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Everything posted by emcquaid

  1. gd1991-08-18.21349.txt is in M:\Grateful Dead\1991-08-18 Yankee Hotel Foxtrot Demos info.txt is in M:\Wilco\Yankee Hotel Foxtrot Demos for example. I suppose I could rename all the info files info.txt, if pulling any txt file in the directory is a problem... (there's probably a batch rename file utility out there?) Thanks, Eric
  2. Noob alert. I'm trying to modify netjukebox to display a text file on the Playlist tab.  I have figured out how to display a known txt file with echo, but how do I display an unknown file.  In other words, if netjukebox is playing a tune and there is a txt file in that directory, I want NJB to display that file.   There are about 933 albums and many of them have txt files containing information about the album or show, but they all have unique filenames. Thanks in advance for any help. Cheers, Eric [code] <?php //  +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ //  | This file is part of netjukebox.                                          | //  | netjukebox is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify        | //  | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      | //  | the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or         | //  | (at your option) any later version.                                       | //  |                                                                           | //  | netjukebox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,             | //  | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            | //  | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the             | //  | GNU General Public License for more details.                              | //  |                                                                           | //  | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License         | //  | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software               | //  | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA | //  +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ //  +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ //  | playlist.php                                                              | //  +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ini_set('max_execution_time', '650'); require_once('include/initialize.inc.php'); authenticate('access_playlist', true, false); require_once('include/httpq.inc.php'); require_once('include/header.inc.php'); //  +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ //  | Update Repeat Status                                                      | //  +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ function UpdateRepeatStatus($status) { global $cfg; if ($status == '1')    echo '<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById(\'repeat\').innerHTML=\'<img src="' . $cfg['img'] . '/player_repeat_on.gif" alt="" width="50" height="21" border="0">\';</script>' . "\n"; else                echo '<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById(\'repeat\').innerHTML=\'<img src="' . $cfg['img'] . '/player_repeat_off.gif" alt="" width="50" height="21" border="0">\';</script>' . "\n"; } //  +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ //  | Update Shuffle Status                                                     | //  +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ function UpdateShuffleStatus($status) { global $cfg; if ($status == '1')    echo'<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById(\'shuffle\').innerHTML=\'<img src="' . $cfg['img'] . '/player_shuffle_on.gif" alt="" width="50" height="21" border="0">\';</script>' . "\n"; else                echo'<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById(\'shuffle\').innerHTML=\'<img src="' . $cfg['img'] . '/player_shuffle_off.gif" alt="" width="50" height="21" border="0">\';</script>' . "\n"; } //  +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ //  | Update Play Status                                                        | //  +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ function UpdatePlayStatus($status) { global $cfg; if ($status == '0')    // stop     {     echo'<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById(\'play\').innerHTML=\'<img src="' . $cfg['img'] . '/player_play_off.gif" alt="" width="30" height="21" border="0">\';</script>' . "\n";     echo'<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById(\'pause\').innerHTML=\'<img src="' . $cfg['img'] . '/player_pause_off.gif" alt="" width="30" height="21" border="0">\';</script>' . "\n";     } if ($status == '1') // play     {     echo'<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById(\'play\').innerHTML=\'<img