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Everything posted by hellbringer80

  1. Come on people I really need help with this, I'm getting payed for coding this but I just don't know why it's not showing up on the page, I asked like 10 friends that knew php and they said nothing is wrong with it but obviously something is wrong =/
  2. i have been making this site for my onling gaming team. Everything seems to work fine but for some reason the content on the command page won't work. I have only coded the profiles, members page, console, and matches page so far. For some reason everything shows up except when I go to the match_options.php page and the content doesn't show up. Also, the users profile won't show up either. The following pages in order are. The site can be viewed at www.team-lockdown.net/audacity The test login is Username: Admin Password: admin123 1. functions.php (including both the profile page, and the match options. 2. matches.php (displays the matches to everyone) 3. profile.php (displays the users profile) 4. match_options.php (gives you the options to edit the matches page) functions.php [code]// This function displays the profile of any user.  This is shown in the // main login, and in the profile page. function displayProfile($user, $ip) {   global $fontString, $tbheader, $fontCo, $fontcolor, $tableColor, $tableString;   $result = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE username = \"$user\"");   $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);   extract($row);   $result = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM status WHERE id = \"1\"");   $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);   extract($row);   $days = calcDays($username);   $dsl = calcDSL($username);   $prom = calcPromo($username);   $percentage = ($recruits / $num_mems) * 100; echo(" <center> <table> <tr><td><img src=images/$rank.gif>"); $rank = getRankByNum($rank); echo("   </td>     <td>$fontString <font size=4><b> &nbsp;$fname $username $lname </font></b></center> </td></tr>   </table>"); echo(" <table border=0 width=$tablewidth> <tr><td width=30%>Player Alias</td><td width=70%>$username</td></tr> <tr><td>Real Name</td><td>$fname $lastname</td></tr> <tr><td>Email</td><td>$email</td></tr> <tr><td>Status</td><td>$rank</td></tr> <tr><td>Location</td><td>$city $state</td></tr> <tr><td>Age</td><td>$age</td></tr> <tr><td>Quote</td><td>$quote</td></tr> </table>"); } // Display Matches function dispmatches() {   global $fontString, $tableColor, $tbheader, $tablewidth;   echo(" <center>     <table width=$tablewidth align=center border=0 cellspacing=0>     <tr><td colspan=4>         <center><b>$fontString         <font size=5>Matches</font> </b><br><BR>     </td></tr> <center>         <tr><td width=20% bgcolor=$tableColor background=$tbheader>             <b><font color=#FFFFFF size=2 face=verdana><center>             Opponent</font><br></b>         </td><td width=20% bgcolor=$tableColor background=$tbheader>             <b><font color=#FFFFFF size=2 face=verdana><center>             Score</font><br></b>         </td><td width=60% bgcolor=$tableColor background=$tbheader>             <b><font color=#FFFFFF size=2 face=verdana><center>             Demo</font><br></b>         </td></tr>   ");   $result = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM match");   while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {     extract($row);     echo("         <tr><td width=20% bgcolor=$tableColor>             $fontString             <center>Audacity vs. $opponent<br><br>         </td><td width=20% bgcolor=$tableColor>             $fontString             <center>$score<br><br>         </td><td width=60% bgcolor=$tableColor>             $fontString             <center>$demo<br><br>         </td></tr>     ");   }   echo("     </table>   "); } [/code] Matches.php [code]<?php $username = $usercook; $password = $passcook; setcookie("usercook", $username); setcookie("passcook", $password); require("functions.php"); dispmatch(); include("footer.php"); ?>[/code] profile.php [code]<?php $username = $usercook; $password = $passcook; setcookie("usercook", $username); setcookie("passcook", $password); require("functions.php"); displayProfile($user, $ip); include("footer.php"); ?>[/code] match_options.php [code]<?php $username = $usercook; $password = $passcook; setcookie("usercook", $username); setcookie("passcook", $password); require("functions.php"); if(authenticate($username, $password, 2)) {   global $fontString, $tableColor, $tablewidth;   dispmatch();   echo("     <p>     <table width=$tablewidth cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>     <tr><td>         <center><b>$fontString         <font size=2>Match Options</font>     </td></tr>     <tr><td width=$tablewidth bgcolor=$tableColor><center>         $fontString <b>         <a href=add_match.php>Add Match</a> <b>|</b>          <a href=rem_match.php>Remove Match</a> <b>|</b>          <a href=mod_match.php>Modify Match</a> </b></center>     </td></tr>       <tr><td bgcolor=$tableColor colspan=2><br> <center><font size=2 face=verdana><b><a href=main.php>Return to main menu</font></b></center>       </td></tr>     </table>   "); } include("footer.php"); ?>[/code]
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