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Everything posted by dave01

  1. Hi - i was wondering if anyone could offer me assistance / advice regarding a website i commissioned. The original programmer wants to leave the project without finishing what was agreed and he has recieved a substantial amout of money up to this point. I have a feeling the code used and the method of implementation has not been that good so i have site that isn't so great. If i detail the facts that i know currently about what i have (well don't have as on programmer's server) So the agreement was to build a site that was modular and scaleable so another programmer could work on it! Used PHP 4.1 / 4.3 (admitted in some places the code is old and would be difficult for another programmer to work on it) MYSQL 3.23 MYPHPAdmin (something like that) - i think from the year 2003 PHP and HTML is mixed together? (if there was no spec does, does this a good excuise for programmer to go down this route of mixing HTML & PHP? - the site is a complex one) Built on his machine which i think is a linux but when uploads to server he has to change a few things as the set up is different - should he be making these two environments the same? We had no spec - but both knew this from the outset - just visuals etc Thanks in advance for any advice i recieve
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