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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. My website is http://www.infotechnologist.biz. We handle Web Site Development, web app development, and mobile development. No project is too big, or too small. Contact me today with details. My number is 4049390637.
  2. Thanks, I will keep all of that feedback in mind while doing the design. Thanks!
  3. OK I will probably do that. What are your thoughts on the logo itself overall? Any thoughts (good or bad) on the overall index design as well?
  4. I am getting a much needed re-brand for my business. The potential index page is here: http://infotechnologist.biz/index.jpg The logo I am leaning towards the most is here: http://infotechnologist.biz/new_logo.jpg Some other logo's along the same lines are here: http://infotechnologist.biz/set.jpg What are your thoughts on these initial designs. Based off feedback I will be making a decision, getting more ideas, and making adjustments. Thanks!
  5. There is now way to do what you are trying to. You cannot get someone's location via a browser without some sort of confirmation. If your building a mobile app (IOS/Android) then you can access the GPS, but still it would require the necessary permissions. In regards to checking someones browser and getting the location, that is not possible. There are ways to get pretty close to the location (very close actually) but not without confirmation. You can get Longitude/Latitude using HTML 5 though. http://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_geolocation.asp http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml5_geolocation Either way, good luck!
  6. Here is my recommendation. Create a standard file and name it something like... "download.php". Then setup the download trigger from there. So basically for every file you want to download, you could database some basic information. Like... File name, file path, file Reference Number. Then on the download.php file you would access the file via the reference number only, which would in turn use PHP to trigger the file download. For example, a file named: test.mp4. You could save it in the database as 'test.mp4', '/files/downloads/test.mp4', '1001'. Then on the download link it would be "download.php?reference_id=1001" then use PHP to find that specific file path/name, and then perform the download via PHP. In regards to triggering the download, many tutorials can be found online for that: https://www.google.com/search?q=trigger+download+via+php&oq=trigger+download+via+php&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l2.4190j0j1&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=122&ie=UTF-8
  7. Hello, My name is Joyel Puryear. I am the owner, and founder of Infotechnologist.biz. I am not a development company, but a freelancer who has a great many connections in the IT Industry and a significant amount of experience in the field. My website can be found at: http://www.infotechnologist.biz and once there you will find my portfolio, skills, services, and several other pieces of material to help you determine what my capabilities are. You can contact me through my website, via personal message, or via Phone at 4049390637. I am capable of handling most, if not all of your IT needs. Some of my services (but not all of them) are listed below: - Website Development. - Web Application Development - Mobile IOS Development (Phones/Tablets) - Mobile Android Development (Phones/Tablets) - Custom Coding (Xhtml/CSS, and so forth) - Custom Design (Graphic Design/Print Design/Specialty Design (hand drawn artwork, cartoon work, and so forth), and so forth) - Custom Programming (PHP/MYSQL, Javascript, JSON, XML, XLST, Advanced Web Services (Rest, Soap, Amazon, Rets, MLS, and so forth), Advanced Scraping Software (Curl, Data scrapers, web scrapers, information gatherers, bots and so forth) and so forth) - Basic Administrative tasks (writing, proofreading, editing, excel and other office programs, power point presentations, Internet research and development, and so forth) If you should require any of my services (or other services not listed, it never hurts to ask) then feel free to contact me immediately with all project details and requirements. I will work with you to provide a very accurate quote and timeline. I am very flexible in regards to payment terms, payment arrangements, quotes, timelines and so forth. I look forward to hearing back from you.
  8. Yes I know. This was something done by another developer, I am just doing some imports. I figured out the issue. Something about security type "Definer". I changed it to USER and re-created the view. It works fine now. Some Mysql implementations can't support the DEFINER security definition or something. Thanks!
  9. OK I ran some code that shows me the definition. How could I fix this so that it works, maybe this'll help:
  10. Actually it is a view. All of them are type MyISAM except for er3-admins which is actually a view. I didn't setup this database, so I am unfamiliar with how to fix this error. Any advice is appreciated, I just wanted to add that extra bit of information. The exact error I am getting, is as follows: #1356 - View 'c41ATSer3db.er3-admins' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use them.
  11. I have been doing some database importing/exporting over the last few days. For the most part things have been smooth, but I ran into a strange error that I have never dealt with before. A tablet called "admin". It's throwing an error when trying to access it in PHPMyADmin: View 'c41ATSer3db.admin' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use them I am not entirely sure what this means. I have done some Google Searches, and tried to run some code in SQL to try to fix this (per what I found on Google) and ran into further errors and syntax errors. I am not even sure this table is using a view. It's simply a database table with standard administrative fields (username, password, email address, and so forth). Thoughts?
