcrunch's contact page ]


    the errors need looked at - ive put in a lot of error captures (because the backend is used by so many various levels of user) and when i started out - instead of making an error css style - i used 




    which was stupid of me to do - wouldn't take 1/2 hour to change all the files appropriately. I'll change that too!!

  12. security issues involve more validating user input - what you've stated there is more admin - like removing "bad words" posts...and helping a user get back into the system.


    by validating input we mean - not allowing people to use queries to access things on your site by putting the MySQL query into the URL.


    or by making sure if they're selecting a news article that if it doesn't exist - you site does something silly like implode - rather it shows the user that the news article they've hacked for doesn't work and their time would be better served elsewhere.


    best thing to remember is to code for every eventuality - it saves a lot of hassle later.


    since it looks like you haven't much notion with PHP i suggest "googling" a tutorial on logins first - that's what i started with - and saves soo much hassle later, as the login check will need to be implemented on nearly every page, and all i had to do was to add an included php file :)


    it'll be sure to serve you a return on lovely things like sessions, which can be hard to understand at first, best thing to do is follow the tutorial, then start your own from scratch when you get your head round how it works.

  13. nope programmed by me. i've only heard of drupal - never seen it in action, and wanted to build it myself.


    only reason it's fluid is so it looks decent on most resolutions...although i've realised today that my banners are too big at 800 wide...need it to fit on a 800 * 600 screen as 10% of visitors use 800*600 - according to google analytics

  14. well having just build the same thing, it took me six months. but that was on and off. probably could squeeze that down to 2 months work - staying up to 4am on some occassions....


    you won't need an smtp server for the mail - provided you use an online server, and just use the php mail() function.


    www.annadale.co.uk - that was it.

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