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Posts posted by glennn.php

  1. a really good dude put this Query/output together for me, where i've now tried to add a new field, "info" to the 'persons' table,
    and am unable to query it correctly within the array:

    person_id|      fname     |      lname      |    [[ info ]]
    1           Lyndon B            Johnson          some info here...
    2           Bobby               Baker            (null)
    3           Malcolm             Wallace          (null)
    4           George              de Mohr          (null)
    5           Lee Harvey          Oswald           (null)
    6           Howard              Hunt             (null)
    7           Frank               Sturgis          (null)

    and the query and output (i've wrapped my attempts in [[ ]]):


    SELECT p_id, a_id,
    CONCAT(p1.fname,' ',p1.lname) as name1,
    p_to_a as association,
    CONCAT(p2.fname,' ',p2.lname) as name2,
    [[ p3.info ]]
            FROM assocs a 
            INNER JOIN persons p1 ON p1.person_id = a.p_id
            INNER JOIN persons p2 ON p2.person_id = a.a_id
            INNER JOIN persons p3 ON p3.info = a.a_id

    I'm not good with arrays at all, but i've given this a few different tries, and end up echoing the "info" everywhere in the output but where I want it to be, which is along with the name of the particular person_id of its row, of course:

    $data = [];
    $res = $db->query($sql);
    while (list($pid, $aid, $n1, $ass, $n2, [[ $nf ]]) = $res->fetch_row()) {
        if (!isset($data[$pid])) {
            $data[$pid] =  [ 'name' => $n1, 'assocs' => [] ];
        $data[$pid]['assocs'][$aid] = ['name' => $n2, [[ 'info' => $nf, ]] 'rel' => $ass];
    listAssociates(1, $data, $processed, 0);
    function listAssociates($pid, &$data, &$processed, $level)
        if (!isset($data[$pid])) {
        if (in_array($pid, $processed)) return; // prevent circular references
        $processed[] = $pid;
        if ($level==0) {
            echo "<div class=''>{$data[$pid]['name']}</b> » </div>";
            // $indent = str_repeat(' ', $level*10);
            $indent = ($level*25);
            $indent = ($indent+25)."px";
            foreach ($data[$pid]['assocs'] as $aid=>$adata) {
                echo "<div style='margin-left:$indent'>{$adata['rel']} <b>{$adata['name']}</b></div>  [[ {$adata['info']} ]] \n";
                listAssociates($aid, $data, $processed, $level+1);


    could some kind person help me include this field in the query and the output, please?

  2. incidentally, this is the raw html that i'm attempting to convert to database driven data: http://stemmonsfreeway.com/  - if you take a look, scroll down past the "Intro" and open "Military Industrial..." You'll see what I'm talking about, how much data there will be - this is only a start of the project. It's going to continue growing...




    You could try something like this, storing the data into an array then processing that array recursively

    //**********  DATA   *********************************
    SELECT person_id,fname,lname FROM person;
    | person_id | fname | lname            |
    |         1 | Curly | Phillips         |
    |         2 | Larry | Barnes           |
    |         3 | Mo    | Moore            |
    |         4 | Peter | de Mohrenschildt |
    |         5 | Paul  | Oswald           |
    |         6 | Mary  | Hunt             |
    |         7 | Tom   | Sturgis          |
    SELECT * FROM assoc;
    | assoc_id | p_id | a_id | p_to_a            | a_to_p           |
    |        1 |    1 |    2 | employs           | works for        |
    |        2 |    2 |    3 | knows             | knows            |
    |        3 |    3 |    4 | worked with       | worked with      |
    |        4 |    4 |    5 | knows             | knows            |
    |        5 |    1 |    6 | brother-in-law to | sister-in-law to |
    |        6 |    6 |    7 | wife of           | husband of       |
    |        7 |    7 |    3 | knows             | knows            |

