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Everything posted by Elgan

  1. well it works good. I dont reallly need to be going adding more relevancy rules, so order by works also, so i will leave it at that., thanx for the help:)
  2. wow ty, I tried your 'INNDER JOIN' solution, it works flawless. I also learnt alot. Great reply. The performance between INNER JOIN and the parentheses version is no different? EDIT: WIll it automaticaly sort in order of score? I now have. [code]             $sql = sed_sql_query("SELECT p.fp_id,             $sqlpost $sqltopic t.ft_title, t.ft_id, t.ft_creationdate, t.ft_firstpostername , t.ft_firstposterid, t.ft_postcount , s.fs_id, s.fs_title             FROM sed_forum_posts p             INNER JOIN sed_forum_topics t ON p.fp_topicid=t.ft_id $atleastq $dspresultsp             INNER JOIN sed_forum_sections s ON p.fp_sectionid=s.fs_id $sqlsections             WHERE MATCH (p.fp_text) AGAINST ('".$sqstr."')             OR MATCH (t.ft_title) AGAINST ('".$sqstr."') GROUP BY t.ft_id $orderby $DACT"); [/code] $orderby contains if the user wants to order by post count/ abc etc. If i leave the ORDER blank, How will it order? As i have read you have to do extra work to order it by score? according to this example i googled. [code]         SELECT *,             MATCH(title, body) AGAINST ('PHP') AS score         FROM articles         WHERE MATCH(title, body) AGAINST('PHP') [/code] it would look like this to get score [code]             $sql = sed_sql_query("SELECT p.fp_id,             $sqlpost $sqltopic t.ft_title, t.ft_id, t.ft_creationdate, t.ft_firstpostername , t.ft_firstposterid, t.ft_postcount , s.fs_id, s.fs_title             INNER JOIN sed_forum_topics t ON p.fp_topicid=t.ft_id $atleastq $dspresultsp             INNER JOIN sed_forum_sections s ON p.fp_sectionid=s.fs_id $sqlsections             WHERE MATCH (p.fp_text) AGAINST ('".$sqstr."')             OR MATCH (t.ft_title) AGAINST ('".$sqstr."') GROUP BY t.ft_id AS score             FROM sed_forum_posts p             INNER JOIN sed_forum_topics t ON p.fp_topicid=t.ft_id $atleastq $dspresultsp             INNER JOIN sed_forum_sections s ON p.fp_sectionid=s.fs_id $sqlsections             WHERE MATCH (p.fp_text) AGAINST ('".$sqstr."')             OR MATCH (t.ft_title) AGAINST ('".$sqstr."') GROUP BY t.ft_id $orderby $DACT"); [/code] hm.
  3. i am trying to write a search script. I have 3 tables where i need info from. 2 to be searched. I have tried various things but what i try usualy locks up the browser. this is what i have to convert to FULL TEXT SEARCH [code] "SELECT p.fp_id, t.ft_title, t.ft_id, t.ft_creationdate, t.ft_firstpostername , t.ft_firstposterid, t.ft_postcount , s.fs_id, s.fs_title FROM db_forum_posts p, db_forum_topics t, db_forum_sections s WHERE 1 AND (p.fp_text LIKE '".($sqstr)."' OR t.ft_title LIKE '".($sqstr)."') $atleastq $dspresultsp AND p.fp_topicid=t.ft_id AND p.fp_sectionid=s.fs_id GROUP BY t.ft_id"); [/code] This is what i tried at first: [code] SELECT p.fp_id, t.ft_title, t.ft_id, t.ft_creationdate, t.ft_firstpostername , t.ft_firstposterid, t.ft_postcount , s.fs_id, s.fs_title FROM sed_forum_posts AS p, sed_forum_topics AS t, sed_forum_sections AS s WHERE p.fp_topicid=t.ft_id AND p.fp_sectionid= s.fs_id AND MATCH (p.fp_text) AGAINST ('admin pro') OR MATCH (t.ft_title) AGAINST ('admin pro') [/code] but the browser locks up. i also tried [code] SELECT p.fp_id, t.ft_title, t.ft_id, t.ft_creationdate, t.ft_firstpostername , t.ft_firstposterid, t.ft_postcount , s.fs_id, s.fs_title FROM sed_forum_posts AS p, sed_forum_topics AS t, sed_forum_sections AS s WHERE p.fp_topicid=t.ft_id AND p.fp_sectionid= s.fs_id AND MATCH (p.fp_text, t.ft_title) AGAINST ('admin pro') [/code] However i get a SQL error for MATCH. #1210 - Incorrect arguments to MATCH how would i correctly structure this so i can search for text in one table and title text in another table at once and return them and their row? how also would i do it and order by score/relevance. Would you like to see the tables?
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