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Everything posted by mxo23

  1. hi,my name is Marco i would like to know why the php that i am using in my page is not working ok in Peru it works but some people in usa cannot send an email please let me explain: it works with flash the code in flash is: enviar = function () { if (email_txt.text.length && nombre_txt.length && mensaje_txt.length) { if (email_txt.text.indexOf("@") != -1 && email_txt.text.indexOf(".") != -1) { form_lv = new LoadVars(); form_lv.company = company_txt.text; form_lv.nombre = nombre_txt.text; form_lv.mail = email_txt.text; form_lv.telefono = telefono_txt.text; form_lv.urlw = urlw_txt.text; form_lv.mensaje = mensaje_txt.text; form_lv.sendAndLoad("http://www.ips-webdesign.com/send.php", form_lv, "POST"); mensaje_txt.text = "Sending message.."; nombre_txt.text = ""; email_txt.text = ""; telefono_txt.text = ""; urlw_txt.text = ""; company_txt.text = ""; form_lv.onLoad = function() { if (this.estatus == "ok") { mensaje_txt.text = "your message has been sent..."; nombre_txt.text = ""; email_txt.text = ""; telefono_txt.text = ""; urlw_txt.text = ""; company_txt.text = ""; } else { mensaje_txt.text = "there are problems with the server,please try again"; } }; } else { email_txt.text = "Invalid e-mail"; } } else { email_txt.text = "Enter your e-mail"; nombre_txt.text = "Enter your name"; mensaje_txt.text = "Enter your message"; } }; enviar_btn.onRelease = enviar; If the php returns ok it flash shows a message that says your message has been sent if not show a meessage that says there are problems with the server,please try again,I don´t know why some people in usa cannot send messages right from the link contact on my page,my page is [a href=\"http://www.ips-webdesign.com\" target=\"_blank\"]www.ips-webdesign.com[/a] please chek it out the code of the php is : <?php if(isset($_POST["nombre"]) && isset($_POST["mail"]) && isset($_POST["mensaje"]) ){ $fecha = date("D-M-y H:i"); $_POST = ($_POST ? $_POST : $HTTP_POST_VARS); $mymail = "webmaster@ips-webdesign.com"; $subject = "E mail from ips-webdesig"; $contenido = $_POST["nombre"]." Escribio :\n"; $contenido .= $_POST["mensaje"]."\n\n"; $contenido .= $_POST["company"]. "(COMPANY) :\n"; $contenido .= $_POST["telefono"]. "(PHONE) :\n"; $contenido .= $_POST["urlw"]. "(DIRECCIONHTTP) :\n"; $contenido .= $_POST["mail"]. "(CORREO) :\n"; $contenido .= "el mensaje se escribio el ".$fecha; $header = "From:".$_POST["mail"]."\nReply-To:".$_POST["mail"]."\n"; $header .= "X-Mailer:PHP/".phpversion()."\n"; $header .= "Mime-Version: 1.0\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: text/plain"; mail($mymail, $subject, utf8_decode($contenido) ,$header); echo "&estatus=ok&"; } ?> please help i don´t know why some people in usa cannot send messages from the link contact on my page please help me. Thanks in advance
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