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Posts posted by Barand

  1. Simple method using a couple of classes (See https://dev.to/alexandrefreire/bootstrap-4-hiding-elements-in-responsive-layout-3g25)


    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@5.3.3/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css">
        <div >
            <img src='no_photo.jpg' border='0' width='102' height='104' alt='no_photo.jpg (2,382 bytes)' class='d-block d-md-none'>
            <img src='parrots.JPG' border='0' width='397' height='191' alt='parrots.JPG (22,358 bytes)' class='d-none d-md-block'>

    Output width = 420


    Output width = 800


  2. Ensure all columns used in the joins are indexed. For example, adding an index on plant.branchid gave atime of 0.03 seconds.

    | Category       | Budget         | Billing       | PTarget       | PBilling | CTarget       |
    | Batching Plant | 210,236,000.00 | 17,732,014.85 | 14,716,520.00 | 0.00     | 17,519,666.00 |
    | Concrete Pump  | 125,428,000.00 | 18,451,593.09 | 8,779,960.00  | 0.00     | 10,452,333.00 |
    | TM             | 71,957,300.00  | 7,340,912.62  | 5,037,011.00  | 0.00     | 5,996,442.00  |
    | SLM            | 30,373,660.00  | 1,678,367.08  | 2,126,156.00  | 0.00     | 2,531,139.00  |
    | Projects       | 95,000,000.00  | 306,795.76    | 6,650,000.00  | 0.00     | 7,916,667.00  |
    5 rows in set (0.03 sec)


    • Great Answer 1
  3. The only difference I could see between your 2nd and 3rd subqueries was the 2nd summed months between 01 and 03 and the the 3rd only summed month 03, so I hve combined them and shaved 45% off the time

    mysql> SELECT Category, Budget, Billing, PTarget,PBilling,CTarget FROM
        ->                 (SELECT c.eqipName as Category, sum(a.Budget) as Budget, sum(a.Mar) as PTarget, sum(a.Apr) as CTarget FROM target as a
        ->                 inner join material as b on b.id = a.Category
        ->                 inner join equipment as c on c.eqipID = b.eqipID
        ->                 inner join plant as d on d.plantCode =  a.Branch
        ->                 inner join branch as e on e.branchID =  d.branchID  where e.branchID='2' group by c.eqipID) TG
        ->      LEFT JOIN (
        ->                 SELECT c.eqipName AS Category
        ->                      , SUM(a.gross_amount) AS Billing
        ->                      , SUM(
        ->                         CASE DATE_FORMAT(a.billing_date,'%Y-%m')
        ->                             WHEN '2024-03' THEN a.gross_amount
        ->                             ELSE 0
        ->                             END
        ->                             ) AS PBilling
        ->                 FROM billing AS a
        ->                 INNER JOIN division AS b ON b.divCode = a.division
        ->                 INNER JOIN equipment AS c ON c.eqipID = b.eqipID
        ->                 INNER JOIN distributionchannel AS d ON d.dcno = a.dchannel
        ->                 INNER JOIN plant AS e ON e.plantCode= a.sales_office
        ->                 INNER JOIN branch AS f ON f.branchID = e.branchID
        ->                 WHERE c.equipcatID = '1'
        ->                       AND d.dcgroupid='1'
        ->                       AND DATE_FORMAT(a.billing_date,'%Y-%m') BETWEEN '2024-01' AND '2024-03'
        ->                       AND f.branchID='2'
        ->                       AND a.sales_doc_type NOT IN ('ZL2W', 'ZS2','ZIPJ')
        ->                 GROUP BY c.eqipName
        ->         ) Billing USING (Category);
    | Category       | Budget    | Billing     | PTarget  | PBilling | CTarget  |
    | Batching Plant | 210236000 | 17732014.85 | 14716520 |     0.00 | 17519666 |
    | Concrete Pump  | 125428000 | 18451593.09 |  8779960 |     0.00 | 10452333 |
    | TM             |  71957300 |  7340912.62 |  5037011 |     0.00 |  5996442 |
    | SLM            |  30373660 |  1678367.08 |  2126156 |     0.00 |  2531139 |
    | Projects       |  95000000 |   306795.76 |  6650000 |     0.00 |  7916667 |
    5 rows in set (0.20 sec)

    Note that the typing of your columns is sloppy.

