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Everything posted by grlayouts

  1. ok i have a script that should update whats wrote in the box and update it into the database, its gonna be something stupid but what i have is, [code]      if ($view == loginnews) { print "<form method=post action=admin.php?view=loginnews&step=add>News: <input type=text name=message> <input type=submit value=Add></form>"; if ($step == Add) { mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("SELECT loginmsg FROM messages WHERE message='message';"))){mysql_query("INSERT INTO messages VALUES ('$message','message');");} else{ mysql_query("UPDATE messages SET loginmsg=$message WHERE message='message'");} [/code] see the problem?
  2. ok i know i've made a really minor mistake but i've look at it so many times i cant see what it is? [code] if ($view == loginnews) { print "<form method=post action=admin.php?view=loginnews&step=add>News: <input type=text name=message> <input type=submit value=Add></form>"; if ($step == Add) { mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("SELECT loginmsg FROM messages WHERE message='message';")) mysql_query("INSERT INTO messages VALUES ('message','$message');") else{ mysql_query("UPDATE messages SET loginmsg=$message WHERE message='message'");} [/code] anyone?
  3. ok i have a game where when people go to make a gang it should update in to places, but when i try to get the gang name to update in the players tab it doesnt work..This is what i have? [code] if ($step == make) { if ($stat[taxdebt] > 0) { print "<br><font color=red>You cannot make a Gang without <b>paying</b> your taxes. Sorry!</font><br>Right now you owe <b>$stat[taxdebt]</b>!"; include("footer.php"); exit; } if ($stat[credits] < 10000) { print "You don't have enough credits to make a gang."; quit(); } if ($stat[triad]) { print "You're already in a gang. Try quitting the one your in first."; quit(); } print "<form method=post action=zones.php?step=make&action=go>"; print "I want my gang to be called <input type=text name=tname>. <input type=submit value=Make>"; print "</form>"; if ($action == go) { $numt = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select * from triads where name='$tname'")); if ($numt > 0) { print "There is already a gang by that name."; quit(); } print "You have made the gang called <a href=zones.php?step=my>[$tname]</a>."; mysql_query("insert into triads (name,owner) values('$tname',$stat[id])"); $myt = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select * from triads where name='$tname'")); $geting = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM players WHERE where id='$stat[id]"); $getto = mysql_result($getting); mysql_query("update players set triad=$myt[id] where id=$stat[id]"); mysql_query("update players set zone1=$myt[name] where id=$getting[id]"); mysql_query("update players set credits=credits-10000 where id=$stat[id]"); [/code]
  4. yes but how would i add that into the script cos i have no idea?
  5. the code should add what has been entered into the feilds then put this into the database. But no one is getting the messages or being able to send them.
  6. ok on my game script i have a messaging system but it doesnt seem to be sending the messages to the players or updating them on the data base.. any idea's? [code]<?php $title = "Mailbox"; include("header.php")?> <br><br> <?php if (!$_GET[view] && !$_GET[step] && !$_GET[read]) { print "<table width=500 border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 bgcolor=#676767> <tr bgcolor=#676767>"; print "<td width=120 height=25><b>From:</b></td>"; print "<td width=100><b><center>ID:</b></td>"; print "<td width=300><b>Subject:</b></td>"; print "<td width=60><b><center>Options</center></b></td></tr>  "; $msel = mysql_query("select * from mail where owner=$stat[id] order by id desc"); while ($mail = mysql_fetch_array($msel)) { print " <tr onMouseOver=\"style.backgroundColor='#333333';\" onMouseOut=\"style.backgroundColor='white';\" bgcolor=white>"; print "<td width=120><a href=view.php?view=$mail[senderid]>$mail[sender]</a></td>"; print "<td width=100><center>$mail[senderid]</a></td>"; print "<td width=300><a href=mail.php?read=$mail[id]>$mail[subject]</a></td>"; print "<td align=center width=60><a href=mail.php?step=selectclear&id=$mail[id]>Trash</a></td></tr>"; } print "</table><br><table width=500 bgcolor=#676767 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=2><tr height=20 bgcolor=white><td align=center width=50%><a href=mail.php?step=clear>Trash All</a> </tD><td width=50%> <a href=mail.php?view=write><center>Compose</a></td></tr>"; print "</table></center>"; } if ($_GET[step] == clear) { print "<br>Mail cleared. (<a href=mail.php>refresh</a>)"; mysql_query("delete from mail where owner=$stat[id]"); } if ($_GET[step] == selectclear) { print "<br>Mail cleared. (<a href=mail.php>refresh</a>)"; mysql_query("delete from mail where owner=$stat[id] and id=$_GET[id]"); } if ($_GET[view] == write) { print "[<a href=mail.php>Inbox</a>]<br><br>"; print "<table>"; print "<form method=post action=mail.php?view=write&re=$_GET[re]&to=$_GET[to]&step=send>"; print "<tr><td>To (ID Number):</td><td><input type=text name=to maxsize=10 size=25 value=$_GET[to]></td></tr>"; print "<tr><td>Subject:</td><td><input type=text name=subject size=25 value=$_GET[re]></td></tr>"; print "<tr><td valign=top>Body:</td><td><textarea name=body rows=10 cols=50>$_POST[body]</textarea></td></tr>"; print "<tr><td colspan=2 align=center><input type=submit value=Send></td></tr>"; print "</form></table>"; if ($_GET[step] == send) { $_POST[to] = strip_tags($_POST[to]); $_POST[subject] = strip_tags($_POST[subject]); $_POST[body] = str_replace($remove,"", $_POST[body]); $_POST[subject] = str_replace($remove,"", $_POST[subject]); $_POST[body] = nl2br(strip_tags($_POST[body])); if (empty ($_POST[to]) || empty ($_POST[body]) || empty ($_POST[subject])) { print "Please fill out all fields."; include("footer.php"); exit; } $values=explode(" ", $_POST[body]);$longest=0;foreach($values as $value) {if (strlen($value)>$longest) {$longest = strlen($value);}} if ($longest > 100) { print "Your largest word is too long, it's $longest characters, it can't be more than 100 characters."; include("footer.php"); exit; } $size=strlen($_POST[body]); if ($size > 2000) { print "Your message is too long, it can't be larger than 2000 characters, yours is $size characters"; include("footer.php"); exit; } $size=strlen($_POST[subject]); if ($size > 100) { print "Your subject is too long, it can't be larger than 100 characters, yours is $size"; include("footer.php"); exit; } $rec = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select * from players where id=$_POST[to]")); if (empty ($rec[id])) { print "No such player."; include("footer.php"); exit; } print "You sent mail to $rec[name]."; } } if ($_GET[read]) { $mail = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select * from mail where id=$_GET[read]")); if (empty ($mail[id])) { print "No such mail."; include("footer.php"); exit; } if ($mail[owner] != $stat[id]) { print "That's not your mail."; include("footer.php"); exit; } mysql_query("update mail set unread='F' where id=$mail[id]"); print "<table width=99% bgcolor=#676767 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1><tr height=30><td bgcolor=white><b>$mail[sender]</b> says... $mail[subject]</td></tr> <tR bgcolor=white height=100 valign=top><td> $mail[body]<br><br></tD></tR></table><bR><table bgcolor=#676767 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1 width=99%><tr bgcolor=white align=center><td width=33%><center><a href=mail.php>Inbox</a></td><td width=34%><Center><a href=mail.php?view=write>Compose</a></tD><td height=25 width=33%><a href=mail.php?view=write&to=$mail[senderid]&re=RE:$mail[subject]>Reply</a></td></tR>"; } ?> <?php include("footer.php"); ?> [/code]
  7. ok what i have is[code] $turnupdate = mysql_result("SELECT lastran FROM cronjobs WHERE cronjob='turns';");[/code] when i try to take a result from my data base to display on my php page in getting [code]Warning: Wrong parameter count for mysql_result() in /home/pimpdomi/public_html/header.php on line 17[/code] any idea's?
