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Everything posted by robos99

  1. So I keep getting the following error: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare logout() (previously declared in /admin/classes/user_auth_class.php:132) in /admin/classes/user_auth_class.php on line 130 I have no idea why this is happening. I've checked line 130, which is where I first declared the logout function. There's nothing abnormal there. I've gone over the entire script, (just for that class) and logout isn't declared twice. And the error message only occurs on the script that calls the logout function. I think the logout function itself is working...but I haven't looked that far yet. Here's line 130 if it helps at all. For security reasons I'd rather not post the entire script. [code]function logout(){   //130 if((isset($_SESSION['passhash'])) OR (isset($_COOKIE['passhash']))){    $this->clear_cookie();    $this->clear_session();   }   }[/code] (edit: nevermind, i seem to have fixed the problem myself)
  2. Nevermind, I figured it out. I was missing a curly bracket.
  3. [!--quoteo(post=351773:date=Mar 5 2006, 01:12 AM:name=Hooker)--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE(Hooker @ Mar 5 2006, 01:12 AM) [snapback]351773[/snapback][/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--] that was me having a bit of a moment lol there doesnt seem to be an error in that block at all, can we maybe see the rest of the script? [/quote] Here's the whole script. This gets included with all scripts running on this site. Basically the intent is to create a "shell" of a site, with just 1 page of code. I've omitted the email address for spam reasons, but those are normally in there. [code]<?php //global.php $webmasteremail=''; $technicalemail=''; $title='Paradise City Entertainment'; $imagefolder='/images/'; define('INDEXPAGE','index2.php'); $location=explode('/',$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);   if(!isset($location[1])){     $isroot=TRUE;    } else {     $isroot=FALSE;     $folder=$location[0];     $file=$location[1];      } $file=explode('.',$file); $filename=$file[0]; $extension=$file[1]; $production=array('livesound','lighting','design'); $promo=array('graphicdesign','web','printing','streetteam'); $events=array('booking','calendar','pastevents'); $navbar=array('production','dj','promo','events','gallery','testimonials'); $index=array('forums','calendar','about','contact'); $metatags=''; //############### functions ###################### function footer(){ echo "<td width="754" height="66" valign="middle" bgcolor="#000000">         <p align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF"><a href="index.htm">Home</a> | <a href="about.htm">About         Us</a> | <a href="contact.htm">Contact</a> | <a href="/forums/index.php">Forums</a>         | <a href="calendar.php">Calendar<br>         </a><font size="2">Copyright 2006 Paradise City Entertainment</font></font></td>     </tr>   </table>   </center> </div> </body> </html>"; //################## start page output ################## echo "<html>\n\n <head>\n <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en-us\">\n <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html\; charset=windows-1252\">\n <meta name=\"GENERATOR\" content=\"Microsoft FrontPage 4.0\">\n $metatags\n <script language=\"JavaScript\" fptype=\"dynamicanimation\">\n <!--\n function dynAnimation() {}\n function clickSwapImg() {}\n //-->\n </script>\n <script language=\"JavaScript1.2\" fptype=\"dynamicanimation\" src=\"animate.js\">\n </script>\n <title>$title</title>\n </head>\n\n"; //############### start body output #################### echo " <body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" onload=\"dynAnimation()\">\n <div align=\"center\">\n   <center>\n   <table border=\"0\" width=$masterwidth height=\"788\" cellpadding=\"0\" bgcolor=\"#000000\" bordercolor=\"#000000\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n     <tr>\n       <td width=$masterwidth height=\"206\" valign=\"top\" colspan=\"3\">\n <img border=\"0\" src=\"header.png\" width=$masterwidth height=\"66\">\n <a href=\"INDEXPAGE.php\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"logo.gif\" width=$masterwidth height=\"55\"></a>\n\n <!--start nav bar//-->\n"; //########### start navbar build ############## foreach($navbar as $val){ if($location == INDEXPAGE){ $img=$imagefolder . $val . ".gif"; $img_alt=$imagefolder . $val . "_alt.gif"; $link="/$val/$val.php"; } else if((!