    The processing

    $db = new mysqli(HOST,USERNAME,PASSWORD,DB);
    $sql = "SELECT 
              , a_id  
              , CONCAT(p1.fname,' ',p1.lname) as name1
              , p_to_a as association  
              , CONCAT(p2.fname,' ',p2.lname) as name2
            FROM assoc a 
            INNER JOIN person p1 ON p1.person_id = a.p_id
            INNER JOIN person p2 ON p2.person_id = a.a_id";
    $data = [];
    $res = $db->query($sql);
    while (list($pid, $aid, $n1, $ass, $n2) = $res->fetch_row()) {
        if (!isset($data[$pid])) {
            $data[$pid] =  [ 'name' => $n1, 'assocs' => [] ];
        $data[$pid]['assocs'][$aid] = ['name' => $n2, 'rel' => $ass];
    listAssociates(1, $data, $processed, 0);
    function listAssociates($pid, &$data, &$processed, $level)
        if (!isset($data[$pid])) {
        if (in_array($pid, $processed)) return; // prevent circular references
        $processed[] = $pid;
        if ($level==0) {
            echo "<b>{$data[$pid]['name']}</b><br>";
            $indent = str_repeat(' ', $level*10);
            foreach ($data[$pid]['assocs'] as $aid=>$adata) {
                echo "$indent{$adata['rel']} <b>{$adata['name']}</b><br>\n";
                listAssociates($aid, $data, $processed, $level+1);

    The results

    Curly Phillips
    employs Larry Barnes
              knows Mo Moore
                        worked with Peter de Mohrenschildt
                                  knows Paul Oswald
    brother-in-law to Mary Hunt
              wife of Tom Sturgis
                        knows Mo Moore
  3. Sensei, you Rock (that's American for "thanks, Mate").


    This is going to be an enormous database and hopefully a terrific addition to the JFK Assassination community. I will add your name as an appreciated contributor when it's public, with your permission.


    Thanks so much, Mate.




    You could try something like this, storing the data into an array then processing that array recursively

    //**********  DATA   *********************************
    SELECT person_id,fname,lname FROM person;
    | person_id | fname | lname            |
    |         1 | Curly | Phillips         |
    |         2 | Larry | Barnes           |
    |         3 | Mo    | Moore            |
    |         4 | Peter | de Mohrenschildt |
    |         5 | Paul  | Oswald           |
    |         6 | Mary  | Hunt             |
    |         7 | Tom   | Sturgis          |
    SELECT * FROM assoc;
    | assoc_id | p_id | a_id | p_to_a            | a_to_p           |
    |        1 |    1 |    2 | employs           | works for        |
    |        2 |    2 |    3 | knows             | knows            |
    |        3 |    3 |    4 | worked with       | worked with      |
    |        4 |    4 |    5 | knows             | knows            |
    |        5 |    1 |    6 | brother-in-law to | sister-in-law to |
    |        6 |    6 |    7 | wife of           | husband of       |
    |        7 |    7 |    3 | knows             | knows            |

    The processing

    $db = new mysqli(HOST,USERNAME,PASSWORD,DB);
    $sql = "SELECT 
              , a_id  
              , CONCAT(p1.fname,' ',p1.lname) as name1
              , p_to_a as association  
              , CONCAT(p2.fname,' ',p2.lname) as name2
            FROM assoc a 
            INNER JOIN person p1 ON p1.person_id = a.p_id
            INNER JOIN person p2 ON p2.person_id = a.a_id";
    $data = [];
    $res = $db->query($sql);
    while (list($pid, $aid, $n1, $ass, $n2) = $res->fetch_row()) {
        if (!isset($data[$pid])) {
            $data[$pid] =  [ 'name' => $n1, 'assocs' => [] ];
        $data[$pid]['assocs'][$aid] = ['name' => $n2, 'rel' => $ass];
    listAssociates(1, $data, $processed, 0);
    function listAssociates($pid, &$data, &$processed, $level)
        if (!isset($data[$pid])) {
        if (in_array($pid, $processed)) return; // prevent circular references
        $processed[] = $pid;
        if ($level==0) {
            echo "<b>{$data[$pid]['name']}</b><br>";
            $indent = str_repeat(' ', $level*10);
            foreach ($data[$pid]['assocs'] as $aid=>$adata) {
                echo "$indent{$adata['rel']} <b>{$adata['name']}</b><br>\n";
                listAssociates($aid, $data, $processed, $level+1);

    The results

    Curly Phillips
    employs Larry Barnes
              knows Mo Moore
                        worked with Peter de Mohrenschildt
                                  knows Paul Oswald
    brother-in-law to Mary Hunt
              wife of Tom Sturgis
                        knows Mo Moore

    Dude, I believe you've nailed it. I didn't get a notif. for this, so I'm just now seeing it, but it looks more than perfect. I'm trying it now, and will come back and thank you...