  8. ok i have a game www.pimpdominion.co.uk and im trying to set up the mail feature which write the message to the database (mysql) then relates it to the player. however when i send a message everyone gets it? can some one look at the code and see anything wrong? [code] <?php $title = "Mailbox"; include("header.php")?> <br><br> <?php if (!$_GET[view] && !$_GET[step] && !$_GET[read]) { print "<table width=500 border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 bgcolor=#676767> <tr bgcolor=#676767>"; print "<td width=120 height=25><b>From:</b></td>"; print "<td width=100><b><center>ID:</b></td>"; print "<td width=300><b>Subject:</b></td>"; print "<td width=60><b><center>Options</center></b></td></tr>  "; $msel = mysql_query("select * from mail where owner=$stat[id] order by id desc"); while ($mail = mysql_fetch_array($msel)) { print " <tr onMouseOver=\"style.backgroundColor='#333333';\" onMouseOut=\"style.backgroundColor='white';\" bgcolor=white>"; print "<td width=120><a href=view.php?view=$mail[senderid]>$mail[sender]</a></td>"; print "<td width=100><center>$mail[senderid]</a></td>"; print "<td width=300><a href=mail.php?read=$mail[id]>$mail[subject]</a></td>"; print "<td align=center width=60><a href=mail.php?step=selectclear&id=$mail[id]>Trash</a></td></tr>"; } print "</table><br><table width=500 bgcolor=#676767 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=2><tr height=20 bgcolor=white><td align=center width=50%><a href=mail.php?step=clear>Trash All</a> </tD><td width=50%> <a href=mail.php?view=write><center>Compose</a></td></tr>"; print "</table></center>"; } if ($_GET[step] == clear) { print "<br>Mail cleared. (<a href=mail.php>refresh</a>)"; mysql_query("delete from mail where owner=$stat[id]"); } if ($_GET[step] == selectclear) { print "<br>Mail cleared. (<a href=mail.php>refresh</a>)"; mysql_query("delete from mail where owner=$stat[id] and id=$_GET[id]"); } if ($_GET[view] == write) { print "[<a href=mail.php>Inbox</a>]<br><br>"; print "<table>"; print "<form method=post action=mail.php?view=write&re=$_GET[re]&to=$_GET[to]&step=send>"; print "<tr><td>To (ID Number):</td><td><input type=text name=to maxsize=10 size=25 value=$_GET[to]></td></tr>"; print "<tr><td>Subject:</td><td><input type=text name=subject size=25 value=$_GET[re]></td></tr>"; print "<tr><td valign=top>Body:</td><td><textarea name=body rows=10 cols=50>$_POST[body]</textarea></td></tr>"; print "<tr><td colspan=2 align=center><input type=submit value=Send></td></tr>"; print "</form></table>"; if ($_GET[step] == send) { $_POST[to] = strip_tags($_POST[to]); $_POST[subject] = strip_tags($_POST[subject]); $_POST[body] = str_replace($remove,"", $_POST[body]); $_POST[subject] = str_replace($remove,"", $_POST[subject]); $_POST[body] = nl2br(strip_tags($_POST[body])); if (empty ($_POST[to]) || empty ($_POST[body]) || empty ($_POST[subject])) { print "Please fill out all fields."; include("footer.php"); exit; } $values=explode(" ", $_POST[body]);$longest=0;foreach($values as $value) {if (strlen($value)>$longest) {$longest = strlen($value);}} if ($longest > 100) { print "Your largest word is too long, it's $longest characters, it can't be more than 100 characters."; include("footer.php"); exit; } $size=strlen($_POST[body]); if ($size > 2000) { print "Your message is too long, it can't be larger than 2000 characters, yours is $size characters"; include("footer.php"); exit; } $size=strlen($_POST[subject]); if ($size > 100) { print "Your subject is too long, it can't be larger than 100 characters, yours is $size"; include("footer.php"); exit; } $rec = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select * from players where id=$_POST[to]")); if (empty ($rec[id])) { print "No such player."; include("footer.php"); exit; } print "You sent mail to $rec[id]."; } $get = mysql_query("select * from players");                 mysql_query("insert into mail (sender,owner,subject,body) values('$to','$list[id]','$subject','$body')") or die("Could not send mail."); } if ($_GET[read]) { $mail = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select * from mail where id=$_GET[read]")); if (empty ($mail[id])) { print "No such mail."; include("footer.php"); exit; } if ($mail[owner] != $stat[id]) { print "That's not your mail."; include("footer.php"); exit; } mysql_query("update mail set unread='F' where id=$mail[id]"); print "<table width=99% bgcolor=#676767 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1><tr height=30><td bgcolor=white><b>$mail[sender]</b> says... $mail[subject]</td></tr> <tR bgcolor=white height=100 valign=top><td> $mail[body]<br><br></tD></tR></table><bR><table bgcolor=#676767 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1 width=99%><tr bgcolor=white align=center><td width=33%><center><a href=mail.php>Inbox</a></td><td width=34%><Center><a href=mail.php?view=write>Compose</a></tD><td height=25 width=33%><a href=mail.php?view=write&to=$mail[senderid]&re=RE:$mail[subject]>Reply</a></td></tR>"; } ?> <?php include("footer.php"); ?> [/code]
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