  12. Hiding extensions can be found here: http://programanddesign.com/web/htaccess/use-htaccess-to-hide-file-extensions/
  13. I can give you a basic breakdown of how it works, or how it should work. You would need a form that supported file uploads. First off, you would need to add the correct Enctype, as described here: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_form_enctype.asp For the form to be able to support files. You would also need a file input type as well, for them to be able to select/attach a file. On submittal of the form you need to take the file, save it somewhere on the server (in a folder made for uploads, or something similar) and then save the NAME of the file into the database. Then later on, when you get the file name from the database, you can use that to create a path to the file an do whatever with it. In this situation, use it in an image tag in order to display the image they uploaded, or something similar. To go into further detail, read this tutorial and work through it: http://www.htmlgoodies.com/beyond/php/article.php/3877766/Web-Developer-How-To-Upload-Images-Using-PHP.htm
  14. There are no "Syntax" errors with the code that you pasted. Most likely the error is somewhere else in the file. Please copy/paste all relevant code, and we can review and see if there are any obvious errors in the code.
  15. Creating an API can be easy, or hard depending on the type of API. Your best bet would be to get familiar with different types of API's and various web services, and find out which approach would be best for your needs. The tutorials located here: http://www.webresourcesdepot.com/how-to-create-an-api-10-tutorials/ Will get you up and running in regards to building API's within just a couple of hours. Go through the first couple of tutorials, and all your questions will be answered and you'll have a good idea of how you want to put your API together.
  16. http://bjw.co.nz/developer/general/75-how-to-prevent-form-resubmission
  17. <?php $dateTo = $this->input->post('dateFrom'); $dateTo = strtotime($dateTo . "+1 year"); $dateTo = date('m/d/Y', $dateTo); $dateTo = strtotime($dateTo . "-1 day"); $dateTo = date('Y-m-d', $dateTo); ?> Is there a better way to write/condense this and still retail accuracy? This takes a date, adds a year to it, then takes away one day.
  18. I did some deeper timezone tests, it is defaulting to the server timezone. Turns out just the front end display was off. Thanks again for feedback on that.
  19. 1. Your right, sorry I was in a hurry when typing. The type of column is timestamp. 2. It depends. There are some actions that are done via cron by the system. In this specific situation the query is ran on the front end. When the user clicks a certain action, a series of things are checked, at which point the entry is added to the database. I use standard Codeigniter entry code, and the add_date field is automatically populated by MYSQL on creation. Any advice?
  20. I have a mysql table that uses CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on an add field. I was assuming (since it was in Mysql) that it would default to server timezone (EST) which also happens to be my timezone. So during testing, this was the case. The client however is in California and he is 3 hours behind me. His complaint was, that when he tested the system anywhere on his timezone from 9-12 it should technically show up for the next day due to timezone. Essentially he is saying that if he performs this action between 9-11:59 on his timezone (west coast) then during those 3 hours each night, the system should report the action as being the next day, since it should be running on EST timezone. I do not understand why Mysql is using the local timezone instead of the timezone of the user. All I have is a datetime field in the database with the current value set to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP. Any advice is appreciated, Thanks!
  21. I want to take 2 dates (first date, and second date) and determine if second date is in a different month. So if the first date is 1/2/2012 and the second date is 1/7/2012 it would return 0 as not being in a different month. But if the second date is 2/1/2012 or onward..then it would return one. Has anybody worked up a function like that on a previous project that they have had to use?
  22. SELECT title,dateFrom From tbl_event WHERE (`dateFrom` = CURDATE()) OR (`dateFrom` > DATE_ADD(CURDATE(), INTERVAL -2 DAY)AND `dateFrom` < CURDATE()) order by dateFrom asc LIMIT 0,4 I just want to see if there were any results today, or yesterday. That's pretty much it. The above code seems to be off, any advice is appreciated.
  23. Thanks. I appreciate that.
  24. I have a list of players like this: The B are bench, the F are flex. The ones with o's or numbers are contracts. The array has a field called contract_type. 1 = Bench. 2 = Contract 3 = Flex. I need this list to order contract first, followed by flex, followed by Bench. I can't seem to get the sort to work properly. <?php function sort_contracts( $a, $b ) { echo $a->contract_type . ' - ' . $b->contract_type . '<br />'; if ($a->contract_type == 2 && $b->contract_type == 1 || $a->contract_type == 2 && $b->contract_type == 3) { return -1; }else { return 1; } // if ($a->contract_type == 1 || $a->contract_type == 3) { return -1; } // if ($a->contract_type == 2 && $b->contract_type == 2) { return 0; } // if ($a->contract_type == 2 && $b->contract_type == 1) { return 1; }else { return -1; } // if ($a->contract_type == 2 && $b->contract_type == 3) { return 1; }else { return -1; } } usort($fig, 'sort_contracts'); ?> The commented out codes are bits/pieces of various implementations i've tried which don't work. I can't do this at the database level (ORDER BY contract_type) because they aren't coming out in the order I want. I don't want them ordered in 1, 2, 3 or 3, 2, 1. I basically want to order them in 2, 3, 1. Any feedback on this is greatly appreciated it.
  25. Copy/Paste the error message output your getting for the code.
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