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Everything posted by Psycho

  1. @Strider64 Maybe I am misreading your code, but I think I see a bug. In the block of code to consolidate the values into the array $attribute_pairs to perform the insert there is a condition that checks if the index is "id" - if so, it skips adding that value to the $attribute_pairs. But, there is no similar logic in the code block that dynamically creates the list of fields for the sql query. That code uses all the indexes in the $data array using array_keys($data). So, if the array $data did contain an index with the name "id" the query would fail because the number of fields for the insert would be one greater than the number of values. Either the "id" field needs to be excluded in the fields list OR the value if such a field exists can be set to NULL. Personally, I would leave such logic out since any code passing data to an INSERT function should only pass the relevant fields. Although, I could see the viability of including the ID if the function was doing an ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE. Or, I could be completely missing something and would appreciate pointing what that is.
  2. I never saw any code that you posted. And, if you like your code, why are you asking? Checking to see if there is a duplicate BEFORE inserting the record creates the possibility for a race condition. Depending on the needs of your application this may not be a concern, but it is not the "right" way to do it. Here's an example of what can happen in a race condition. Two users submit the form for the same user ID that does not yet exist in the database. User #1's request hits the server first. The code checks to see if the username exists and see that it does not. Now, before the code can proceed to the insert, the request for User #2 reaches the server and does a Select statement to see if the value exists. Since User #1's request hasn't yet completed the insert statement, no duplicate will be found. User #1's request will be inserted, but since the validation for the duplicate check passed for User #2 is request will be inserted as well. But, of course, it will fail if there is a duplicate constrain - but then you'd have to add the same logic as you would need to check during the initial insert. Granted, a race condition requires two users to submit such records at almost the same instant. So, based on your application this may not even be a consideration. But, it is the right way to do it
  3. If I understand your question correctly - yes. If there is an error because of a duplicate key constraint the entire record does not get added, even if other values were "OK". Here is some example code of how to use a try/catch for an INSERT with a duplicate check $pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=$hostname;dbname=$databasename;charset=utf8", $username, $password); $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); // Enables exception mode try { $stmt = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO REGISTRY (uname, fname, lname) VALUES (:uname, :fname, :lname)"); $stmt->execute([$username, $firstname, $lastname]); } catch (PDOException $e) { if ($e->getCode() == 1062) { // Duplicate user } else { throw $e;// in case it's any other error } }
  4. @LeonLatex We all have those moments where something obvious escapes us. I think the responses you have received have the tone that they do because the problem (as posed) shows a lack of discipline and it appears you were not even trying. Plus, you never provided the error messages you were getting. For example, how does one write all those lines of code and THEN discover all those syntax errors? I typically only write a "section" of code to do something specific, then run it to see that it is doing what I intend. Having typos is to be expected when writing code. What are you using as an editor? Most IDEs will highlight many basic typos.
  5. Here is some very rough code on one way to approach validation logic. As I said before, with all the fields you need to validate, I would create functions or a class to do this. But, this will give you something to build on. Ideally, you would present the original input form and repopulate the valid values so the user doesn't have to re-enter everything again. You can show the errors at the top of the page or show them in-line with the input fields (or both). //Create an array to hold errors $errors = array(); //Get the learnign end date value $learning_actual_end_dateVal = isset($_POST['learning_actual_end_date']) ? trim($_POST['learning_actual_end_date']) : ''; //Check that not empty (i.e. required) if(empty($learning_actual_end_dateVal)) { $errors[] = "The learning end date is required"; } elseif (!strtotime($learning_actual_end_dateVal)) { $errors[] = "The learning end date must be a valid date value"; } //Get the participant complete course value $partcipant_complete_courseVal = isset($_POST['partcipant_complete_course']) ? trim($_POST['partcipant_complete_course']) : ''; if(empty($learning_actual_end_dateVal)) { $errors[] = "Participant complete course is required"; } // - - - Repease necessary validations for each field //Check if there were any validation errors if(count($errors)) { //There were validation errors $msg = "The following validation errors occured:<ol>"; foreach($errors as $error) { $msg .= "<li>{$error}</li>"; } $msg .= "</ol>"; } else { //There were no input validation errors // . . . attempt to process the data if(process_was_successful) { $msg = "The data was saved successfully"; } else { $msg = "There was a problem saving the data"; } } echo $msg;
  6. OK, after looking at the code more closely, you need better validation logic than just checking all fields have "a" value. You should validate each field individually to make sure it has a value (if required) AND that the value is a valid value. E.g. a date should be a date, a number should be a number, etc. If only a few fields I would write the validation logic in-line. But, for this many fields, I would write separate functions for the validations based on the type of expected inputs. Those functions can be built to include parameters for such things as minimum/maximum inputs, required or not, etc.
