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Everything posted by aebstract

  1. <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set("display_errors", 1); include_once "connect.php"; $textData = file('array2.txt'); echo "$dataArray"; ?> This displays a blank white page. No errors to be seen.
  2. Are you talking about <textarea> ? Definitely not a php question, but I'm fairly sure it doesn't have a character limit.
  3. <?php if(empty($_POST)) exit; include 'config.php'; include_once 'connect.php'; // declare post fields $post_username = $_POST['username']; $post_password = $_POST['password']; $post_autologin = $_POST['autologin']; $query = "select username, password from app_members where username='$post_username' and password='$post_password'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Could not query players"); $result2 = mysql_fetch_array($result); if ($result2) { $_SESSION['username'] = $post_username; // Autologin Requested? if($post_autologin == 1) { setcookie ($cookie_name, 'usr='.$config_username, time() + $cookie_time); } exit('OK'); } else { echo '<div id="error_notification">The submitted login info is incorrect.</div>'; } ?> You weren't telling it to check password vs the password column.
  4. What's it doing wrong/different when you have full php tags?
  5. [sat Mar 06 12:03:07 2010] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/vhosts/outlawracing.com/httpdocs/insert.php on line 48 [sat Mar 06 12:03:07 2010] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/vhosts/outlawracing.com/httpdocs/insert.php on line 49 [sat Mar 06 12:03:07 2010] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/vhosts/outlawracing.com/httpdocs/insert.php on line 50 [sat Mar 06 12:03:07 2010] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/vhosts/outlawracing.com/httpdocs/insert.php on line 51 [sat Mar 06 12:03:07 2010] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/vhosts/outlawracing.com/httpdocs/insert.php on line 52 [sat Mar 06 12:03:07 2010] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/vhosts/outlawracing.com/httpdocs/insert.php on line 53 [sat Mar 06 12:03:07 2010] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/vhosts/outlawracing.com/httpdocs/insert.php on line 54 [sat Mar 06 12:03:07 2010] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/vhosts/outlawracing.com/httpdocs/insert.php on line 55 [sat Mar 06 12:03:07 2010] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/vhosts/outlawracing.com/httpdocs/insert.php on line 56 [sat Mar 06 12:03:07 2010] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/vhosts/outlawracing.com/httpdocs/insert.php on line 57 This is a continuation of the other post, though the memory issue has been taken care of. How does an undefined offset: 0 error come up? I need to get it fixed. Here is my entire script I am running: <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set("display_errors", 1); include_once "connect.php"; $textData = file('array2.txt'); $dataArray = array(); $tempArray = array(); $array_start = false; foreach ($textData as $line) { if ($array_start && preg_match("/\[([^\]]*)\] => (.*)/", $line, $keyValue)!= 0) { $tempArray[$keyValue[1]] = $keyValue[2]; } if(substr($line, 0, 1)=='(') { $array_start = true; } if(substr($line, 0, 1)==')') { $array_start = false; $dataArray[] = $tempArray; $tempArray = array(); } } $arraycount = count($dataArray); for ($i = 0; $i <= $arraycount; $i++) { $dataArray0 = $dataArray[$i][0]; $dataArray1 = $dataArray[$i][1]; $dataArray2 = $dataArray[$i][2]; $dataArray3 = $dataArray[$i][3]; $dataArray4 = $dataArray[$i][4]; $dataArray5 = $dataArray[$i][5]; $dataArray6 = $dataArray[$i][6]; $dataArray7 = mysql_real_escape_string($dataArray[$i][7]); $dataArray8 = $dataArray[$i][8]; $dataArray9 = $dataArray[$i][9]; $dataArray10 = $dataArray[$i][10]; $dataArray11 = $dataArray[$i][11]; $dataArray12 = $dataArray[$i][12]; $dataArray13 = $dataArray[$i][13]; $dataArray14 = $dataArray[$i][14]; $dataArray15 = $dataArray[$i][15]; } ?> The errors I got were sent to me from my web host, I get a solid white blank page.
