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Everything posted by SurgeProto

  1. I have some code that I'm converting from VB into PHP that refers to the a class called Outbound. I was told Outbound is merely a reference to a WSDL (for example [a href=\"http://www.mydomain.com/mywsdl.wsdl)\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.mydomain.com/mywsdl.wsdl)[/a]. How can I create this reference in PHP so I can use this class? Also, as a bonus, once I have access to it, how can I translate the following vb code into PHP: Dim CallItemObject As New Outbound.CallItem CallItemObject.siteNumber = SiteNumber Dim WebServiceCall As New Outbound.OutboundCallService placecallresponse = WebServiceCall.placeCall(placecallobject) ANY help on this would be tremendously appreciated.
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