  7. What results ARE you getting? Are you getting a blank page or any output? EDIT: Looking at the logic flow there is an if() condition with a LONG list of conditions which will result in "$msg = '';" if the result is true. I am guessing that the condition is always true resulting in the message variable getting defined as an empty string. I also don't see that $msg is ever getting output regardless of what it is defined. Change the value for $msg on that one line to something and add a line at the end of the code to echo $msg to the page. Then you can see if it is hitting that branch of code, or the other branch where it is defined as "New Soft Skills Entry Added". IN any event that LONG list of conditions in the if() statement seem overly complicated.
  8. That is generally how I would handle that logic as well. But, I would add a couple comments on that. Based on what I see in the OP's code it would seem that the 'dates' value should be unique. If only relying upon the id value being present or not, it could lead to duplicate records for the same 'dates' value. A unique constraint can be added to the column in the DB, but there will also need to be code to check for that condition. That can be done by doing a SELECT first to see if there is a record for that date (as is already being done), but that does allow for a race condition to allow duplicates. Depending on the needs of the application that may not be an issue. But, the proper way is to execute the INSERT statement and capture the error when it fails and check the error to see if it was due to a uniqueness issue. I'll be honest that I almost never do this:)
  9. Understand that the members here provide help out of good will and receive no compensation. When someone takes the time and energy to read through a person's post and provide a response - then the poster ignores the help that was provided it can certainly feel like the person helping was unappreciated or even disrespected. You posted 124 lines of code, of which almost 100 lines were unnecessary and add no value (those lines which simply populate object values into distinct variables). In fact, all those lines of code do nothing other than increase chances of bugs. Far too often I've seen people reassign the wrong value to a variable when doing such things. Instead of parsing the $_POST['array'] into an object, have it parsed into an array (look at the other attributes for json_decode). Then simply prepare your query with named placeholder and pass the array. Here is a quick rewrite that would accomplish the same thing with only about 25% of the code which is much more readable and maintainable. I may have made a typo or two, so itg may not work out of the box. There is a LOT more I would do to make this code better, but that's all the time I am willing to invest at this time try { $pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=' . db_host . ';dbname=' . db_name . ';charset=' . db_charset, db_user, db_pass); $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); //Read data into an array $data = json_decode($_POST['array'], TRUE); // Update the record //Create placeholders using a colon and the index names from the $data array //Ideally I would also list out the field names before the values $query = 'INSERT INTO contacts VALUES (null, :learner_id, :email, :phone, :title, :created, :status, :riskdv, :nin, :dob, :nextofkin, :address, :refname, :refagency, :refadd, :refemail, :refnum, :riskvoi, :riskar, :risksat, :riskpph, :rismpmh, :riskpos, :mentalhealth, :hisdrug, :exoff, :learndif, :hisalc, :fled, :rousl, :trave, :yplc, :psd, :hivadids, :hep, :phyneeds, :mentneeds, :meds, :subdose, :methmil, :alcdepend, :ivdrug, :onmeth, :compdetox, :drugdepend, :dip, :attcdp, :heroin, :canna, :meth, :coc, :crack, :solvents, :amph, :spice, :premed, :halluc, :subu, :alchevel, :otherinfo, :btype, :bamount, :bstartddate, :bnextpay, :padd1, :padd2, :preoff, :pendcase, :precon, :onprob, :ship, :cook, :money, :cleaning, :perh, :housing_benefit_claim_date, :housing_benefit_reference, :>housing_benefit_cancelled, :date_left_left, :number_of_times_at_reflections, :amount_of_service_charge_owed, :reason_for_leaving, :home_town, :town_moved_to, :imagesave, :datemovedin, :gpsurgery, :rflfull, :last_date_left, :med_cons, :addinfo, :compldetox, :complprog, :dietaryreq'); $stmt = $pdo->prepare($query); $result = $stmt->execute($data); var_dump($data); echo "Contact added at Kenobi"; } catch (PDOException $exception) { // If there is an error with the connection, stop the script and display the error. exit('Failed to connect to database!'); }
