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  1. Can some one help me make this code MySQL 4.0.13 compliant... [php:1:adb89efbc6] <?php $db = mysql_connect(\"localhost\", \"Gappa\", \" \"); mysql_select_db(\"Gappa\",$db); $query = \'SELECT topic_title, topic_id, FROM_UNIXTIME(topic_time,\"%W the %D %M @ %r\") AS Topic_Date, post_text, username FROM phpbb_topics RIGHT JOIN phpbb_posts_text ON topic_first_post_id=post_id RIGHT JOIN phpbb_users ON topic_poster=user_id WHERE forum_id=6 ORDER BY topic_time DESC\'; $result = mysql_query($query, $db) or die ($query .\': \'.mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo \"<br/><b><FONT FACE=Arial SIZE=-1 COLOR=#6699FF>\"; echo \"$row[topic_title]:</FONT></b><br/>\"; echo \"<FONT FACE=Arail SIZE=-2 COLOR=#999999>posted by: <b>$row[username]</b>\"; echo \" on: \"; echo \"$row[Topic_Date]</FONT><br/><hr><br/>\"; echo \"<FONT FACE=Arail SIZE=-1 COLOR=#FFFFFF> $row[post_text]</FONT>\"; echo \"<br/><br/>\"; echo \"<FONT FACE=Arial SIZE=-2>\"; echo \"<a href=\"http://www.hostultra.com/~Gappa/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=$row[topic_id]\"><b><FONT COLOR=#6699FF>Read comments</FONT></b></a></FONT>\"; echo \"<br/><br/>\"; } ?> [/php:1:adb89efbc6] This code works with earlier version of MySQL, but now with 4.0.13 its giving me the following error Cross dependency found in OUTER JOIN. Examine your ON conditions I believe the solution lays some where here: http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/JOIN.html Not really sure what to do... thanks
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