    You could try something like this, storing the data into an array then processing that array recursively

    //**********  DATA   *********************************
    SELECT person_id,fname,lname FROM person;
    | person_id | fname | lname            |
    |         1 | Curly | Phillips         |
    |         2 | Larry | Barnes           |
    |         3 | Mo    | Moore            |
    |         4 | Peter | de Mohrenschildt |
    |         5 | Paul  | Oswald           |
    |         6 | Mary  | Hunt             |
    |         7 | Tom   | Sturgis          |
    SELECT * FROM assoc;
    | assoc_id | p_id | a_id | p_to_a            | a_to_p           |
    |        1 |    1 |    2 | employs           | works for        |
    |        2 |    2 |    3 | knows             | knows            |
    |        3 |    3 |    4 | worked with       | worked with      |
    |        4 |    4 |    5 | knows             | knows            |
    |        5 |    1 |    6 | brother-in-law to | sister-in-law to |
    |        6 |    6 |    7 | wife of           | husband of       |
    |        7 |    7 |    3 | knows             | knows            |
    The processing

    $db = new mysqli(HOST,USERNAME,PASSWORD,DB);
    $sql = "SELECT 
              , a_id  
              , CONCAT(p1.fname,' ',p1.lname) as name1
              , p_to_a as association  
              , CONCAT(p2.fname,' ',p2.lname) as name2
            FROM assoc a 
            INNER JOIN person p1 ON p1.person_id = a.p_id
            INNER JOIN person p2 ON p2.person_id = a.a_id";
    $data = [];
    $res = $db->query($sql);
    while (list($pid, $aid, $n1, $ass, $n2) = $res->fetch_row()) {
        if (!isset($data[$pid])) {
            $data[$pid] =  [ 'name' => $n1, 'assocs' => [] ];
        $data[$pid]['assocs'][$aid] = ['name' => $n2, 'rel' => $ass];
    listAssociates(1, $data, $processed, 0);
    function listAssociates($pid, &$data, &$processed, $level)
        if (!isset($data[$pid])) {
        if (in_array($pid, $processed)) return; // prevent circular references
        $processed[] = $pid;
        if ($level==0) {
            echo "<b>{$data[$pid]['name']}</b><br>";
            $indent = str_repeat(' ', $level*10);
            foreach ($data[$pid]['assocs'] as $aid=>$adata) {
                echo "$indent{$adata['rel']} <b>{$adata['name']}</b><br>\n";
                listAssociates($aid, $data, $processed, $level+1);
    The results

    Curly Phillips
    employs Larry Barnes
              knows Mo Moore
                        worked with Peter de Mohrenschildt
                                  knows Paul Oswald
    brother-in-law to Mary Hunt
              wife of Tom Sturgis
                        knows Mo Moore


  5. firstly, I am not a db programmer. I ply my trade in WordPress stuff, but not in-depth db structuring from scratch. please keep that in mind as I do my best to ask this question? :rolleyes:


    I have made some headway creating two tables that I think will almost, kinda do what I want, which is:

    • Phillips pid1
      • Barnes pid2
        • Moore pid3
          • de Mohrenschildt pid4
            • Oswald pid5
      • Hunt pid6
        • Sturgis pid7
          • Moore pid3



    I've created a (really large) outline in html that simply shows, in effect:


    Phillips (knows) » Barnes (supervised) » Moore (supervised) » de Mohrenschildt (knows) » Oswald ...


    AS WELL AS, Phillips (knows) » Hunt (knows) » Sturgis (followed, who also knows) » Moore (same, pid3) ...


    I put Sturgis followed by Moore specifically to show that these relationships are in no way numerically sequential from the ASSOCS table. There will be 4 or 500 Persons, (and 40 or 50 Organizations, once I get this solved).


