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Everything posted by snips

  1. Hi, Thanks for the help and suggestions. Can i ask though, what's wrong with using session_register? The stuff i read said that most proffessionals use session_register. Hi, you said that all scripts where intend to use sessions, need to put session.start. Does this mean, even if i am just picking the session up i need to put session.start? Just for clarification sake.
  2. Hi, this is probably a very simple question. I have looked on the internet and i cannot seem to get a simple answer. I am comming from ASP. My question is : how do i use a registered session on another page? I have done this on my login page, [code]session_register("DisplayName", "Password")[/code] Now, how do i check there is something in the session on a completley different page? In asp i would simple do if session("username") <> "" - how can i reproduce this with the above registered sessions Thanks for the help in advance
  3. Hey, i'm kind of new to php. This page looks really interesting and exactly what i need for the wiki i am creating. However, i don't know how to adapt the code to say Do i just say [code]if ($diff = @get_time_difference($starttime,$endtime)) { if $diff < 7 { header(location etc } }[/code] The problem is how to adapt this little bit into there so i can pick up the seconds. Can someone help, would this work for seconds? [code]sprintf( '%02d',$diff['seconds'] );[/code]
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