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Everything posted by mydsmbr

  1. try something like this: [php:1:f49acaf7d6]<?php $conn = mysql_connect(\"localhost\",\"***\",\"***\"); mysql_select_db(\"*database_here*\", $conn); $result = mysql_query(\"SELECT * FROM `xdcc`\", $conn); while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { mysql_query(\"DELETE FROM `xdcc` WHERE `id`=\'\".$row[\'id\'].\"\'\", $conn); } mysql_close($conn); ?>[/php:1:f49acaf7d6] for a start it doesnt know which database to work with. also maybe the id\'s in the table dont start with 1 and end with however many records there are in that table. [php:1:f49acaf7d6]<?php $result = mysql_query(\"SELECT * FROM xdcc\", mysql_connect(\"localhost\",\"***\",\"***\")); $countDB = mysql_num_rows($result); echo $countDB.\" Rows <BR>\"; $tempno = \"1\"; while ($tempno <= $countDB){ $query = \"DELETE * FROM xdcc WHERE id = \'$tempno\'\"; $result = mysql_query($query); $tempno++; } ?>[/php:1:f49acaf7d6] and just to be a prick you should learn about for() http://php.net/for [php:1:f49acaf7d6]<?php for ($tempno=1; $tempno <= $countDB; $tempno++) { $query = \"DELETE * FROM xdcc WHERE id = \'$tempno\'\"; $result = mysql_query($query); } ?>[/php:1:f49acaf7d6]
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