    You can see an example of it here (there's lots of data going on in this outline):



    So, I've come up with these tables:

        id, name              
        1   Phillips 
        2   Barnes
        3   Moore
        4   de Mohrenschildt
        5   Oswald
        6   Hunt
        7   Sturgis
       p_id, a_id
        1     2
        2     3
        3     4
        4     5
        1     6
        6     7
        7     3
    And I have this query:

        SELECT a1.p_id, p1.name AS 'Name', a2.p_id, p2.name AS 'FName1', a3.p_id, p3.name AS 'FName2'
        FROM assocs a1
        JOIN assocs a2 ON a1.p_id = a2.a_id
        JOIN assocs a3 ON a2.p_id = a3.a_id
        JOIN persons p1 ON a1.p_id = p1.id
        JOIN persons p2 ON a2.p_id = p2.id
        JOIN persons p3 ON a3.p_id = p3.id
        WHERE p1.id = 1 AND p2.id = 2 AND p3.id = 3;
    which returns:


        1 Phillips 2 Barnes 3 Moore


    *** The problem I have is where a trail ends, Phillips to Oswald, and starts again, Phillips to Hunt to Moore, for instance.


    *** What I need is a way to define an end to a string of associations and a start of the next one, perhaps with another field or two in the ASSOCS table, or another table... (I'd also love to be able to denote one of a few types of relationships, i.e. "friend" "foe" "supervised" "worked for" ...)


    *** I'm hoping some kind soul can help me with a query that can do this, and some advice on how to handle it in the tables I've started with...?

  6. this is tricky to explain:


    I have a raw php script, written by someone else, that sends an email to a list extracted from a CSV file. It requires that certain values in the file be manually edited each time it's used, such as the following:


    $mail->setFrom('email@email.com', 'From Name'); // <==== change email address, From Name
    $subject = "Subject Line"; // <==== Adjust this subject
    $html = ' html here '; // <==== include email html
    MagicParser_parse("test.csv","myRecordHandler","csv|44|1|34"); // <==== change 'test.csv' file name


    the function is called by simply calling this email.php file in the browser.


    I'd like to build a form that would a) edit these values/strings on the fly and then b) call the file in the browser. The thing is, it's been a while since I've messed with PHP forms to any extent, and I can't remember how to get started on something like this. And I'm not familiar at all with fopen and fwrite to edit strings like this without messing up the existing code (there's a lot of other code in the file that needs to be left alone, obviously).


    I'm hoping someone can help me with a starting point - an idea on how to get this thing going - whether to build the form right in the same file or to build one in another file that posts these values to this existing file...


    hopefully someone can understand what I'm asking, and thank you much for your help.