  6. I got an email from my host and he said this is the error that was being displayed: [sat Mar 06 12:03:07 2010] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/vhosts/outlawracing.com/httpdocs/insert.php on line 48 [sat Mar 06 12:03:07 2010] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/vhosts/outlawracing.com/httpdocs/insert.php on line 49 [sat Mar 06 12:03:07 2010] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/vhosts/outlawracing.com/httpdocs/insert.php on line 50 [sat Mar 06 12:03:07 2010] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/vhosts/outlawracing.com/httpdocs/insert.php on line 51 [sat Mar 06 12:03:07 2010] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/vhosts/outlawracing.com/httpdocs/insert.php on line 52 [sat Mar 06 12:03:07 2010] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/vhosts/outlawracing.com/httpdocs/insert.php on line 53 [sat Mar 06 12:03:07 2010] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/vhosts/outlawracing.com/httpdocs/insert.php on line 54 [sat Mar 06 12:03:07 2010] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/vhosts/outlawracing.com/httpdocs/insert.php on line 55 [sat Mar 06 12:03:07 2010] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/vhosts/outlawracing.com/httpdocs/insert.php on line 56 [sat Mar 06 12:03:07 2010] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/vhosts/outlawracing.com/httpdocs/insert.php on line 57
  7. Okay, I have my memory_limit set to 100M now, I am getting now errors but am still getting a blank white page. I have an echo statement ABOVE my file() and it isn't getting displayed either. Could something in the file be causing it to do this? If so, what would trigger such an event? Wouldn't I still get information up until the point that it causes error? The smaller file still works, the larger one is just blanking out.
  8. I placed this at the top: error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set("display_errors", 1); but, with the .htaccess fix I mentioned above, I'm not getting an error just white space. I could do it one line at a time, but not too sure where to start as to write that, as right now I have a little function to do some array work so I can loop through every value and insert it in to the database. This is going to be a one time access deal, then it will be trashed and never ran again.
  9. I created an .htaccess file with this: php_value memory_limit 100M and in my phpinfo() it says the memory_limit is 100M for local and 32M for master. I'm now getting a white page and no error. I can't echo anything before the read().
  10. Trying to locate the php.ini, waiting on a response from web host. Is there a way to force the memory_limit through a manual run script before trying to read the file?
  11. Sorry for not running that, which was completely stupid: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 75023834 bytes) in /var/www/vhosts/outlawracing.com/httpdocs/insert.php on line 8 Is this something I can change or do I have to have my host change it?
  12. I ended up getting something to somewhat work, I went through and checked a lot of values to make sure they were right or at least close, for what I'm doing if they are at least close then I'll be okay. Hopefully no big issues arise.
  13. Okay, this script: <?php $textData = file('array.txt'); echo "hello"; ?> hello is echo'd to the browser, no problems. If I change array.txt to array2.txt, it gives a white page and doesn't seem to even try to do anything. array.txt is just under 1MB array2.txt is just over 71MBs Is there a limit on file size that can be opened? Cause I don't think it's hitting something inside and stopping, it seems to not even be attempting to look inside the file. Any other information needed for this problem?
  14. bump, back to this
  15. My problem is that I'm pulling a lot of information out of a MSSQL database from one setup in to a new setup in a MYSQL database. The database structures are already setup, so I can't change them. That's why I'm trying to get the conversion. It's saved as a datetime field where I'm trying to pull from, but I need to enter it in to the new database as a unix timestamp. edit: Exactly what format should this be put in? Can use some regex or something to get it in the right format to do a clean conversion, no?
  16. $r[5] = strtotime("$r[5]"); Returns a timestamp of 1157083500, which is 08 / 31 / 06 @ 11:05:00pm. It's suppose to be Sep 1 2006 12:05AM. edit: This gives the same result as just doing strtotime(); $r[5] = preg_replace('/:[0-9][0-9][0-9]/','',$r[5]); $r[5] = strtotime($r[5]);
  17. I have a datetime value: Sep 1 2006 12:05AM, I'm needing to change it to a unix timestamp format. The correct timestamp would be: 1157087100 I've searched around and tried a few things but can't find anything that seems to be solid.
