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Everything posted by Mirandur

  1. I have the following script in one of my pages. It's in an include() file, and a part of my template managing system. [code]if (!empty($newtemplate)) // if a request about a template has been sent {    $query = "SELECT * FROM templates";    $test_template_data = mysql_query($query);    if (!$test_template_data) die(sql_error());   $test = 0;    while($testdata = mysql_fetch_array($test_template_data))  // Testing to see if the requested template is registred    {      if ($testdata["templatename"] == $newtemplate)  // if template is found in sql database      {        switch ($action)        {         case 'change':   // change default template          $query = "UPDATE admin SET template='" . $newtemplate ."' WHERE settingsid='1'";          $test_update_default_template = mysql_query($query);          if (!$test_update_default_template) die ('Cannot store settings');          echo '<font class="message">Template has been changed!</font>';          $test = 1;         break;         case 'del':   // delete template from sql table          $delquery = "DELETE FROM templates WHERE templatename='" . $template_to_delete . "'";          $del_template_test = mysql_query($delquery);          if (!$del_template_test) die('Cannot delete template');          echo '<font class="message">Template has been deleted!</font>';          $test = 1;         break;                  default:         break;        }      }    }    if (!$test) echo '<font class="message">No such template!</font>'; } [/code] My problem is, I can't echo out anything in the 'del' case as long as the '$delquery' is not commented out... The '$test' variable is not changed either. The record in question is deleted in the sql table, though... How can I make this work as intended? Any help would be appreciated!
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