  10. Your question is not clear. When you say "I want to remove the placeholder image and show only the title if no featured image is present." are you saying that you just want the "text" part of the image above ("This is a draft post with a really long . . . ") to be displayed? If so, find that image on your server (i.e. image ID 272) and edit the image to remove the AT&T part of the image from the left side. However, if the "title" you are wanting to show is actual text, you can't do it within the code you shared. That code you showed determines an $featured_image_ID to use. Somewhere else in the code there is logic to use that image ID to display the appropriate image. What you could do is: 1. Make the else part of that code set $featured_image_ID to false 2. Find the part of the code that uses the $featured_image_ID and add a branch of code that will test if the value is false and, if so, shows the "title" text wherever it would get that from.
  11. I don't have any prior experience with mod_rewrite and am trying to create internal redirects to create a test harness for an application. I am using Apache on an XAMPP install. I have enabled mod_rewrite by modifying the conf file. I can get some rules to work that will modify the URL in the browser (i.e. external redirect), but I cannot get ones to work that do an internal redirect. For example, if I have two files: foo.html and bar.html If I use a Redirect in my .htaccess file RewriteEngine on Redirect "/foo.html" "/bar.html" Then attempting to load localhost:8080/foo.html is redirected in the browser address bar and in the loaded content. However, what I want to happen is to enter the URL for foo.html and only see the content for bar.html - i.e. the address in the browser should still display foo.html. Based on the examples, I've seen I need to use a RewriteRule. I have tried a couple different ways to do this (see below) based on info at apache.org. But when I do, I still get the content for foo.html. It's as if the RewriteRule is not doing anything. Here is the format I think I should be using so the url in the browser is not changed: RewriteEngine on RewriteRule "^/foo\.html$" "/bar.html" [PT] Here is another version using RewriteRule, that I think should work just like Redirect (which is working) RewriteEngine on RewriteRule "^/foo\.html$" "bar.html" [R] But, as stated above, neither of these work - I just get the content for foo.html (and the URL is unchanged). Any ideas? FWIW: Here is the actual logic I want to achieve using a RedirectMatch but, as stated above, I want to do with as an internal redirect which is hidden from the calling agent. RedirectMatch "/data/FAMStaticData/(.*).txt(.*)" "http://localhost:8080/index.php?file=$1"
  12. And, for good measure, I will provide another option: array_chunk() $columns = 3; //Put results into an array $results = $pdo->fetchAll(); echo "<table>"; foreach(array_chunk($results, $columns) as $rowData) { echo "<tr>"; foreach($rowData as $record) { echo "<td>{$record['name']}</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table>"; EDIT: Fixed inner TD tags
  13. Probably not what you really want, but it is what you asked for: $midPt = floor(strlen($content)/2); $file["content"] = substr($content, 0, $midPt) . $context['user']['id'] . substr($content, $midPt);
  14. Apparently the DateInterval class supports milliseconds, but the default method does not support it as an input value. You need to instead use the createFromDateString class of that method // convert your date to DateTime object $date = '10:00:00.500000'; $dt = new DateTime($date); // convert your period to $interval = '00:25:10.300000'; //Extract time parts list($hours, $minutes, $totalSeconds) = explode(':', $interval); list($wholeSeconds, $milliSeconds) = explode('.', $totalSeconds); //Create interval with milliseconds $intervalString = "{$hours} hours + {$minutes} minutes + {$wholeSeconds} seconds + {$milliSeconds} microseconds"; $interval = DateInterval::createFromDateString($intervalString); // Add interval to date $dt->add($interval);// Format date as you needecho $dt->format('H:i:s'); echo $dt->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:s.u'); //Output: 2021-11-12T10:25:10.800000
  15. I assume you mean milliseconds. Can you describe what you are trying to accomplish? I.e. do you need\want to include milliseconds or is the problem that there is input data with milliseconds that is causing a failure? The solution to your problem could be very different based on what you are trying to accomplish. The manual shows that the DateTime class does support milliseconds. So, "where" in your code are you wanting to support milliseconds? Will it be the $date, will it be the defined interval, and/or do you need the milliseconds included in the output??? Need some more info.