$isroot) && ($folder==$val)){ $img="..$imagefolder" . $val . "_alt.gif"; $link="$val.php";   } else if((!$isroot) && ($folder!=$val)){   $img="..$imagefolder$val.gif";   $img_alt="..$imagefolder" . $val . "_alt.gif";   $link="../$val.php";    } if(isset($img_alt)){ echo "<a onmouseover=\"document['fpAnimswapImgFP1'].imgRolln=document['fpAnimswapImgFP1'].src\; document['fpAnimswapImgFP1'].src=document['fpAnimswapImgFP1'].lowsrc\;\" onmouseout=\"document['fpAnimswapImgFP1'].src=document['fpAnimswapImgFP1'] .imgRolln\" href=\"$link\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"$imagefolder$img\" id=\"fpAnimswapImgFP1\" name=\"fpAnimswapImgFP1\" dynamicanimation=\"fpAnimswapImgFP1\" lowsrc=\"$imagefolder$img_alt\" width=\"145\" height=\"35\"></a>"; } else { echo "<a href=\"$link\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"$img\" width=\"145\" height=\"35\"></a>"; } //insert separator slash echo "<img src=\"slash.gif\">\n";   } //############# start sub-navbar build ######################## $subbar_bit=''; $size=0 unset($fillwidth); if($isroot){ if(is_array($index)){   foreach($index as $key=>$val){        if($val==$filename){          $img=$imagefolder . $val . "_alt.gif";         } else {          $img=$imagefolder . $val . ".gif";          $link="/$val.php";            }       list($width,$height,$type,$attr)=getimagesize($img);        $size=+$width;        if(isset($link)){          if($filename=='forums'){             $link="/forums/index.php";}        $subbar_bit=. "<a href=\"$link\"><img src=\"$img\" $attr alt=\"$key\"></a>\n";          } else {             $subbar_bit=. "<img src=\"$img\" $attr alt=\"$key\">\n";          } else {         $fillwidth=$masterwidth;         }    } else {      eval("\$arr=\$$folder;");    if(is_array($arr)){               foreach($arr as $key=>$val){            if($val==$filename){          $img="../" . $imagefolder . $val . "_alt.gif";         } else {          $img="../" . $imagefolder . $val . ".gif";          $link="/$val.php";            }       list($width,$height,$type,$attr)=getimagesize($img);        $size=+$width;        if(isset($link)){          if($filename=='forums'){             $link="/forums/index.php";}        $subbar_bit=. "<a href=\"$link\"><img src=\"$img\" $attr alt=\"$key\"></a>\n";          } else {             $subbar_bit=. "<img src=\"$img\" $attr alt=\"$key\">\n";        } else {         $fillwidth=$masterwidth;          }        } echo "<img src=\"../$imagefolder/redbar.gif\" height=\"$height\" width=\"$fillwidth\">" . $subbar_bit . "\n\n";   ?> </td>\n     </tr>\n     <tr>\n       <td width="20" height="578" valign="top" rowspan="2">&nbsb;</td>       <td width="752" height="520" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" bordercolor="#FFFFFF">         <p align="center">&nbsp;</td>       <td width="20" height="578" valign="top" rowspan="2">&nbsp;</td>     </tr> [/code]
  4. Update, just discovered that despite all the changes I make to the code, the server keeps ignoring them and reverting to the old file, so for all I know I may have fixed this problem already. But if it's painfully obvious to anyone what I'm doing wrong here, I'd sure like to know so I don't make the mistake again.
  5. So I've tried everything to fix this parse error "Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in global.php on line 205" and nothing seems to be working. I don't even know what that error means, but I've double checked all quotes, semicolons, brackets, everything. Here's the bit of code that's giving me trouble... [code] if(!$fillwidth){      $fillwidth=$size-$masterwidth;        } echo "<img src=\"../$imagefolder/redbar.gif\" height=\"$height\" width=\"$fillwidth\">" . $subbar_bit . "\n\n";   ?> </td>\n     </tr>\n     <tr>\n       <td width="20" height="578" valign="top" rowspan="2">&nbsb;</td>       <td width="752" height="520" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" bordercolor="#FFFFFF">         <p align="center">&nbsp;</td>       <td width="20" height="578" valign="top" rowspan="2">&nbsp;</td>     </tr>     <tr>[/code] Now technically line 205 is off the page, which is the really confusing part since that's straight HTML there. I originally had the little bit of HTML at the bottom as part of an echo statement, but due to this error I just decided to end the script before it. That hasn't helped at all. Can anyone figure this out?
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