  7. OK, here's the query i'm working with, first of all:


    (select a.*, a.user as usr, (select answer from answers where question = 'decision' and user = usr limit 1) as decision,
    (coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater1' and user = usr limit 1),0) + coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater2' and user = usr limit 1),0) + coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater3' and user = usr limit 1),0) + coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater4' and user = usr limit 1),0)) as coal,
    (coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater1' and user = usr limit 1),0) + coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater2' and user = usr limit 1),0) + coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater3' and user = usr limit 1),0) + coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater4' and user = usr limit 1),0)) / (((select answer from answers where question = 'rater1' and user = usr and answer != 0 limit 1) is not null) + ((select answer from answers where question = 'rater2' and user = usr and answer != 0 limit 1) is not null) + ((select answer from answers where question = 'rater3' and user = usr and answer != 0 limit 1) is not null) + ((select answer from answers where question = 'rater4' and user = usr and answer != 0 limit 1) is not null)) as total, (select answer from answers where question = 'rater1' and user = usr limit 1) as rater1, (select answer from answers where question = 'rater2' and user = usr limit 1) as rater2, (select answer from answers where question = 'rater3' and user = usr limit 1) as rater3, (select answer from answers where question = 'rater4' and user = usr limit 1) as rater4 from answers a INNER JOIN (SELECT user FROM answers WHERE app_id = '24550e5c73136d5081f76dea807fd35b' and question = 'date_completed') b ON a.user = b.user WHERE a.question = 'status' and answer = '0' group by user order by decision desc limit 1000) UNION (select a.*,a.user as usr,(select answer from answers where question = 'decision' and user = usr limit 1) as decision,(coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater1' and user = usr limit 1),0) + coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater2' and user = usr limit 1),0) + coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater3' and user = usr limit 1),0) + coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater4' and user = usr limit 1),0)) as coal,
    (coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater1' and user = usr limit 1),0) + coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater2' and user = usr limit 1),0) + coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater3' and user = usr limit 1),0) + coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater4' and user = usr limit 1),0)) / (((select answer from answers where question = 'rater1' and user = usr and answer != 0 limit 1) is not null) + ((select answer from answers where question = 'rater2' and user = usr and answer != 0 limit 1) is not null) + ((select answer from answers where question = 'rater3' and user = usr and answer != 0 limit 1) is not null) + ((select answer from answers where question = 'rater4' and user = usr and answer != 0 limit 1) is not null)) as total, (select answer from answers where question = 'rater1' and user = usr limit 1) as rater1, (select answer from answers where question = 'rater2' and user = usr limit 1) as rater2, (select answer from answers where question = 'rater3' and user = usr limit 1) as rater3, (select answer from answers where question = 'rater4' and user = usr limit 1) as rater4 from answers a INNER JOIN (SELECT user FROM answers WHERE app_id = '24550e5c73136d5081f76dea807fd35b' and question = 'date_completed') b ON a.user = b.user WHERE a.question = 'status' and answer = '1' group by user order by decision desc limit 1000) UNION (select a.*,a.user as usr,(select answer from answers where question = 'decision' and user = usr limit 1) as decision,(coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater1' and user = usr limit 1),0) + coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater2' and user = usr limit 1),0) + coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater3' and user = usr limit 1),0) + coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater4' and user = usr limit 1),0)) as coal,
    (coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater1' and user = usr limit 1),0) + coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater2' and user = usr limit 1),0) + coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater3' and user = usr limit 1),0) + coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater4' and user = usr limit 1),0)) / (((select answer from answers where question = 'rater1' and user = usr and answer != 0 limit 1) is not null) + ((select answer from answers where question = 'rater2' and user = usr and answer != 0 limit 1) is not null) + ((select answer from answers where question = 'rater3' and user = usr and answer != 0 limit 1) is not null) + ((select answer from answers where question = 'rater4' and user = usr and answer != 0 limit 1) is not null)) as total, (select answer from answers where question = 'rater1' and user = usr limit 1) as rater1, (select answer from answers where question = 'rater2' and user = usr limit 1) as rater2, (select answer from answers where question = 'rater3' and user = usr limit 1) as rater3, (select answer from answers where question = 'rater4' and user = usr limit 1) as rater4 from answers a INNER JOIN (SELECT user FROM answers WHERE app_id = '24550e5c73136d5081f76dea807fd35b' and question = 'date_completed') b ON a.user = b.user WHERE a.question = 'status' and answer = '2' group by user order by decision desc limit 1000) UNION (select a.*,a.user as usr,(select answer from answers where question = 'decision' and user = usr limit 1) as decision,(coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater1' and user = usr limit 1),0) + coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater2' and user = usr limit 1),0) + coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater3' and user = usr limit 1),0) + coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater4' and user = usr limit 1),0)) as coal,
    (coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater1' and user = usr limit 1),0) + coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater2' and user = usr limit 1),0) + coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater3' and user = usr limit 1),0) + coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater4' and user = usr limit 1),0)) / (((select answer from answers where question = 'rater1' and user = usr and answer != 0 limit 1) is not null) + ((select answer from answers where question = 'rater2' and user = usr and answer != 0 limit 1) is not null) + ((select answer from answers where question = 'rater3' and user = usr and answer != 0 limit 1) is not null) + ((select answer from answers where question = 'rater4' and user = usr and answer != 0 limit 1) is not null)) as total, (select answer from answers where question = 'rater1' and user = usr limit 1) as rater1, (select answer from answers where question = 'rater2' and user = usr limit 1) as rater2, (select answer from answers where question = 'rater3' and user = usr limit 1) as rater3, (select answer from answers where question = 'rater4' and user = usr limit 1) as rater4 from answers a INNER JOIN (SELECT user FROM answers WHERE app_id = '24550e5c73136d5081f76dea807fd35b' and question = 'date_completed') b ON a.user = b.user WHERE a.question = 'status' and answer = '3' group by user order by decision desc limit 1000) order by answer asc, decision desc, total desc


