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Everything posted by lady_bug

  1. I'm glad there's a newbie corner cause I don't have a clue how to solve this: I have a php-mailer script (pre-installed by brinkster.com) and want to use this in my contact file. My php header looks like this: [code] (...) $mail->From = "feedback@mydomain.com"; $mail->FromName = "My Name"; $mail->AddAddress("another@adress.com"); $mail->IsHTML(true); $mail->Subject = "Feedback"; $mail->Body = $_POST['message'];      if(!$mail->Send())   {   echo "Message was not sent <p>";   echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo;   }   return TRUE;   ?> [/code] and in my html part I have a form that looks like this: [code] <form action="<?php print $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"> (...) <textarea class="input1" name="message" type="text" cols="30" rows="12" tabindex="9"></textarea> [/code] So how do I tell my php part which part of the form has to be sent as message body? I guess this $mail->Body = $_POST['message']; is wrong. thanks for your help!
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