    • You are joining ints to varchar(45)s
    • INT(25) is somewhat optimistic (in you target spreadsheet table) - the max INT is 11 digits, not 25
    • The amount column you are totalling is defined as VARCHAR(45)!!! - should be a numeric type such as DECIMAL(15,2).
  4. 0.36 seconds - Perhaps your battery needs recharging...

    mysql> SELECT Category, Budget, Billing, PTarget,PBilling,CTarget FROM
        ->     (SELECT c.eqipName as Category, sum(a.Budget) as Budget, sum(a.Mar) as PTarget, sum(a.Apr) as CTarget FROM target as a
        ->     inner join material as b on b.id = a.Category
        ->     inner join equipment as c on c.eqipID = b.eqipID
        ->     inner join plant as d on d.plantCode =  a.Branch
        ->     inner join branch as e on e.branchID =  d.branchID  where e.branchID='2' group by c.eqipID) TG
        ->     LEFT JOIN (select c.eqipName as Category, sum(a.gross_amount) as Billing from billing as a
        ->     inner join division as b on b.divCode = a.division
        ->     inner join equipment as c on c.eqipID = b.eqipID
        ->     inner join distributionchannel as d on d.dcno = a.dchannel
        ->     inner join plant as e on e.plantCode= a.sales_office
        ->     inner join branch as f on f.branchID = e.branchID
        ->     where c.equipcatID = '1' and d.dcgroupid='1' and DATE_FORMAT(a.billing_date,'%Y-%m') between '2024-01' and '2024-03' and f.branchID='2'
        ->     and a.sales_doc_type !='ZL2W' and a.sales_doc_type !='ZS2' and a.sales_doc_type !='ZIPJ' group by c.eqipName) Billing USING (Category)
        ->     LEFT JOIN (select c.eqipName as Category, sum(a.gross_amount) as PBilling from billing as a
        ->     inner join division as b on b.divCode = a.division
        ->     inner join equipment as c on c.eqipID = b.eqipID
        ->     inner join distributionchannel as d on d.dcno = a.dchannel
        ->     inner join plant as e on e.plantCode= a.sales_office
        ->     inner join branch as f on f.branchID = e.branchID
        ->     where c.equipcatID = '1' and d.dcgroupid='1' and DATE_FORMAT(a.billing_date,'%Y-%m') = '2024-03'  and f.branchID='2'
        ->     and a.sales_doc_type !='ZL2W' and a.sales_doc_type !='ZS2' and a.sales_doc_type !='ZIPJ' group by c.eqipName) PBilling USING (Category);
    | Category       | Budget    | Billing            | PTarget  | PBilling | CTarget  |
    | Batching Plant | 210236000 | 17732014.850000016 | 14716520 |     NULL | 17519666 |
    | Concrete Pump  | 125428000 | 18451593.089999996 |  8779960 |     NULL | 10452333 |
    | TM             |  71957300 |  7340912.620000004 |  5037011 |     NULL |  5996442 |
    | SLM            |  30373660 | 1678367.0800000003 |  2126156 |     NULL |  2531139 |
    | Projects       |  95000000 |          306795.76 |  6650000 |     NULL |  7916667 |
    5 rows in set (0.36 sec)


  5. @Danishhafeez,

    I am trying to decide if your post is a product of Artificial Intelligence or Natural Ignorance. That a member of ICTInnovation's QA team would advocate code which changes record IDs should be a huge red flag to any of their prospective clients.

    Just my 0.02 worth.

  6. Is this closer?


        <input id='mytext' type='text'>
        <button id='btn'>Create output</button>
        <textarea id='target' cols='80' rows='5'></textarea>
        <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.4.min.js"></script>
        <script type='text/javascript'>
            $("#btn").click(function() {
                let txt = $("#mytext").val()
                let para = `<p style="background: black; padding: 15px; color:white;">${txt}</p>`


  7. Are you looking for something like this?

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang='en'>
    <meta charset='utf-8'>
    <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.4.min.js"></script>
    <style type='text/css'>
        p.desc {
            background-color: black;
            color: white;
            padding: 15px;
            width: 400px;
        <div id='target'>
            <!-- descriptions go here-->
        <script type='text/javascript'>
            const texts = [ "Description One", "Decription Two", "Description Three" ]
            $.each(texts, function(key,txt) {
                let para = $("<p>", {class:"desc", html:txt})


    • Like 1
  8. You need to output a row number, not the actual id. One way is to increment a $rowno variable each time you output a row of your query results and output that.