    the table is configured like this:

    app_id | question | answer | user

    24550e5c73136d5081f76dea807fd35b | status | 0 | 654a6518d9fas9dad5sdfa8a61ga651

    24550e5c73136d5081f76dea807fd35b | name | Bob Smith | 654a6518d9fas9dad5sdfa8a61ga651

    24550e5c73136d5081f76dea807fd35b | email | bob@email.com | 654a6518d9fas9dad5sdfa8a61ga651

    24550e5c73136d5081f76dea807fd35b | state | NY | 654a6518d9fas9dad5sdfa8a61ga651

    24550e5c73136d5081f76dea807fd35b | country | Uganda | 654a6518d9fas9dad5sdfa8a61ga651

    24550e5c73136d5081f76dea807fd35b | etc | etc | 654a6518d9fas9dad5sdfa8a61ga651

    24550e5c73136d5081f76dea807fd35b | etc | etc | 654a6518d9fas9dad5sdfa8a61ga651



    approximately 30 records for each user TIMES 500. (this is the weirdest database config. i've ever seen - i don't even know if this was smart or not - doesn't seem to be, as there are more than 250 thousand records in this particular table already - but these queries are kicking my ass).




    so the client has asked if i can now add a sort by country option. I'm hoping someone can help me rewrite this query to where it will sort by the answer to the question which is country AS WELL as keeping the status grouped (0, then 1, then 2...).  i can do the rest if someone could kindly help me with this...? pretty please...?


    I'll be very very grateful if someone could show me what needs to be done to include this ability within this query...


    thanks so much, folks.




    if it matters, this is how the query is coded:


    $statusna = "";
    			for ($j=0;$j<=3;$j++)
    				$statusna .= "(select a.*,a.user as usr,(select answer from answers where question = 'decision' and user = usr limit 1) as decision,(";
    				for ($i=1;$i<=$raters;$i++)
    					$statusna .= "coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater$i' and user = usr limit 1),0)";
    					if ($i<$raters)
    						$statusna .= " + ";
    				$statusna .= ") as coal,(";
    				for ($i=1;$i<=$raters;$i++)
    					$statusna .= "coalesce((select answer from answers where question = 'rater$i' and user = usr limit 1),0)";
    					if ($i<$raters)
    						$statusna .= " + ";
    				$statusna .= ") / (";
    				for ($i=1;$i<=$raters;$i++)
    					$statusna .= "((select answer from answers where question = 'rater$i' and user = usr and answer != 0 limit 1) is not null)";
    					if ($i<$raters)
    						$statusna .= " + ";
    				$statusna .= ") as total, ";
    				for ($i=1;$i<=$raters;$i++)
    					$statusna .= "(select answer from answers where question = 'rater$i' and user = usr limit 1) as rater$i";
    					if ($i<$raters)
    						$statusna .= ", ";
    				$statusna .= " from answers a INNER JOIN (SELECT user FROM answers WHERE app_id = '$_GET[app_id]' and question = 'date_completed') b ON 
    		a.user = b.user WHERE a.question = 'status' and answer = '$j' group by user order by decision desc limit 1000)";
    				// ORIG >> $statusna .= " from answers where app_id = '$_GET[app_id]' and question = 'status' and answer = '$j' group by user order by decision desc limit 1000)";
    				if ($j<3)
    					$statusna .= " UNION ";
    			 $qry = "$statusna order by answer asc, decision desc, total desc";

  8. no, cause even these image names are going to be different.


    i'm ok keeping the tags, i just want to use the </a> as a delimiter and store everything up to and including that in one var and everything after that in another var. sorry i wasn't as clear the first time.



    im realizing that this is probably a php question, perhaps using substr()..? my apologies for this being in mysql...

