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Everything posted by ramkumar

  1. Hi Guys, I have doubt to display the date in textbox. Textbox:DateFrom and DateTo Selection of a date range (Default start from 1st of last month to the last day of the last month. Last month is base on the month of the current day on the client machine ) plz reply me...! by Rockyram
  2. Hi Guys, now i m doing online quiz project in php.... my problem is: user logged and enter into take_quiz template... At that time,we display one question with 5 radio options... user select any of the options and click the next previous link then that question will be submitted to table... But i m unable to submit that page....? what can i do....? plz send me reply immmediately...! quick reply will be greatly appreciated.....! by [b]Rockyram[/b]
  3. Hi Guys, now i m doing online quiz project in php.... my problem is: user logged and enter into take_quiz template... At that time,we display one question with 5 radio options... user select any of the options and click the next previous link then that question will be submitted to table... But i m unable to submit that page....? what can i do....? plz send me reply immmediately...! quick reply will be greatly appreciated.....! by [b]Raockyram[/b]
  4. Hi Guys, [b]i m doing Quiz application in PHP with MySQL[/b] [b] how to include logical calculations for score and average with send mail options...?[/b] [b]Any reply greatly appreciated...[/b] by [b]Rockyram[/b]
  5. Hi Guys, i m doing leave management application... Leave Conditions:i m split 12 months into 3/3/3/3 months i.e four quarter... in each quarter have only 6 days.... i m having three tables 1)Employee_details 2)Leave Details 3)Status i have a problem in admin side... *Admin enter and he see the leave table contains employee_id,no.of.days,Reason,from_date,to_date,status... *Admin do only two process whether he Accept or Reject the leave.... *if he reject then i change the employee status of employee to 2 and display rejected employees. *if he accept then then find,in which quarter the employee apply leave and sanctioned.... problem:if i accept continuously for same employee then leave will sanctioned and the value in status table(6) will be reduced to zero and go beyond to minus value...? how i check this type of conditions....? This is my Accept.php code:[code]<?php          include_once("app.ini.php");     $smarty = getSmarty();     $result['emp_id'] = $_REQUEST['eid'];     $result['leave_id'] = $_REQUEST['id_l'];     $result['start_date'] = $_REQUEST['leavefrom'];     $today=date("Y-n-j");     $sql_query="SELECT d_date_of_joining FROM `employee_details` WHERE id_eid = ".stripslashes($result['emp_id']);     $res=mysql_query($sql_query);     while($line = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)){          $result['doj'] = $line['d_date_of_joining'];     }     function dateDiff($dformat, $endDate, $beginDate) {         $date_parts1=explode($dformat, $beginDate);         $date_parts2=explode($dformat, $endDate);         $start_date=gregoriantojd($date_parts1[1], $date_parts1[2], $date_parts1[0]);         $end_date=gregoriantojd($date_parts2[1], $date_parts2[2], $date_parts2[0]);         return ($end_date - $start_date);                      }     $different = dateDiff("-",$result['start_date'],$result['doj']);     $result['exp'] = $different;     $result['total_days'] = $result['exp'] % 365;                                                                                                                      /******************First Quarter****************************/          if($result['total_days'] < 91)    {         global $smarty;         $smarty->assign('quarter',"First Quarter");         $query1 = "SELECT i_sta_first_quarter from status where id_eid = ".$result['emp_id'];         $result1 = mysql_query($query1);         while ($line1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result1)){             $a1 =$line1;         }         $result['available_days'] = $a1['i_sta_first_quarter'];         $sql1 = "SELECT i_leave_days FROM LeaveDetails WHERE id_leave =".$result['leave_id'];         $result1 = mysql_query($sql1);         while ($line1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result1)){              $a11 =$line1;         }        $result['needed'] = $a11['i_leave_days'];        $result['remaining_days'] = $result['available_days'] - $result['needed'];        $lde1 = "UPDATE LeaveDetails SET i_status = 1 where id_leave = ".$result['leave_id'];        mysql_query($lde1);        $qua1 ="UPDATE status SET i_sta_first_quarter =".$result['remaining_days']." WHERE id_eid =".$result['emp_id'];        mysql_query($qua1);        $first = "SELECT i_sta_first_quarter FROM status WHERE id_eid = ".$result['emp_id'];        mysql_query($first);        $first = "SELECT i_sta_frist_quarter FROM `status` WHERE id_eid = ".$result['emp_id'];        mysql_query($first);        /*if(i_sta_first_quarter == 0) {            $smarty->assign('first','You are not allowed to take leave in First Quarter');            $smarty->display('accept_display.tpl.html');        }        if($result['total_days'] > 365){             $quarter1 = "UPDATE `status` SET i_sta_first_quarter = 6 WHERE id_eid = ".$result['emp_id'];             mysql_query($quarter1);        }*/ }         //********SECOND QUARTER******************************************//       else if($result['total_days'] > 91 && $result['total_days'] < 182){         $smarty->assign('quarter',"Second Quarter");         $qcheck2="SELECT i_sta_first_quarter from status where id_eid = ".$result['emp_id'];         $qcheckresult2=mysql_query($qcheck2);         while($qcheckresult2fetch=mysql_fetch_assoc($qcheckresult2))         {              $a3=$qcheckresult2fetch;         }          $a4 = $result['available_days'];         if($a4 > 0)         {             $sql2update="UPDATE status SET i_sta_first_quarter=0,i_sta_second_quarter =i_sta_second_quarter + ".