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Everything posted by gb115b

  1. hello, i've been trying to produce nicely graphics with nice anti-aliased edges (provided by a proper alpha channel using .PNG files) i've got two files which you can see at [a href=\"http://g.is-a-geek.com/camden101\" target=\"_blank\"]http://g.is-a-geek.com/camden101[/a] my titleimage [code]<?php $strText = "Camden 101"; $strFont = "assets/ITCEDSCR.TTF"; $intFontSize = 144; $arrSize = imageTTFBBox($intFontSize, 0, $strFont, $strText); $image = imageCreateTrueColor((abs($arrSize[4]) + abs($arrSize[0])), (abs($arrSize[5]) + abs($arrSize[1]))); imageSaveAlpha($image, true); ImageAlphaBlending($image, false); $colorTransparent = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, 0, 0, 0, 127); $colorText   = imageColorAllocate($image, 51, 204, 255); imagefill($image, 0, 0, $colorTransparent); imagettftext($image, $intFontSize, 0, 0, abs($arrSize[5]), $colorText, $strFont, $strText); // create an interlaced image for better loading in the browser imageInterlace($image, 1); //header("Content-type:  image/png"); imagePNG($image, "assets/title.png"); imagedestroy($image); $strUserAgent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if (strpos($strUserAgent, "MSIE 6") OR strpos($strUserAgent, "MSIE 5.5")) {   echo "<img src=\"assets\\spacer.gif\" width=\"".(abs($arrSize[4]) + abs($arrSize[0]))."\" height=\"".(abs($arrSize[5]) + abs($arrSize[1]))."\" style=\"filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader( src='assets/title.png', sizingMethod='image');\" alt=\"".$strText."\" border=\"0\" />"; } else {   echo "<img src=\"assets\\title.png\" alt=\"".$strText."\" border=\"0\" />"; } ?>[/code] and a menu navigation [code]<?php $arrayMenuItems['Item Name'][0] = "News"; $arrayMenuItems['Item Link'][0] = "news.php"; $arrayMenuItems['Item Name'][1] = "Events"; $arrayMenuItems['Item Link'][1] = "events.php"; $arrayMenuItems['Item Name'][2] = "Reviews"; $arrayMenuItems['Item Link'][2] = "reviews.php"; $arrayMenuItems['Item Name'][3] = "Forums"; $arrayMenuItems['Item Link'][3] = "forums.php"; $arrayMenuItems['Item Name'][4] = "About"; $arrayMenuItems['Item Link'][4] = "about.php"; $strFont = "assets/BauHS93.TTF"; $intFontSize = 20; $intAngleRotation = 30;    function imageSmoothCircle( &$img, $cx, $cy, $cr, $color ) {        $ir = $cr;        $ix = 0;        $iy = $ir;        $ig = 2 * $ir - 3;        $idgr = -6;        $idgd = 4 * $ir - 10;        $fill = imageColorExactAlpha( $img, $color[ 'R' ], $color[ 'G' ], $color[ 'B' ], 0 );        imageLine( $img, $cx + $cr - 1, $cy, $cx, $cy, $fill );        imageLine( $img, $cx - $cr + 1, $cy, $cx - 1, $cy, $fill );        imageLine( $img, $cx, $cy + $cr - 1, $cx, $cy + 1, $fill );        imageLine( $img, $cx, $cy - $cr + 1, $cx, $cy - 1, $fill );        $draw = imageColorExactAlpha( $img, $color[ 'R' ], $color[ 'G' ], $color[ 'B' ], 42 );        imageSetPixel( $img, $cx + $cr, $cy, $draw );        imageSetPixel( $img, $cx - $cr, $cy, $draw );        imageSetPixel( $img, $cx, $cy + $cr, $draw );        imageSetPixel( $img, $cx, $cy - $cr, $draw );        while ( $ix <= $iy - 2 ) {            if ( $ig < 0 ) {                $ig += $idgd;                $idgd -= 8;                $iy--;            } else {                $ig += $idgr;                $idgd -= 4;            }            $idgr -= 4;            $ix++;            imageLine( $img, $cx + $ix, $cy + $iy - 1, $cx + $ix, $cy + $ix, $fill );            imageLine( $img, $cx + $ix, $cy - $iy + 1, $cx + $ix, $cy - $ix, $fill );            imageLine( $img, $cx - $ix, $cy + $iy - 1, $cx - $ix, $cy + $ix, $fill );            imageLine( $img, $cx - $ix, $cy - $iy + 1, $cx - $ix, $cy - $ix, $fill );            imageLine( $img, $cx + $iy - 1, $cy + $ix, $cx + $ix, $cy + $ix, $fill );            imageLine( $img, $cx + $iy - 1, $cy - $ix, $cx + $ix, $cy - $ix, $fill );            imageLine( $img, $cx - $iy + 1, $cy + $ix, $cx - $ix, $cy + $ix, $fill );            imageLine( $img, $cx - $iy + 1, $cy - $ix, $cx - $ix, $cy - $ix, $fill );            $filled = 0;            for ( $xx = $ix - 0.45; $xx < $ix + 0.5; $xx += 0.2 ) {                for ( $yy = $iy - 0.45; $yy < $iy + 0.5; $yy += 0.2 ) {                    if ( sqrt( pow( $xx, 2 ) + pow( $yy, 2 ) ) < $cr ) $filled += 4;                }            }            $draw = imageColorExactAlpha( $img, $color[ 'R' ], $color[ 'G' ], $color[ 'B' ], ( 100 - $filled ) );            imageSetPixel( $img, $cx + $ix, $cy + $iy, $draw );            imageSetPixel( $img, $cx + $ix, $cy - $iy, $draw );            imageSetPixel( $img, $cx - $ix, $cy + $iy, $draw );            imageSetPixel( $img, $cx - $ix, $cy - $iy, $draw );            imageSetPixel( $img, $cx + $iy, $cy + $ix, $draw );            imageSetPixel( $img, $cx + $iy, $cy - $ix, $draw );            imageSetPixel( $img, $cx - $iy, $cy + $ix, $draw );            imageSetPixel( $img, $cx - $iy, $cy - $ix, $draw );        }    } $strTestStringDescenders = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890!£$%^&*()-=[];'#,./_+{}:@~<>?\|¬¦`"; $strTestStringNoDescenders = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefhiklmnostuvwxz1234567890"; $arrayTotalSize = imageTTFBBox($intFontSize, 0, $strFont, $strTestStringDescenders); $FontHeight = abs($arrayTotalSize[7]-$arrayTotalSize[1]); $TotalHeight = $FontHeight * Count($arrayMenuItems['Item Name']); $arrayTotalSize = imageTTFBBox($intFontSize, 0, $strFont, $strTestStringNoDescenders); $FontBase = abs($arrayTotalSize[7]-$arrayTotalSize[1]); $TotalWidth = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < Count($arrayMenuItems['Item Name']); $i++) {   $arrayTotalSize = imageTTFBBox($intFontSize, 0, $strFont, $arrayMenuItems['Item Name'][$i]);          if (abs($arrayTotalSize[2]-$arrayTotalSize[0]) > $TotalWidth)     {           $TotalWidth = abs($arrayTotalSize[2]-$arrayTotalSize[0]);     }      } $ImageSize = 2 * ceil(sqrt(($TotalHeight*$TotalHeight)/4 + ($TotalWidth*$TotalWidth)/4)); $image = imageCreateTrueColor($ImageSize, $ImageSize); imageSaveAlpha($image, true); ImageAlphaBlending($image, false); $colorTransparent = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, 0, 0, 0, 127); $colorBadge = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 51, 51); $colorText   = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255); imagefill($image, 0, 