  9. ok, this is clearly 1st grade code for some, but i'm not there yet - I'm querying posts in WordPress, and the post_content will always have an image in the beginning of the post followed by the content. i don't want to get the image, just the content that's after the image, which is wrapped in anchor tags, of course.


    <a href="http://path/to/image.jpg"><img src="http://path/to/image.jpg" /></a> <p>Post content yadda, yadda, hoowie</p>


    obviously a character count won't work, so i need to get anything that follows the first "</a>", say...? is this the best way, or is there an easier way?


    thanks for anyone's help.






  10. nope - i'd even tried that earlier...


    this is the upateWidgetData function that's called - it's getting this far: $("#console").html('<div class="success">Saved</div>').hide().fadeIn(1000); but it's not toggling the .dragbox-content div...


    function updateWidgetData(){
    var items=[];
    	var columnId=$(this).attr('id');
    	$('.dragbox', this).each(function(i){
    		var collapsed=0;
    		var item={
    			id: $(this).attr('id'),
    			collapsed: collapsed,
    			order : i,
    			column: columnId
    var sortorder={ items: items };
    //Pass sortorder variable to server using ajax to save state
    $.post('updatePanels.php', 'data='+$.toJSON(sortorder), function(response){
    		$("#console").html('<div class="success">Saved</div>').hide().fadeIn(1000);
    	}, 2000);




    Oh, i wasn't sure which span you wanted it attached to.


    	}, function(){
    		$(this).find('.configure').css('visibility', 'visible');
    	}, function(){
    		$(this).find('.configure').css('visibility', 'hidden');
    	.find('.configure').css('visibility', 'hidden');

  11. i'm not a jquery developer - I'm hoping someone would be kind enough to help me to attach this click event to a span within the h2 instead of the entire h2 heading:


    	}, function(){
    		$(this).find('.configure').css('visibility', 'visible');
    	}, function(){
    		$(this).find('.configure').css('visibility', 'hidden');
    	.find('.configure').css('visibility', 'hidden');
    	connectWith: '.column',
    	handle: 'h2',
    	cursor: 'move',
    	placeholder: 'placeholder',
    	forcePlaceholderSize: true,
    	opacity: 0.4,
    	start: function(event, ui){
    		//Firefox, Safari/Chrome fire click event after drag is complete, fix for that
    		/* if($.browser.mozilla || $.browser.safari) 
    	stop: function(event, ui){
    		ui.item.css({'top':'0','left':'0'}); //Opera fix
    	//	if(!$.browser.mozilla && !$.browser.safari)


    <div class="dragbox" id="item12">
    <h2><span id="title-12" class="editText">right 2</span><span class="handle" style="float:right; width:49%; height:20px;"></span></h2>
    	<div class="dragbox-content" >
    		<span id="text-12" class="editText">right</span>


    thanks very much for anyone's help.




  12. Unfortunately I don't know that script.


    Got something in the JS error console ?

    PHP errors ?


    Tried do compare your script with that one in the demo ?


    the link (demo) i sent you is my script - i hardly modified the js at all, but the original script doesn't work right, either.


    can i send you the original? it's really small - i'd even be glad to make a nice donation if you could improve this particular 'bug'...

  13. oh, by being persistent, what i mean is that it writes to the database - if you drag a block to another column and refresh your page, it's persistent - if you drag a block within its own column to a different position it won't write to the database, and when you refresh the page it's back to where it was.


    if you drag a block from one column to the another and then BACK to its orig. column in a different position it will have written to the db both times and it's all good...

  14. yes, it's actually defined in the index.php file:


    	<script type="text/javascript">
    		var settings 	= {<?=getBlocks()?>};
    		var options 	= { 
    		portal 			: 'columns', 
    		editorEnabled 	: true, 
    		saveurl 		: 'save.php' };
    		var data 		= {};
    		var portal;
    		Event.observe(window, 'load', function() {
    			portal = new Portal(settings, options, data);


    remember, what's happening is that the script performs properly when a block is moved from column to column, only not when a block is moved WITHIN the column.


    i REALLY appreciate your help. and i'm glad to show you more of the js if necessary...