src="' . $cfg['img'] . '/player_play_on.gif" alt="" width="30" height="21" border="0">\';</script>' . "\n";     echo'<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById(\'pause\').innerHTML=\'<img src="' . $cfg['img'] . '/player_pause_off.gif" alt="" width="30" height="21" border="0">\';</script>' . "\n";     } if ($status == '3') // pause     {     echo'<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById(\'play\').innerHTML=\'<img src="' . $cfg['img'] . '/player_play_off.gif" alt="" width="30" height="21" border="0">\';</script>' . "\n";     echo'<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById(\'pause\').innerHTML=\'<img src="' . $cfg['img'] . '/player_pause_on.gif" alt="" width="30" height="21" border="0">\';</script>' . "\n";     } } $listpos        = httpq('getlistpos'); $listlength        = httpq('getlistlength'); $files            = httpq('getplaylistfile', 'delim=*'); $file            = explode('*', $files); $featuring        = false; for($i=0; $i < $listlength && !$featuring; $i++)     {     $relative_file = str_replace('\\', '/', $file[$i]);     $relative_file = substr($relative_file, strlen($cfg['media_share']));     $query = mysql_query('SELECT featuring FROM track WHERE featuring != "" AND relative_file = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($relative_file) . '"');     if (mysql_fetch_array($query)) $featuring = true;     } $relative_file = str_replace('\\', '/', $file[$listpos]); $relative_file = substr($relative_file, strlen($cfg['media_share'])); $query = mysql_query('SELECT artist, title, featuring, playtime, playtime_miliseconds, album_id FROM track WHERE relative_file = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($relative_file) . '"'); $track = mysql_fetch_array($query); $query = mysql_query('SELECT artist, album, year FROM album WHERE album_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($track['album_id']) . '"'); $album = mysql_fetch_array($query); if ($track['album_id'])    $image = '<a href="index.php?menu=browse&command=view3&album_id=' . $track['album_id'] . '" target="_top"><img src="image.php?album_id=' . $track['album_id'] . '&size=100" alt="" width="100" height="100" border="0"></a>'; else     {     $stream = false;     foreach($cfg['stream_prefix'] as $stream_prefix)             If (strtolower(substr($file[$listpos], 0, strlen($stream_prefix))) == $stream_prefix)                 {                 $stream = true;                 break;                 }     if ($stream)    $image = '<a href="http://www.shoutcast.com" target="main"><img src="images/image_stream.gif" alt="" width="100" height="100" border="0"></a>';     else            $image = '<img src="images/image_notindatabase.gif" alt="" width="100" height="100" border="0">';     } ?> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="border"> <tr class="odd">     <td width="100" height="100" rowspan="4"><?php echo $image; ?></td>     <td rowspan="4" class="vertical_line"><img src="images/dummy.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1" border="0"></td>     <td><img src="images/dummy.gif" alt="" width="10" height="21" border="0"></td>     <td><font class="small">Artist:         </font></td>     <td width="100%"><?php echo htmlentities($track['artist']); ?></td> </tr> <tr class="even">     <td></td>     <td><font class="small">Title:</font></td>     <td><?php echo htmlentities($track['title']); ?></td> </tr> <tr class="odd">     <td></td>     <td><font class="small">Album:</font></td>     <td><?php echo htmlentities($album['album']); ?></td> </tr> <tr class="even">     <td></td>     <td><font class="small">By:</font></td>     <td><?php if ($track['artist'] != $album['artist'] && !in_array(strtolower($album['artist']), array('various', 'singles', 'compilation', 'remix', 'video', 'movie', 'dvd', 'radio', 'tv'))) echo htmlentities($album['artist']); ?></td> </tr> <tr>     <td colspan="5" class="line"></td> </tr> <tr>     <td colspan="5" class="footer">     <!-- ---- begin controll bar ---- -->     <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">         <?php if ($cfg['access_play'])             { ?>     <tr class="footer" style="height: auto;">                     <td rowspan="3" onClick="dummy.location.href='httpq.php?command=ToggleShuffle'" onMouseOver="style.cursor='hand'"><div id="shuffle"><img src="<?php echo $cfg['img']; ?>/player_shuffle.gif" alt="" width="50" height="21" border="0"></div></td>         <td rowspan="3" onClick="dummy.location.href='httpq.php?command=ToggleRepeat'" onMouseOver="style.cursor='hand'"><div id="repeat"><img src="<?php echo $cfg['img']; ?>/player_repeat.gif" alt="" width="50" height="21" border="0"></div></td>         <td rowspan="3"><a href="httpq.php?command=prev" target="dummy"><img src="<?php echo $cfg['img']; ?