$a4." WHERE id_eid =".$result['emp_id'];             mysql_query($sql2update);         }         $query2 = "SELECT i_sta_second_quarter from status where id_eid = ".$result['emp_id'];         $result2 = mysql_query($query2);         while ($line2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2)) {                 $a2 =$line2;         }         $result['available_days'] = $a2['i_sta_second_quarter'];         $sql2 = "SELECT i_leave_days FROM LeaveDetails WHERE id_leave =".$result['leave_id'];         $result2 = mysql_query($sql2);         while ($line2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2))         {             $a12 =$line2;         }        $result['needed'] = $a12['i_leave_days'];        $result['remaining_days'] = $result['available_days'] - $result['needed'];        $lde2 = "UPDATE LeaveDetails SET i_status = 1 where id_leave = ".$result['leave_id'];        mysql_query($lde2);        $qua2 ="UPDATE status SET i_sta_second_quarter =".$result['remaining_days']." WHERE id_eid =".$result['emp_id'];        mysql_query($qua2); } //*****************THIRD QUARTER***************************************//        else if($result['total_days'] >= 182 && $result['total_days'] <=273)        {             $smarty->assign('quarter',"Third Quarter");             $qcheck3="SELECT i_sta_first_quarter,i_sta_second_quarter from status where id_eid = ".$result['emp_id'];             $qcheckresult3=mysql_query($qcheck3);             while($qcheckresult3fetch=mysql_fetch_assoc($qcheckresult3))             {                 $a3=$qcheckresult3fetch;             }             $a4 = $result['available_days'];             $a5 = $result['available_days'];             if($a4>0 || $a5>0)             {                 echo "<br>";                 $a6 = $a4 + $a5;             $sql3update="UPDATE status SET i_sta_first_quarter=0,i_sta_second_quarter=0,i_sta_third_quarter      =i_sta_third_quarter +".$a6." WHERE id_eid =".$result['emp_id'];             mysql_query($sql3update);         }         $query3 = "SELECT i_sta_third_quarter from status where id_eid = ".$result['emp_id'];         $result3 = mysql_query($query3);         while ($line3 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result3))         {                      $a3 =$line3;         }         $result['available_days'] = $a3['i_sta_third_quarter'];         $sql3 = "SELECT i_leave_days FROM LeaveDetails WHERE id_leave =".$result['leave_id'];         $result3 = mysql_query($sql3);         while ($line3 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result3))         {                      $a13 =$line3;         }         $result['needed'] = $a13['i_leave_days'];         $result['remaining_days'] = $result['available_days'] - $result['needed'];         $lde3 = "UPDATE LeaveDetails SET i_status = 1 where id_leave = ".$result['leave_id'];         mysql_query($lde3);         $qua3 ="UPDATE status SET i_sta_third_quarter =".$result['remaining_days']." WHERE id_eid =".$eid;         mysql_query($qua3);     }   //****************Fourth Quarter******************************************//         else         {             $smarty->assign('quarter',"Fourth Quarter");             $qcheck4="SELECT i_sta_first_quarter,i_sta_second_quarter,i_sta_third_quarter from status where id_eid = ".$result['emp_id'];             $qcheckresult4=mysql_query($qcheck4);             while($qcheckresult4fetch=mysql_fetch_assoc($qcheckresult4))             {                 $a3=$qcheckresult4fetch;             }             $a4 = $result['available_days'];             $a5 = $result['available_days'];             $a6 = $result['available_days'];             if($a4 > 0 || $a5 > 0)             {                      $a7 = $a4+$a5+$a6;                 $sql3update="UPDATE status SET i_sta_first_quarter=0,i_sta_second_quarter=0,i_sta_third_quarter=0, i_sta_fourth_quarter = i_sta_fourth_quarter +".$a7." WHERE id_eid =".$result['emp_id'];                 mysql_query($sql3update);             }             $query4 = "SELECT i_sta_fourth_quarter from status where id_eid = ".$result['emp_id'];             $result4 = mysql_query($query4);             while ($line4 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result4)) {             $a4 =$line4;             }             $result['available_days'] = $a4['i_sta_fourth_quarter'];             $sql4 = "SELECT i_leave_days FROM LeaveDetails WHERE id_leave =".$result['leave_id'];             $result4 = mysql_query($sql4);             while ($line4 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result4)) {                 $a14 =$line4;             }             $result['needed'] = $a14['i_leave_days'];             $result['remaining_days'] = $result['available_days'] - $result['needed'];             $lde4 = "UPDATE LeaveDetails SET i_status = 1 where id_leave = ".$result['leave_id'];             mysql_query($lde4);             $qua4 ="UPDATE status SET i_sta_fourth_quarter =".$result['remaining_days']." WHERE id_eid =".$result['emp_id'];                          mysql_query($qua4);         } /************************************List Leave Details*************************/                 $sql = "SELECT * FROM `LeaveDetails`";             $result['employee_list'] = getrows($sql,$err);             $smarty->assign('sm',$result);             $smarty->display("accept_display.tpl.html"); ?> [/code] by Raokyram
  6. Hi Guys, How to sort the records in MySql while clicking the Field Name..? I have a table Name:student Fields: 5 Field Name: id,name,class,mark,sex If i click any of these fields then all the records will be sorted..... Reply me.... by Rockyram
  7. Hi Guys, How to sort the records in MySql while clicking the Field Name..? by Rockyram
  8. Hi Guys, i m a new member to PHP Freaks.... My Question is: How to Upload Multiple Images in PHP.....? by Rockyram
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