  16. Why are you unable to use break and continue within a foreach() loop? From the manual Note: While the description for continue doesn't explicitly state it works for foreach() loops, the examples show that it clearly does.
  17. In your if/then results, create a variable that will determine the checked status of the checkbox. I typically ise a ternary operator for these for brevity. Also, I would avoid using a name like "checkbox", give it a name as to what it is intended for. $Datei = file('test.txt')[2]; $checkboxChecked = ($Datei == "Line 2") ? 'checked' : ''; //If true, set value to 'ckecked' else value is empty string echo "<input type='checkbox' name='Checkbox' value='checkbox' {$checkboxChecked}>Checkbox</input>';
  18. I think you meant for the condition to be ($max_supplu != 0). Either that, or the results should be swapped.
  19. <?php //Var to hold totCool result $totCool = false; //Query for an exact match on both gpw and ewt $query = "SELECT gpm, ewt, totCool from {$uniluxModel} where gpm = :uniluxGpm AND ewt = :uniluxEwt"; $stmt = $dbConn->prepare($queryStr); $stmt->execute(array(':uniluxGpm' => $uniluxGpm, ':uniluxEwt' => $uniluxEwt)); if($stmt->rowCount() > 0) { //There was an exact match $totCool = $stmt->fetchColumn() } //If no result try getting the two closest records matching gpm and high/low for ewt if (!$totCool) { $query = "( SELECT gpm, ewt, totCool FROM {$uniluxModel} WHERE gpm = :uniluxGpm1 AND ewt < :uniluxEwt1 ORDER BY gpm DESC LIMIT 1 ) UNION ( SELECT gpm, ewt, totCool FROM {$uniluxModel} WHERE gpm = :uniluxGpm2 AND ewt > :uniluxEwt2 ORDER BY gpm ASC LIMIT 1 )"; $stmt = $dbConn->prepare($queryStr); $stmt->execute(array(':uniluxGpm1' => $uniluxGpm, ':uniluxEwt1' => $uniluxEwt, ':uniluxGpm2' => $uniluxGpm, ':uniluxEwt2' => $uniluxEwt)); if($stmt->rowCount() > 0) { //There was a result, get results into an array $result = $stmt->fetchAll(); //Debug line to see the results echo "Results from DB: <pre>".print_r($result, true)."</pre>"; //Add logic here to calculate the totCool value from the results $totCool = "Need to calculate totCool value value"; } } //If no result try getting the two closes records matching ewt and high/low for gpm if (!$totCool) { $query = "( SELECT gpm, ewt, totCool FROM {$uniluxModel} WHERE gpm < :uniluxGpm1 AND ewt = :uniluxEwt1 ORDER BY gpm DESC LIMIT 1 ) UNION ( SELECT gpm, ewt, totCool FROM {$uniluxModel} WHERE gpm > :uniluxGpm2 AND ewt = :uniluxEwt2 ORDER BY gpm ASC LIMIT 1 )"; $stmt = $dbConn->prepare($queryStr); $stmt->execute(array(':uniluxGpm1' => $uniluxGpm, ':uniluxEwt1' => $uniluxEwt, ':uniluxGpm2' => $uniluxGpm, ':uniluxEwt2' => $uniluxEwt)); if($stmt->rowCount() > 0) { //There was a result, get results into an array $result = $stmt->fetchAll(); //Debug line to see the results echo "Results from DB: <pre>".print_r($result, true)."</pre>"; //Add logic here to calculate the totCool value from the results $totCool = "Need to calculate totCool value value"; } } //If no result get the two closest records that are both above gpm and ewt and both below gpm and ewt if (!$totCool) { $query = "( SELECT gpm, ewt, totCool FROM {$uniluxModel} WHERE gpm < :uniluxGpm1 AND ewt < :uniluxEwt1 ORDER BY gpm DESC, ewt DESC LIMIT 1 ) UNION ( SELECT gpm, ewt, totCool FROM {$uniluxModel} WHERE gpm > :uniluxGpm2 AND ewt > :uniluxEwt2 ORDER BY gpm ASC, ewt ASC LIMIT 1 )"; $stmt = $dbConn->prepare($queryStr); $stmt->execute(array(':uniluxGpm1' => $uniluxGpm, ':uniluxEwt1' => $uniluxEwt, ':uniluxGpm2' => $uniluxGpm, ':uniluxEwt2' => $uniluxEwt)); if($stmt->rowCount() > 0) { //There was a result, get results into an array $result = $stmt->fetchAll(); //Debug line to see the results echo "Results from DB: <pre>".print_r($result, true)."</pre>"; //Add logic here to calculate the totCool value from the results $totCool = "Need to calculate totCool value value"; } } //Determine if there were results if(!$totCool) { //No records that match either value echo "Not enough data to compute"; } else { //Do something with the retrieved\calculated value echo "totCool value = {$totCool}"; } ?>
