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Everything posted by RSC-

  1. RSC-


    I am currently trying to make a database game/ textbased game/ mmporpg/ or what ever you want to call it. I am trying to add "covert" weapons. In the vsys I have: function RepairWeapon($wepid,$wal,$user,$type) { global $conf; if($type)$tp='weapon'; else $tp='defenseweapon'; $q = @mysql_query("select weaponCount,weaponStrength from `Weapon` where weaponID='$wepid' and userID='$user->ID' and isAtack='$type' "); $el=mysql_fetch_array($q, MYSQL_ASSOC); if($conf["race"][$user->race][$tp][$wepid]["strength"]!=0) $pris=round(700/$conf["race"][$user->race][$tp][$wepid]["strength"])*$wal*$el["weaponCount"]; else return; if($pris <= ($user->gold)){ if(($wal+$el["weaponStrength"]) <= $conf["race"][$user->race][$tp][$wepid]["strength"]){ $q = @mysql_query("update `Weapon` set weaponStrength=weaponStrength+'$wal' where weaponID='$wepid' and userID='$user->ID' and isAtack='$type' "); $q = @mysql_query("update `UserDetails` set gold=gold-'$pris' where ID='$user->ID' ");}} else return 'NO GOLD LEFT!!!'; } function ScrapSell($wepid,$wal,$a,$user,$type) { global $conf; if($type)$tp='weapon'; else $tp='defenseweapon'; else $tp='covert'; $q = @mysql_query("select weaponCount,weaponStrength from `Weapon` where weaponID='$wepid' and userID='$user->ID' and isAtack='$type' "); $el=mysql_fetch_array($q, MYSQL_ASSOC); if($conf["race"][$user->race][$tp][$wepid]["strength"]!=0) {$pris=round($conf["race"][$user->race][$tp][$wepid]["price"]*($el["weaponStrength"]/$conf["race"][$user->race][$tp][$wepid]["strength"]-0.2))*$wal;} else return; if($wal<$el["weaponCount"]){ $q = @mysql_query("update `Weapon` set weaponCount=weaponCount-'$wal' where weaponID='$wepid' and userID='$user->ID' and isAtack='$type' "); if($a!='Scrap'){$q = @mysql_query("update `UserDetails` set gold=gold+'$pris' where ID='$user->ID' ");}} if($wal==$el["weaponCount"]){ $q = @mysql_query("delete from `Weapon` where weaponID='$wepid' and userID='$user->ID' and isAtack='$type' "); if($a!='Scrap'){$q = @mysql_query("update `UserDetails` set gold=gold+'$pris' where ID='$user->ID' ");}} } function BuyWeapon($wepid,$wal,$at,$user) { global $conf; if($at)$tp='weapon'; else $tp='defenseweapon'; else $tp='covert'; $pris=$conf["race"][$user->race][$tp][$wepid]["price"]*$wal; $stren=$conf["race"][$user->race][$tp][$wepid]["strength"]; if($pris <= ($user->gold)){ $q = @mysql_query("select weaponCount from `Weapon` where weaponID='$wepid' and userID='$user->ID' and isAtack='$at' "); if (@mysql_num_rows($q)){ $q = @mysql_query("update `Weapon` set weaponCount=weaponCount+'$wal' where weaponID='$wepid' and userID='$user->ID' and isAtack='$at' "); $q = @mysql_query("update `UserDetails` set gold=gold-'$pris' where ID='$user->ID' ");} else{ $q = @mysql_query("insert into `Weapon` (weaponID, weaponStrength, weaponCount, isAtack, userID) values ('$wepid', '$stren', '$wal', '$at', '$user->ID')"); $q = @mysql_query("update `UserDetails` set gold=gold-'$pris' where ID='$user->ID' ");}} else return 'NO GOLD LEFT!!!'; Is there anything wrong with that? and also what else should I put?
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