    Alternatively, there are a couple of ways you can do it with a single query.

    Test data

    TABLE: reindeer
    | id | name    |
    |  1 | Comet   |
    |  3 | Cupid   |
    |  4 | Dasher  |
    |  6 | Vixen   |
    |  8 | Prancer |
    | 10 | Dancer  |
    | 15 | Donner  |
    | 16 | Blitzen |
    1. Using an SQL variable
      SELECT @rowno := @rowno+1 as rowno
           , name
           , id
      FROM reindeer
      JOIN (SELECT @rowno := 0) as init
      ORDER BY name;
    2. Using the ROW_NUMBER() window function (MariaDB v11 or MySql v8)
      SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by name) as rowno
           , name
           , id
      FROM reindeer
      ORDER BY name;

    Both the above output

    | rowno | name    | id   |
    |     1 | Blitzen |   16 |
    |     2 | Comet   |    1 |
    |     3 | Cupid   |    3 |
    |     4 | Dancer  |   10 |
    |     5 | Dasher  |    4 |
    |     6 | Donner  |   15 |
    |     7 | Prancer |    8 |
    |     8 | Vixen   |    6 |


  9. Record IDs ...

    • should be unique.
    • should never be changed
    • should never be reallocated

    Breaking those rules destroys the integrity of your database.

    And as for you update query, what is the point of setting the id to X where the id = X. That is like you changing your username on this forum to "Legendary_003"

  10. If I understood correctly (although I can't see what your data looks like) you may want something like this...


    TABLE: items                   TABLE: weapons
    +----------+--------+          +----+----------+--------+-------+
    | playerid | itemid |          | id | playerid | weapid | level |
    +----------+--------+          +----+----------+--------+-------+
    |        2 |      2 |          |  1 |        2 |      1 |     2 |
    |        2 |      3 |          |  2 |        3 |      1 |     2 |
    |        2 |      4 |          +----+----------+--------+-------+
    |        3 |      2 |

    QUERY and RESULTS (Find which players have an item that is 1 greater than current weapon level)

    SELECT w.playerid
         , w.weapid
         , w.level
         , COALESCE(i.itemid, 'You don\'t have an item for upgrade') as item
    FROM weapons w 
         LEFT JOIN items i ON w.playerid = i.playerid
                           AND i.itemid = w.level + 1;
    | playerid | weapid | level | item                               |
    |        2 |      1 |     2 | 3                                  |
    |        3 |      1 |     2 | You don't have an item for upgrade |


    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, Adamhumbug said:

    is this part of the SQL?

    No - usort() is php function for custom sorts of arrays.

    PS It might be $cards (and not $row) that needs sorting. I get lost reading your code when a variable is used as a key value then a couple of lines further on it becomes reused as an array

  12. As for your problem with joins on icon_ids, I wouldn't bother.

    Create an array of icons from the icon table

    $res = $pdo->query("SELECT icon_id, icon_code FROM icon");
    $icons = array_column($res->fetchAll(), 'icon_code', 'icon_id');

    then use the $card['Icon'] to access key to this array when outputting

    $icon_code = $icons[$card['Icon']];


    • Great Answer 1
  13. To process json data in php, json_decode() it to get an array.

    $jsonData = '{
      "Card 1": {
        "Name": "Card 1",
        "Paragraph": "This is the first card",
        "Icon": "1"
      "Card 2": {
        "Name": "Card 2",
        "Paragraph": "This is the second card",
        "Icon": "2"
      "Card 3": {
        "Name": "Card 3",
        "Paragraph": "This is the third card",
        "Icon": "3"
      "Card 4": {
        "Name": "Card 4",
        "Paragraph": "This is the fourth card",
        "Icon": "4"
    $data = json_decode($jsonData, 1);
    echo '<pre>' . print_r($data, 1) . '</pre>';
        [Card 1] => Array
                [Name] => Card 1
                [Paragraph] => This is the first card
                [Icon] => 1
        [Card 2] => Array
                [Name] => Card 2
                [Paragraph] => This is the second card
                [Icon] => 2
        [Card 3] => Array
                [Name] => Card 3
                [Paragraph] => This is the third card
                [Icon] => 3
        [Card 4] => Array
                [Name] => Card 4
                [Paragraph] => This is the fourth card
                [Icon] => 4


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