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Everything posted by shumbora

  1. i am truly sorry but i have no idea what that means. , i really meant it when i said i was a noob
  2. Hello all. I am the noobi admin of EasyFileSearch.com. Anyway if you could take a look @ it, it’ll help you understand my issue. I know it’s not the best looking or the most interactive page out there but it gets the job done. However I would like to have my home page and a search page separately but I still would like to have the ability to initiate the search from the home page. I don’t want to just link to a search page. In other words I don’t want that <iframe> on the home page but I would like to keep the search bar with the tabs and once a search is initiated it would load the search page with the results along with the search criteria as well . my problem is that I have no idea where to start. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
  3. Hello all , be4 I say anything else I would like to let it be known that am as much of a noob as they come , that said, I have a question. On my page I have a search feature that could search other sites for the users input it works great but the thing is that I have to of these pages to search 2 different sets of pages like for example one page would search google , yahoo and another page would search AltaVista and alltheweb im just using these search engines for an example. I’ll post the code so you can see what I am talking about. Basically I don’t want to have 2 different pages I would like to have one master search page where via radio buttons users can choose between the 2 sets of pages to to search Here is my html [CODE] <html> <head> <title>testing,,</title> </head> <body> <script language=JavaScript src="test.js" type=text/javascript></script> <div align="center"> <form name="searchForm1" action="" onSubmit="javascript:engine1(this.engine.options[this.engine.selectedIndex].value,this.go.value); return false;"> <select name="engine" class="drop_down"> <option value="-1" selected>Select a search engine</option> <option value="1" >Google</option> <option value="2">yahoo</option> </select> <input name="go" class="text_field" size="20" maxlength="35" /> <input name="submit" type="submit" class="search_button" value="Search" /> </form> </div> <iframe id="inpage" style="width:600px;height:400px" src="http://www.google.com"></iframe> </body> </html> [/CODE] This is my .js file [CODE] unction doSearch( selectedIndex, searchTerm ) {   if ( selectedIndex < 0 ) {       alert("Please select a search engine!");       return false;   } else if ( searchTerm == "" ) {       alert("No search term!");       return false;   } DoTheSearchInTheFrame(SEARCH_DATA[selectedIndex][1], SEARCH_DATA[selectedIndex][0]); } function engine1( selectedIndex, searchTerm ) {   SEARCH_DATA= new Array(73);   <!--SEARCH_DATA[value]= new Array( window name , url ) -->   SEARCH_DATA[1]= new Array("google","http://www.google.fr/search?hl=fr&q="+escape(searchTerm)+"&btnG=Recherche+Google&meta=");   SEARCH_DATA[2]= new Array("yahoo","http://search.yahoo.com/search?p="+escape(searchTerm)+"&sm=Yahoo%21+Search&fr=FP-tab-web-t&toggle=1&cop=&ei=UTF-8"); doSearch( selectedIndex, searchTerm );   return true; } function DoTheSearchInTheFrame(var_a,var_b) { eval("document.getElementById('inpage').src=var_a"); } [/CODE] It is the same for the other sets just with different search data. Am not sure if this is even possible but I cooked up an image that should explain exactly what am talking about take a look [IMG]http://i4.tinypic.com/244d2tv.jpg[/img] it doesn’t work but i hope the image gave you an idea of what im talking about. Any comments will be greatly appreciated and thanx in advance
  4. hey thanx alot man you have no idea how much i appreciate your help , once again ur scrpit is flawless. and thanx again.
  5. firest off i just wanna say that you [b][u]ROCK[/u][/b] , your scrpit worked flawlessly , but i have a question , how do i manipulate it so that it would use the search data from the .js file insted of embedding all of the search data right into the html, because i plane to add many more search engines. and thanx again for your help
  6. thank you for tryin but it didnt really work
  7. hello evrey one, i was hopeing to build a search engine on my site that would search other sites like yahoo , google ,ect.. i've been having one problem with it tho , im trying to get the search results to open in an iframe but all my efforts do this have been in vain , i should mention that im a noob at this , that siad here is the code [b][u]this is my .js file (test.js)[/u][/b] [code]function doSearch( selectedIndex, searchTerm ) {    if ( selectedIndex < 0 ) {       alert("Please select a search engine!");       return false;    } else if ( searchTerm == "" ) {       alert("No search term!");       return false;    }    window.open( SEARCH_DATA[selectedIndex][1] , SEARCH_DATA[selectedIndex][0] ); } function engine1( selectedIndex, searchTerm ) {    SEARCH_DATA= new Array(73);    <!--SEARCH_DATA[value]= new Array( window name , url ) -->    SEARCH_DATA[1]= new Array("yahoo","http://search.yahoo.com/search?p="+escape(searchTerm)+"&sm=Yahoo%21+Search&fr=FP-tab-web-t&toggle=1&cop=&ei=UTF-8");      doSearch( selectedIndex, searchTerm );    return true; }[/code] [b][u]this is the form code[/u][/b] [code]<script language=JavaScript src="test.js" type=text/javascript></script> <div align="center"> <form name="searchForm1" action="" onSubmit="javascript:engine1(this.engine.options[this.engine.selectedIndex].value,this.go.value); return false;"> <select name="engine" class="drop_down"> <option value="-1" selected>Torrent Search</option> <option value="1">yahoo</option> </select> <input name="go" class="text_field" size="20" maxlength="35" /> <input name="submit" type="submit" class="search_button" value="Search" /> </form>[/code] [b][u]this is my iframe statment[/u][/b] [code]<iframe id="inpage"  style="width:600px;height:400px" src="http://www.google.com"></iframe>[/code] im trying to set it up so that when the search button is clicked it would open the search results in the iframe. any comments will be appreciated and thanx in advance:D
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