  15. regarding this script: http://cssphpmysql.com/dev/my-lifeline/


    this is a script for shuffling these blocks like on iGoogle fires a few php/mysql UPDATE queries whenever a block is dragged/dropped from column to column, but fails to fire the queries if a block is dragged to a dif. position within the same column - i'm failry noob with jquery/javascript and after a lot of hunting and pecking i'm unable to find why.


    here's a bit of the code which i think is pertinent, though not sure. i would be very grateful if someone could offer a little help? i can post more code if this doesn't tell much...


    Portal.prototype = {
    initialize : function (settings, options, data) {
    	// set options
    	// set blocks to their positions
    	// load data to blocks
    	// if editor is enabled we proceed
    	if (!this.options.editorEnabled) return;
    	// get all available columns
    	var columns = $(this.options.portal).getElementsByClassName(this.options.column);
    	// loop through columns array
    	$A(columns).each(function(column) {
    		// create sortable
    		Sortable.create(column, {
    			containment : $A(columns),
    			constraint  : this.options.constraint,
    			ghosting	: this.options.ghosting,
    			tag 		: this.options.tag,
    			only 		: this.options.block,
    			dropOnEmpty : this.options.droponempty,
    			handle 		: this.options.handle,
    			hoverclass 	: this.options.hoverclass,
    			scroll		: this.options.scroll,
    			onUpdate 	: function (container) {
    				// if we dont have a save url we dont update
    				if (!this.options.saveurl) return;
    				// if we are in the same container we do nothing
    			    if (container.id == this.options.blocklist) return;
    				// get blocks in this container
    				var blocks = container.getElementsByClassName(this.options.block);
    				// serialize all blocks in this container
    				var postBody = container.id + ':';
    				postBody += $A(blocks).pluck('id').join(',');
    				postBody = 'value=' + escape(postBody);
    				// save it to the database
    				new Ajax.Request(this.options.saveurl, { method: 'post', postBody: postBody, onComplete : function (t) {
    					$('data').update(t.responseText + $('data').innerHTML);
    				} });
    apply_settings : function (settings) {
    	// apply settings to the array
    	for (var container in settings) {
    		settings[container].each(function (block) { if (!$(container)) { console.log('Block '+container+' not found') } else { $(container).appendChild($(block)); }  });
    setOptions : function (options) {
    	// set options
    	this.options = {
    		tag				: 'div',
    		editorEnabled 	: false,
    		portal			: 'portal',
    		column			: 'column',
    		block			: 'block',
    		blocks			: 'blocks',
    		content			: 'content',
    		configElement	: 'config',
    		configSave		: 'save-button',
    		configCancel	: 'cancel-button',
    		configSaved		: 'config-saved',
    		handle			: 'draghandle',
    		hoverclass		: 'target',
    		scroll			: window,
    		remove			: 'option-remove',
    		config			: 'option-edit',
    		blocklist		: 'portal-column-block-list',
    		saveurl			: true,
    		constraint		: false,
    		ghosting		: false,
    		droponempty		: true
    	Object.extend(this.options, options || {});



    the HTML:


    <div id="columns">
    			<div id="column-1" class="column menu"></div>
    			<div id="column-2" class="column blocks"></div>
    			<div id="column-3" class="column sidebar"></div>
    <div class="portal-column" id="portal-column-block-list" style="display: none;">
    // example block
    <div class="block" id="block-1">
    <h1 class="draghandle"><span id="title-1" class="editText">1977</span></h1>
    <p><span id="evnt-1" class="editText">Berry Academy</span></p>


    i've attached a dragdrop.js file as a txt file.


    I'll be very grateful for any offer of help. thanks loads.




  16. you assumed a grasp of what i know and don't know, and it's largely because you reacted without REALLY reading my first post, which was clear enough.


    you don't know me well enough to pass such a judgement. this is clear in your assumption that it will bother me if you do not reply to any of my future requests.


    on the contrary. your kind of help i don't need.

  17. no, you certainly don't, but as an Administrator you owe your viewers a modicum of respect and the benefit of the doubt or else you're in the wrong business.


    Zane, who knows probably half what you do, was eager to offer help instead of assumptions. from his posts i'll learn a lot.


    of course, from yours i learned some things, too. like to go to devnetwork next time i need help, and to advise others to do the same.

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