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Posts posted by marcus

  1. There is code missing

    <form method="post" action="member.php">  No </form>

    as for

    AND NickName = '{$_POST['NickName']}'")


    $_POST['NickName'] YOU have not put any value to this. If this is working then you

    have some invisible code


    <OPTON Value="X">Name</Option>


    without the X it can't work.




    Without the X it can work.


    <option>x</option> the value of that is x

    <option value="x">hello</option> the value of that is x

    <option>Name</option> the value of that is Name

  2. You have not got a vaue for the option This ....



    Actually the indefinite value for an option is defined within itself.


    So the value of <option>$myrow[Nickname]</option> is whatever $myrow[Nickname] is defined to.

  3. when i use this


    include "../test2.php";
    echo "World";


    i get this message


    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING in C:\hshome\tipa-mu\mu-anime.com\test\test1.php on line 3


    You put another quote in there...

  4. Before anybody tries answering the question do you mind posting your code in the code or php tags?


    But, try using error reporting.


    $query = "UPDATE tracks SET artistName='$an', SeqNum='$sn', trackname='$tn', ISRC='$is', duration='$du', composer='$co', publisher='$pu' WHERE ISRC='$id'";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

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