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Soy un corredor

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Posts posted by Soy un corredor

  1. [code]$fname = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'];[/code]

    This includes the file name AND the directory where it's located. Perhaps it'll be best if I explain my overall goal here...

    My web host allows subdomains, but there are only "aliases" of directories. Meaning, [i]subdomain.site.com = site.com/subdomain[/i]. If a user goes to the address [i]site.com/subdomain/file.php[/i] I want them to be redirected to [i]subdomain.site.com/file.php[/i]. I hope that clears things up. Here is the code that I've been working with:


    $domain = 'site.com';
    $wwwdomain = 'www.site.com';
    $url = ''.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
    $root = ''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
    $file = basename($root);

    if ( $domain == $url ) {

    header("Location: http://subdomain.site.com/$file");

    } elseif ( $wwwdomain == $url )


    header("Location: http://subdomain.site.com/$file");



    THIS CODE WORKS GREAT BUT not when the address is [i]site.com/subdomain/file.php?[b]id=5[/b][/i] (for example). They will just be redirected to [i]site.com/subdomain/file.php[/i]. Any ideas?

  2. Sorry to post back so soon, but I have a follow-up question regarding my script [above]. Let's say, for example, that the file was [i]view.php?id=3[/i]

    The above code will only display [i]view.php[/i] . How do I resolve this?
  3. Hello.
    I'm having a little trouble here. For the sake of simplicity, I'll give an example. Say I have a php file and the location of the file is:


    Each time I try to display [b]just[/b] the file name, I get this: [i]/foldera/folderb/file.php[/i]

    How can I get just: [i]/file.php[/i]

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