>/player_previous.gif" alt="" width="30" height="21" border="0"></a></td>         <td rowspan="3" onClick="dummy.location.href='httpq.php?command=play'" onMouseOver="style.cursor='hand'"><div id="play"><img src="<?php echo $cfg['img']; ?>/player_play.gif" alt="" width="30" height="21" border="0"></div></td>         <td rowspan="3" onClick="dummy.location.href='httpq.php?command=pause'" onMouseOver="style.cursor='hand'"><div id="pause"><img src="<?php echo $cfg['img']; ?>/player_pause.gif" alt="" width="30" height="21" border="0"></div></td>         <td rowspan="3"><a href="httpq.php?command=stop" target="dummy"><img src="<?php echo $cfg['img']; ?>/player_stop.gif" alt="" width="30" height="21" border="0"></a></td>         <td rowspan="3"><a href="httpq.php?command=next" target="dummy"><img src="<?php echo $cfg['img']; ?>/player_next.gif" alt="" width="30" height="21" border="0"></a></td>                  <td rowspan="3"><img src="<?php echo $cfg['img']; ?>/player_progress_left.gif" alt="" width="5" height="21" border="0"></td>         <td><a href="httpq.php?command=SeekImageMap&dx=200&xy=" target="dummy"><img src="<?php echo $cfg['img']; ?>/player_progress_up.gif" alt="" width="200" height="5" border="0" ismap></a></td>         <td rowspan="3"><img src="<?php echo $cfg['img']; ?>/player_progress_right.gif" alt="" width="5" height="21" border="0"></td>         <td width="50" rowspan="3" align="center" style="background-image: url(<?php echo $cfg['img']; ?>/player_playtime.gif);"><div id="time"></div></td>                  <td rowspan="3"><img src="<?php echo $cfg['img']; ?>/player_progress_left.gif" alt="" width="5" height="21" border="0"></td>         <td><a href="httpq.php?command=VolumeImageMap&dx=200&xy=" target="dummy"><img src="<?php echo $cfg['img']; ?>/player_progress_up.gif" alt="" width="200" height="5" border="0" ismap></a></td>         <td rowspan="3"><img src="<?php echo $cfg['img']; ?>/player_progress_right.gif" alt="" width="5" height="21" border="0"></td>         <td width="50" rowspan="3" align="center" style="background-image: url(<?php echo $cfg['img']; ?>/player_playtime.gif);"><div id="volume"></div></td>     </tr>     <tr>         <td height="5" style="background-image: url(<?php echo $cfg['img']; ?>/player_progress_background.gif);"><div id="timebar"></div></td>         <td height="5" style="background-image: url(<?php echo $cfg['img']; ?>/player_progress_background.gif);"><div id="volumebar"></div></td>     </tr>     <tr>         <td width="200"><a href="httpq.php?command=SeekImageMap&dx=200&xy=" target="dummy"><img src="<?php echo $cfg['img']; ?>/player_progress_down.gif" alt="" width="200" height="11" border="0" ismap></a></td>         <td width="200"><a href="httpq.php?command=VolumeImageMap&dx=200&xy=" target="dummy"><img src="<?php echo $cfg['img']; ?>/player_progress_down.gif" alt="" width="200" height="11" border="0" ismap></a></td>     </tr>         <?php             }         else             { ?>     <tr class="footer" style="height: auto;">                                 <td rowspan="3"><img src="<?php echo $cfg['img']; ?>/player_back_left.gif" alt="" width="5" height="21" border="0"></td>         <td rowspan="3"><img src="<?php echo $cfg['img']; ?>/player_back.gif" alt="" width="90" height="21" border="0"></td>         <td rowspan="3"><img src="<?php echo $cfg['img']; ?>/player_back_right.gif" alt="" width="5" height="21" border="0"></td>                  <td rowspan="3"><img src="<?php echo $cfg['img']; ?>/player_progress_left.gif" alt="" width="5" height="21" border="0"></td>         <td><img src="<?php echo $cfg['img']; ?>/player_progress_up.gif" alt="" width="200" height="5" border="0" ismap></td>         <td rowspan="3"><img src="<?php echo $cfg['img']; ?>/player_progress_right.gif" alt="" width="5" height="21" border="0"></td>         <td width="50" rowspan="3" align="center" style="background-image: url(<?php echo $cfg['img']; ?>/player_playtime.gif);"><div id="time"></div></td>     <tr>         <td height="5" style="background-image: url(<?php echo $cfg['img']; ?>/player_progress_background.gif);"><div id="timebar"></div></td>     </tr>     <tr>         <td width="200"><img src="<?php echo $cfg['img']; ?>/player_progress_down.gif" alt="" width="200" height="11" border="0" ismap></td>     </tr>         <?php             } ?>     </table>     <!-- ---- end controll bar ---- -->     </td> </tr> </table> <br><br> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="border"> <tr class="header">     <td class="spacer"></td>     <td>Artist</td>     <td class="textspace"></td>     <td>Title</td>     <td class="textspace"></td>     <td><?php if ($featuring) echo'Featuring'; ?></td><!-- optional featuring -->     <td<?php if ($featuring) echo' class="textspace"'; ?>></td>     <td></td><!