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  1. Alright guys heres what I'm trying to do. I have a webpage, there are two text boxes, ones says username the other says password. I was the user to login and will have to use an if statment for that. The users name and password are stored in my database. Would I have to use a while() to go through every username till it found the right one or does php and mysql have a field search function? Also after they are logged in I need to reuse their username and password a few times so they only need login once, whats the best and most secure way to do that using a session variable? -script
  2. Hey I have a webpage, well this senario deals with two pages really. One page the first one has the subjects of the lastest three news article that gets pulled from my database, each record has a keyfield named newsfield and simply auto increments by one for each new article. Ok so I have the subjects on the first page and next to that is a link to another page to read the whole article. This other page is newsarticle.php and is the same for every link you click on, what differes is that the row number or newsfield is added to the end of the link like so for new arcticle 54 the link would be .../newsarticle.php/54 the second page takes the 54 and inputs it into a variable to use to find the proper article that you want to see. I'm running into the problem with this list($newsart) = explode('/', substr($PATH_INFO,1)); that's the line of code that parses out whatever is after the / in this case a 54 and put it into $newsart unfortunately it's not working properly, I've been trying to debug it but all I get is qeury failed everytime I try to run the page. Apparently whatever is in $newsart doesn't exist. Would there be a way to find out what's in the variable before anything else happens? -script
  3. script


    Does anyone have an answer for me? I noticed that my post was pushed down about 3 pages
  4. I'm doing a few upgrades to a hockey teams webpage. They use php and their sql database for news updates aswell as score updating. I was wanting to put a nice little calendar up on the main page of the current month, with away games in one colour and home games in another colour that would automatically update itself every month according to the game schedule table that I input. I use phpmyadmin and I know that there is a little calendar incorporated as part of that, would I be able to use that? my database is called a2307 and the table with the schedule is called schedule. Just not sure exactly how I'd query out the fields that I want and have the output as just a nice little calendar. Also I was wanting to have the game days as links, already played games would go to my stats page and the upcomming games would go to a page with a listing of all upcomming games. Any Suggestions? -script
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