  20. You can give this a try. I think it's probably a little more verbose than it needs to be, but should do what you are asking. Not going to guarantee it is what you want, so run it through some tests first <?php //Var to hold result $result = false; //Query for an exact match on both gpw and ewt $query = "SELECT gpm, ewt, totCool from {$uniluxModel} where gpm = :uniluxGpm AND ewt = :uniluxEwt"; $stmt = $dbConn->prepare($queryStr); $stmt->execute(array(':uniluxGpm' => $uniluxGpm, ':uniluxEwt' => $uniluxEwt)); if($stmt->rowCount() > 0) { //There was an exact match $result = $stmt->fetchColumn() } //If no result try getting the two closest records matching gpm and high/low for ewt if (!$result) { $query = "( SELECT gpm, ewt, totCool FROM wxyz WHERE gpm = :uniluxGpm1 AND ewt < :uniluxEwt1 ORDER BY gpm DESC LIMIT 1 ) UNION ( SELECT gpm, ewt, totCool FROM wxyz WHERE gpm = :uniluxGpm2 AND ewt > :uniluxEwt2 ORDER BY gpm ASC LIMIT 1 )"; $stmt = $dbConn->prepare($queryStr); $stmt->execute(array(':uniluxGpm1' => $uniluxGpm, ':uniluxEwt1' => $uniluxEwt, ':uniluxGpm2' => $uniluxGpm, ':uniluxEwt2' => $uniluxEwt)); if($stmt->rowCount() > 0) { //There was a result $result = $stmt->fetchColumn() } } //If no result try getting the two closes records matching ewt and high/low for gpm if (!$result) { $query = "( SELECT gpm, ewt, totCool FROM wxyz WHERE gpm < :uniluxGpm1 AND ewt = :uniluxEwt1 ORDER BY gpm DESC LIMIT 1 ) UNION ( SELECT gpm, ewt, totCool FROM wxyz WHERE gpm > :uniluxGpm2 AND ewt = :uniluxEwt2 ORDER BY gpm ASC LIMIT 1 )"; $stmt = $dbConn->prepare($queryStr); $stmt->execute(array(':uniluxGpm1' => $uniluxGpm, ':uniluxEwt1' => $uniluxEwt, ':uniluxGpm2' => $uniluxGpm, ':uniluxEwt2' => $uniluxEwt)); if($stmt->rowCount() > 0) { //There was a result $result = $stmt->fetchColumn() } } //If no result get the two closest records that are both above gpm and ewt and both below gpm and ewt if (!$result) { $query = "( SELECT gpm, ewt, totCool FROM wxyz WHERE gpm < :uniluxGpm1 AND ewt < :uniluxEwt1 ORDER BY gpm DESC, ewt DESC LIMIT 1 ) UNION ( SELECT gpm, ewt, totCool FROM wxyz WHERE gpm > :uniluxGpm2 AND ewt > :uniluxEwt2 ORDER BY gpm ASC, ewt ASC LIMIT 1 )"; $stmt = $dbConn->prepare($queryStr); $stmt->execute(array(':uniluxGpm1' => $uniluxGpm, ':uniluxEwt1' => $uniluxEwt, ':uniluxGpm2' => $uniluxGpm, ':uniluxEwt2' => $uniluxEwt)); if($stmt->rowCount() > 0) { //There was a result $result = $stmt->fetchColumn() } } if(!$result) { //No records that match either value echo "Not enough data to compute"; } else { //Do something with the data } ?>
  21. But, there is not necessarily a logical determination for those. Let's just take option #1 to illustrate the problem. The target values the user has entered are gpm = 1.5 and ewt = 40. Now, let's say there are the following records in the database id | gpm | ewt -------------- A 1.3 36 B 1.4 34 Which one do you choose for condition #1? Both of these records are below the two target values and are candidates for the record needed for #1. Record A has an ewt value that is closer to the target (40) than record B. But, the ewt value of record B is closer to the target (1.5) than record A That was why one solution @Barand provided resulted in four records. It has a deterministic approach based on the two variables and the two conditions.
