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Everything posted by BrockW

  1. BrockW


    It tries but won't open the images. I think the coolbanner.class file has to be in the same folder. Thanks for trying.
  2. BrockW


    I have an applet that I use for advertising on the front page of my site. I was wondering if I could take the applet and save it as applet.phtml and then call for it where ever I want it? The applet looks like: <APPLET CODE="coolbanner.class" WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60"> <PARAM NAME="img1" VALUE="Advertise/images/Lindatest.jpg"> <PARAM NAME="link1" VALUE="http://www.watercolor-online.com/storefront1/Lindas%20New%20Book.htm"> <PARAM NAME="img2" VALUE="Advertise/images/QuickMile.jpg"> <PARAM NAME="link2" VALUE="http://www.quickmile.com/index.html"> <PARAM NAME="speed" VALUE="3"> <PARAM NAME="delay" VALUE="10"> <PARAM NAME="useborder" VALUE="Y"> <PARAM NAME="bordercolor" VALUE="10"> <PARAM NAME="bordercolorred" VALUE="255"> <PARAM NAME="bordercolorgreen" VALUE="255"> <PARAM NAME="bordercolorblue" VALUE="255"> </APPLET> I was going to call the applet with this: <script language="php"> include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/PhpScripts/Applet.phtml"); </script> Is this even possible? I am new to PHP. My son is the guru and I am trying to do this one without him. Wont he be proud? Thanks in advance.
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