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Everything posted by aebstract

  1. Try this: echo "Article: <textarea name='article' cols='65' rows='15'>".$row['article']."</textarea><br>\n"; Well I am not sure as to how you should do your quotation marks, but try placing it right there.
  2. I'm not 100% sure of what you want, but would something like this do the trick? if (isset(data)) { form field with data } else { form field without data } Just set the value to a variable and if its set you have the form field with data have that variable as its value?
  3. You didn't \ out all of your "s echo "<a href=\"javascript:newWindow('viewdetails.php?id=\".$id.\"')\">$name[/url]";
  4. None of which seem to be correct answers. Where you are going wrong is setting some of your elements to be positioned absolutely from the right. This is causing them to move when the window is smaller, since they will always be a certain distance from that side. It seems you want your page to be centered, so what you need to now do is: Start over on your main blocks. You don't have to redo everything inside of them. What you want is a main div that holds all of them. Center that div using the following: html { height: 100%; } body { text-align: center; } #container { text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } Not sure if html height is necesarry but I always use it, so why not? Now you're going to have to change how your main divs are positioned. Make them relative, all inside the container div and you will probably want to float each one to the left, float: left; See if you can get this working and best of luck.
  5. Can I ask you why you want your columns to be a certain distance from the sides? This is going to cause problems when viewed for many reasons: 1) Someone's resolution may be smaller, causing stuff to overlap. 2) If you restore the screen and make it smaller, its going to also cause stuff to overlap. Are you wanting everything overall centered?
  6. Try this code out and see what happens, let me know if it doesn't work, and what it is doing wrong: css .txtborder { border: 1px solid #000000; } html <div class="txtborder"> Make a border around this text and another and another and another and another </div>
  7. Place your image in a div and give the div and id. Then you can set the background image of that div to the logo, the div will have to go on each page. This is the best way to do what you want (with css), where you can change it in the css and it changes on each page. HTML Code: <div id="logo"></div> CSS Code: #logo { background-image: url(images/logo.jpg); } Of course change images/logo.jpg to your logos path. Hope this helps, if not what you were going for then please elaborate on your question. Good luck.
  8. Also, no need to echo each line individually, you can just echo once and put all of that information in to one. echo 'blal blala blalb allal alalal ala lalaaaaaaa';
  9. I don't think you can see it in dreamweaver, not when using php code. You'll have to edit your content without design mode.
  10. Your content actually disappears off of the website once this file is uploaded? Also do you have your content in top.php layed out like: <?php echo "allalala"; ?> ? If not, it should be.. it needs to be in php and echoed as well.
  11. header("Cache-control: private"); Try adding that to the VERY top of your page
  12. I have lots of room to improve
  13. $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM yourtable"); $rows = mysql_num_rows($result); change the 'yourtable' with your own and it should work out, setting the number of rows to $rows?
  14. What exactly do you mean by create email addresses?
  15. Thanks guys, I think both Vikas Jayna and only one's answers were both correct. I had actually tryed what only one said, but I had my form pointing to the wrong page (glad I noticed that). Thanks for the help!
  16. What you said is that you want the contact page pulled in to the index page, when you click a link such as 'contact us'. You use the first code that I posted to pull the contact page in, if it is set in the url. The code pulls in home.php if nothing is set, if it is set, it pulls in whatever it is set to. You can easily make it work only if action = contact. <?php $action= $_GET['action']; if ($action == contact) { include "contact.php"; } ?> The link you have on your site now will cause this script to include contact.php wherever you place it.
  17. It's kinda weird, and confusing me. I have tryed a few methods. I am uploading two files, and then all I want to do is add one line to the database. I actually don't need any information added. There is only one column, called id.. it is set to auto increment, so as long as I can add one line to the db then it should just be the next number in line. (which is what I want) Below is my code, maybe someone can tell me how I can get it to just add another line on to my db. <html> <head> <link href="stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type=text/css title=default /> </head> <body> <?php mysql_connect("localhost","hmg","hillpass"); mysql_select_db("hmg"); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mailers ORDER BY id ASC"); $rows = mysql_num_rows($result); $rows2 = $rows + 1; if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['thefile']['tmp_name'], $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. "/mailers/$rows2.jpg" )) { } if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['thefile2']['tmp_name'], $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. "/mailers/big/$rows2.jpg" )) { } $results = MYSQL_QUERY("INSERT INTO mailers (id)". "VALUES (0)"); } ?> <div id="uploadform"> <?php echo "There are currently $rows mailers."; ?> <br /><br /><br /> <form action="test.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" > Thumbnail Image:<br /> <input type="file" name="thefile" class="upform" /><br /><br /> Large Image:<br /> <input type="file" name="thefile2" class="upform" /><br /><br /> <input name="submit" type="submit" value="add mailer" class="upform" /> </form> </div> </body> </html> Thanks in advance
  18. I gave you 100% of the code needed to do exactly what you wanted. What are you tryin to get?
  19. my post?
  20. through the url? ---> index.php?variable=value variable = what you want the variable to be named value = what the value of that variable is if you need more than one, do this: ---> index.php?variable=value&variable=value&etc
  21. Yay, ted's method worked. I guess it was the mktime that was setting it to today's date?
  22. The "1" is an "l" Lower Case L. Actually, you're right about the day though. Something is telling it to only check with today's date. The lowercase L tells the date function to display the day of the week, full word.
  23. If you use the code I put for you, you would just simply do this: <span class="style22">Comments and suggestion are welcome, please [b]<a href="index.php?action=contact">Contact Us</a>[/b] and lets know what you think of Funmasti. </span><br> This will link you to - www.____.com/index.php?action=contact which will be your index page and include the contact wherever you place that bit of code. ( or any page you want to link like this, which is how you do templates )
  24. I think, and I am going to try and test this, but this may work: $timestamp = mktime ($start_month, $start_day, $start year); $day = date('l', $timestamp); echo "$day"; edit: tested and it should work.
  25. Here is what I would do, and it allows you to add pages as you wish: <?php $action= $_GET['action']; if (isset($action)) { include "$action.php"; } else { include "home.php"; } ?> Make your link just as you stated, then it will set action from the url as a variable "$action". From that you include the correct page, if action isn't set, then it includes a home page. You can do a lot with this basis.
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