0, $colorTransparent); imagefilledellipse($image, ($ImageSize/2), ($ImageSize/2), ($ImageSize-1), ($ImageSize-1), $colorBadge); //imageSmoothCircle( $image, ($ImageSize/2), ($ImageSize/2), ($ImageSize/2)-1, array( 'R' => 0xFF, 'G' => 0x33, 'B' => 0x33 ) ); echo "<map name=\"navigation\">"; for ($i = 0; $i < Count($arrayMenuItems['Item Name']); $i++) {     $arrayTextSize = imageTTFBBox($intFontSize, 0, $strFont, $arrayMenuItems['Item Name'][$i]);     $radAngleRotation = deg2rad($intAngleRotation);          $xOffset = ($ImageSize - abs($arrayTextSize[2]-$arrayTextSize[0]))/2;     $yOffset = ($ImageSize - $TotalHeight)/2 + $FontBase + $i*$FontHeight;          $xRotatedOffset = ($ImageSize/2) + (cos($radAngleRotation) * ($xOffset-($ImageSize/2))) - (sin($radAngleRotation) * (($ImageSize/2)-$yOffset));     $yRotatedOffset = ($ImageSize/2) - (sin($radAngleRotation) * ($xOffset-($ImageSize/2))) - (cos($radAngleRotation) * (($ImageSize/2)-$yOffset));        $arrayTextSize = imagettftext($image, $intFontSize, $intAngleRotation, $xRotatedOffset, $yRotatedOffset, $colorText, $strFont, $arrayMenuItems['Item Name'][$i]);        $arrayMenuItems['Lower Left X'][$i] = $arrayTextSize[0];   $arrayMenuItems['Lower Left Y'][$i] = $arrayTextSize[1];   $arrayMenuItems['Lower Right X'][$i] = $arrayTextSize[2];   $arrayMenuItems['Lower Right Y'][$i] = $arrayTextSize[3];   $arrayMenuItems['Upper Right X'][$i] = $arrayTextSize[4];   $arrayMenuItems['Upper Right Y'][$i] = $arrayTextSize[5];   $arrayMenuItems['Upper Left X'][$i] = $arrayTextSize[6];   $arrayMenuItems['Upper Left Y'][$i] = $arrayTextSize[7];     echo "<area shape=\"poly\" coords=\"";     echo $arrayMenuItems['Lower Left X'][$i];     echo ",";   echo $arrayMenuItems['Lower Left Y'][$i];     echo ",";   echo $arrayMenuItems['Lower Right X'][$i];     echo ",";   echo $arrayMenuItems['Lower Right Y'][$i];     echo ",";   echo $arrayMenuItems['Upper Right X'][$i];     echo ",";   echo $arrayMenuItems['Upper Right Y'][$i];     echo ",";   echo $arrayMenuItems['Upper Left X'][$i];     echo ",";   echo $arrayMenuItems['Upper Left Y'][$i];         echo "\" href=\"";     echo $arrayMenuItems['Item Link'][$i];     echo "\" alt=\"\">";      } echo "</map>"; // create an interlaced image for better loading in the browser imageInterlace($image, 1); //header("Content-type:  image/png"); imagePNG($image, "assets/navigation.png"); imagedestroy($image); $strUserAgent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if (strpos($strUserAgent, "MSIE 6") OR strpos($strUserAgent, "MSIE 5.5")) {   echo "<img src=\"assets\\spacer.gif\" width=\"".$ImageSize."\" height=\"".$ImageSize."\" style=\"filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader( src='assets/navigation.png', sizingMethod='image');\" alt=\"\" usemap=\"#navigation\" ismap border=\"0\" />"; } else {   echo "<img src=\"assets\\navigation.png\" alt=\"\" usemap=\"#navigation\" ismap border=\"0\" />"; } ?>[/code] the transparency seems to work nicely at the edges...but not where letters collide.... can anyone help me figure out whats happening??? maybe my config is wrong [a href=\"http://g.is-a-geek.com/phpinfo.php\" target=\"_blank\"]http://g.is-a-geek.com/phpinfo.php[/a]
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