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Everything posted by tinboye

  1. I run a game where when your total networth reaches 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 then it does not echo any more. how would I increase this amount to echo true amount? [code] <?php if ( $offset == "" ) $offset = 0; else {     $offset = abs($offset);     $offset -= $offset % $myrank_dispperpage; } if ( $loc_id == "" ) {     $loc_id = 0;     $title = "Global"; } else {     $loc_id = abs($loc_id);     $loc_namef = getLOCnameFfID($loc_id);     $title = "{$loc_namef}"; } $size = "+0"; $width = "98%"; $title .= " Player Rankings"; include("starttable.php"); $linkstr = "Select additional rankings:\n<br>\n<br>" . mylink("Player Rankings")."Global</a>"; $qr = outqa("SELECT name, country FROM locations ORDER BY location_id ASC"); for ( $i=0; $i<count($qr); $i++ )     $linkstr .= " | " . mylinkex("Player Rankings","loc_id=".($i+1) )."{$qr[$i][0]}, {$qr[$i][1]}</a>"; centerme($linkstr); if ( $loc_id == 0 ) { $qr = outqa("SELECT rank_global, name, points, gang_id, location_id, class, cash FROM rusers WHERE status!='Survey' AND status NOT LIKE 'CON::%' ORDER BY rank_global ASC LIMIT {$offset}, {$myrank_dispperpage}"); $actnum = outqs("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rusers"); } else { $qr = outqa("SELECT rank_local, name, points, gang_id, location_id, class, cash, rank_global FROM rusers WHERE status!='Survey' AND status NOT LIKE 'CON::%' AND location_id={$loc_id} ORDER BY rank_global ASC LIMIT {$offset}, {$myrank_dispperpage}"); $actnum = outqs("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rusers WHERE location_id={$loc_id}"); } echo "\n<p><table width=95% align=center rules=none border=0 cellspacing=3 cellpadding=0 bgcolor=#{$bgo}>"; if ( $loc_id == 0 )     echo "\n\n<tr><td>{$font}<b>Rank</b></font></td>"; else {     echo "\n\n<tr><td>{$font}<b>Local<br>Rank</b></font></td>";     echo "\n<td>{$font}<b>Global<br>Rank</b></font></td>"; } echo "<td>{$font}<b>Name</b></font></td>"; echo "<td>{$font}<b>Class</b></font></td>"; if ( $loc_id == 0 )     echo "<td align=center>{$font}<b>Location</b></font></td>"; echo "<td align=right>{$font}<b>Cash</b></font></td>"; echo "<td align=right>{$font}<b>Net Worth</b></font></td></tr>"; for ( $i=0; $i<count($qr); $i++ ) {     echo "\n\n<tr><td>{$font}{$qr[$i][0]}</font></td>";     if ( $loc_id > 0 )         echo "\n<td>{$font}{$qr[$i][7]}</font></td>";     $gs = getCname($qr[$i][3]);     if ( $gs != "" ) $gs = " (<a href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?func=spy&gangxor_id={$qr[$i][3]}\" target=_top>" . $gs . "</a>)";     echo "\n<td>{$font}<a href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?func=spy&user_name={$qr[$i][1]}\" target=_top>{$qr[$i][1]}</a>{$gs}</font></td>";     echo "<td align=left>{$font}{$class_names[ $qr[$i][5] ]}</font></td>";     if ( $loc_id == 0 )         echo "<td align=center>{$font}" . getLOCnameFfID($qr[$i][4]) . "</font></td>";     echo "\n<td align=right>{$font}" . prettymoney($qr[$i][6]) . "</font></td>";     echo "\n<td align=right>{$font}" . prettymoney($qr[$i][2]) . "</font></td></tr>"; } if ( count($qr) == 0 )     echo "\n<tr><td colspan=5 align=center>{$font}<I>No players are ranked under these criteria</I>.</font></td></tr>"; echo "\n</table></p>"; // close inner table $linkstr = ""; if ( $offset > 0 ) $linkstr = mylinkex("Player Rankings","offset=".($offset-$myrank_dispperpage)."&loc_id={$loc_id}" )."Previous {$myrank_dispperpage} rankings</a>"; if ( $offset+$myrank_dispperpage < $actnum ) {     if ( $linkstr != "" ) $linkstr .= " | ";     $linkstr .= mylinkex("Player Rankings","offset=".($offset+$myrank_dispperpage)."&loc_id={$loc_id}" )."Next {$myrank_dispperpage} rankings</a>"; } if ( $linkstr != "" )     centerme($linkstr . "\n<br>Total records: {$actnum}"); echo "\n</td></tr></table>"; // close PLAYER RANKS table ?> [/code] $qr[$i][2] being what echos the networth on the page.
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