  22. No, it is not. I completely understand how to get min/max values from a database. There is a logic problem that I guess I am not doing well at explaining. Yes, determining the lower and upper bounds for ewt is trivial. However, you are not specifically looking for the ewt values - you are after the totCool values. And there are multiple records where ewt = 30 and multiple records where ewt = 40. So, what is the logic to determine which record where ewt = 30 (or where ewt = 40) should be retrieved? @Barand provides one solution where four records are retrieved. It finds: The record with the highest gpm value below the target AND the highest ewt value below the target The record with the lowest gpm value above the target AND the highest ewt value below the target The record with the highest gpm value below the target AND the lowest ewt value above the target The record with the lowest gpm value above the target AND the lowest ewt value above the target You would then have to determine in the code how you want to use those to calculate a relevant totCool value.
  23. That really doesn't answer the question. What is the LOGIC to be implemented to determine which records to get? The sample values I copied are probably too "easy" for that question. Since there is a 'logical' record for both the low values and both the high records. But, taking the same example values of gpm, = 1.75 and ewt = 35, lets say these values exist gpm | ewt 1.5 | 50 --- Lower gpm but higher ewt 2.0 | 10 --- Higher gpm but very low ewt 4.5 | 30 --- Much higher gpm but ewt is only a little lower If you can explain the logic you want to use to determine which records to pull, I can look at providing something.
  24. The first part in bold is easy enough. But, you need to provide more details to do the second item. If no records match ewt or gpm, then you need to define how you want to determine which records to return. For example, if the user enters gpm = 1.75 and ewt = 35, which records do you want returned from the sample data below? Do you want two records or four?
  25. The challenge with programatically determining when cases are broken down or not is that it won't always match reality. A person fulfilling an order may break down a case to fulfill an order for individual units even when there were sufficient quantities of individual units on hand (e.g. one or more individual units may be damaged requiring another case to be opened). If the system must explicitly monitor physical cases vs assuming cases based on total quantity divided by case size, then the fulfillment process should be included in the application workflow where the person fulfilling the order confirms the programatically determined quantities of cases\single units or can edit based on what they actually execute. Otherwise, the actual inventory and the application inventory will get out of alignment. The OP needs to determine what should happen in a situation such as: There are no physical cases in the actual inventory, but there are 20 loose units (a case holds 15). Should the system allow a user to purchase a case and the fulfillment would simply send 15 loose units or can a user only purchase a case when there is an actual physical unopened case?
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