-- optional delete -->     <td width="40" align="right">Time</td>     <td class="spacer"></td> </tr> <tr class="line"><td colspan="10"></td></tr> <?php for($i=0; $i < $listlength; $i++)     {     $relative_file = str_replace('\\', '/', $file[$i]);     $relative_file = substr($relative_file, strlen($cfg['media_share']));     $query = mysql_query('SELECT title, artist, featuring, playtime FROM track WHERE relative_file = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($relative_file) . '"');     $table_track = mysql_fetch_array($query);     if (!isset($table_track['artist']))         {         $table_track['artist']    = 'file/stream';         $table_track['title']    = $file[$i];         } ?> <tr class="<?php if ($i == $listpos) echo 'select'; else echo ($i & 1) ? 'even' : 'odd'; ?>">     <td></td>     <td><?php if ($cfg['access_play']) echo '<a href="httpq.php?command=PlayIndex&index=' . $i . '" target="dummy"><img src="' . $cfg['img'] . '/small_play.gif" alt="" width="21" height="21" border="0" class="space">' . htmlentities($table_track['artist']); else echo htmlentities($table_track['artist']);?></a></td>     <td></td>     <td><?php if ($cfg['access_play']) echo '<a href="httpq.php?command=PlayIndex&index=' . $i . '" target="dummy">' . htmlentities($table_track['title']); else echo htmlentities($table_track['title']);?></a></td>     <td></td>     <td><?php if (isset($table_track['featuring'])) echo htmlentities($table_track['featuring']); ?></td>     <td></td>     <td><?php if ($cfg['access_play']) echo '<a href="httpq.php?command=DeleteIndex&index=' . $i . '" target="dummy"><img src="' . $cfg['img'] . '/small_delete.gif" alt="" width="21" height="21" border="0"></a>'; ?></td>     <td align="right"><?php if (isset($table_track['playtime'])) echo $table_track['playtime']; ?></td>     <td></td> </tr> <?php     } echo '</table>' . "\n"; $cfg['footer'] = 'dynamic'; require('include/footer.inc.php'); $refresh                     = false; $previous_width                = -1; //forse update $previous_volume            = -1; $previous_time                 = -1; $previous_repeat_status        = -1; $previous_shuffle_status    = -1; $previous_play_status        = -1; for ($n = 0; ($n < 500) && !$refresh; $n++) // ($n < 500) Prevent script timeout     {     $miliseconds = httpq('getoutputtime', 'frmt=0');     $time = FormattedTime($miliseconds);     if ($track['playtime_miliseconds'] > 0) $width = round(200 * $miliseconds / $track['playtime_miliseconds']); else $width = 0;     if ($width > 200) $width = 200;     if ($previous_time != $time)         {         echo '<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById(\'time\').innerHTML=\'' . $time . '\';</script>' . "\n";         $previous_time = $time;         }     if ($previous_width != $width)         {         if ($width > 0) echo '<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById(\'timebar\').innerHTML=\'<img src="' . $cfg['img'] . '/player_progress_on.gif" alt="" width="' . $width . '" height="5" border="0">\';</script>' . "\n";         else echo '<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById(\'timebar\').innerHTML=\'\';</script>' . "\n";         $previous_width    = $width;         }     $volume = httpq('getvolume');     if ($cfg['access_play'] && $previous_volume != $volume)         {         $previous_volume    = $volume;         $volume_percentage    = round(100 * $volume / 255);         $volume                = round(200 * $volume / 255);         echo '<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById(\'volume\').innerHTML=\'' . $volume_percentage . '%\'; </script>' . "\n";         if ($volume > 0) echo '<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById(\'volumebar\').innerHTML=\'<img src="' . $cfg['img'] . '/player_progress_on.gif" alt="" width="' . $volume . '" height="5" border="0">\';</script>' . "\n";         else echo '<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById(\'volumebar\').innerHTML=\'\';</script>' . "\n";         }     if ($cfg['access_play'] && httpq('repeat_status') != $previous_repeat_status)        UpdateRepeatStatus($previous_repeat_status = httpq('repeat_status'));     if ($cfg['access_play'] && httpq('shuffle_status') != $previous_shuffle_status)    UpdateShuffleStatus($previous_shuffle_status = httpq('shuffle_status'));     if ($cfg['access_play'] && httpq('isplaying') != $previous_play_status)            UpdatePlayStatus($previous_play_status = httpq('isplaying'));     flush();     sleep(1);     if (httpq('getlistpos') != $listpos)                    $refresh = true;     if (httpq('getlistlength') != $listlength)                $refresh = true;     if (httpq('getplaylistfile', 'delim=*') != $files)        $refresh = true;     } ?> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=playlist.php">[/code]
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