  18. Anyone have any idea whatsoever of what I can do? I need access to this like right now.
  19. I noticed that a line did get entered in the database, but instead of the values showing up, it showed as Array[1], Array[2], etc. Should be easier to fix now that I noticed that.
  20. The error is exactly what I posted. That is all of the information that I get, then a white blank screen. I can post the entire array.txt file as it sits when I get back to work (about 15-20 minutes). mjdamato, I tried to get the serialize to work but I don't have the time to wait, you mentioned this code and it worked. If it is so inefficient, why did you suggest it? freakstyle: this isn't a select query, inserting information
  21. Here is my entire page: <?php include_once "connect.php"; $textData = file('array.txt'); $dataArray = array(); $tempArray = array(); $array_start = false; foreach ($textData as $line) { if ($array_start && preg_match("/\[([^\]]*)\] => (.*)/", $line, $keyValue)!= 0) { $tempArray[$keyValue[1]] = $keyValue[2]; } if(substr($line, 0, 1)=='(') { $array_start = true; } if(substr($line, 0, 1)==')') { $array_start = false; $dataArray[] = $tempArray; $tempArray = array(); } } for ($i = 0; $i <= 3664; $i++) { $emailhash = $dataArray[$i][2]; $emailhash = crc32(strtolower($emailhash)) . strlen($emailhash); $query = mysql_query(" INSERT INTO users (user_id, user_type, group_id, user_permissions, user_perm_from, user_ip, user_regdate, username, username_clean, user_password, user_passchg, user_pass_convert, user_email, user_email_hash, user_birthday, user_lastvisit, user_lastmark, user_lastpost_time, user_lastpage, user_last_confirm_key, user_last_search, user_warnings, user_last_warning, user_login_attempts, user_inactive_reason, user_inactive_time, user_posts, user_lang, user_dst, user_style, user_rank, user_colour, user_new_privmsg, user_unread_privmsg, user_last_privmsg, user_message_rules, user_full_folder, user_emailtime, user_topic_show_days, user_topic_sortby_type, user_topic_sortby_dir, user_post_show_days, user_post_sortby_type, user_post_sortby_dir, user_notify, user_notify_pm, user_notify_type, user_allow_pm, user_allow_viewonline, user_allow_viewemail, user_allow_massemail, user_options, user_avatar, user_avatar_type, user_avatar_width, user_avatar_height, user_sig, user_new, user_reminded, user_reminded_time) VALUES ('$dataArray[$i][0]', '0', '2', '', '0', '', '$dataArray[$i][3]', '$dataArray[$i][1]', '$dataArray[$i][1]', '', '', '0', '$dataArray[$i][2]', '$emailhash', '', '0', '', '0', '', '', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '0', '$dataArray[$i][4]', 'en', 'dst', '1', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '0', '-3', '0', '0', 't', 'd', '0', 't', 'a', '0', '1', '0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '230271', '', '0', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0') ") or DIE(mysql_error()); $query2 = mysql_query("INSERT INTO user_group (group_id, user_id, group_leader, user_pending) VALUES ('2', '$dataArray[$i][0]', '0', '0'')") or DIE(mysql_error()); $query3 = mysql_query("INSERT INTO user_group (group_id, user_id, group_leader, user_pending) VALUES ('7', '$dataArray[$i][0]', '0', '0'')") or DIE(mysql_error()); } ?> What does the error mean? If I know what it's trying to say more clearly, maybe I can get it fixed? Is it just saying that $dataArray[$i][2] contains a duplicate somewhere? Is that not okay?
  22. Here is my entire page: <?php include_once "connect.php"; $textData = file('array.txt'); $dataArray = array(); $tempArray = array(); $array_start = false; foreach ($textData as $line) { if ($array_start && preg_match("/\[([^\]]*)\] => (.*)/", $line, $keyValue)!= 0) { $tempArray[$keyValue[1]] = $keyValue[2]; } if(substr($line, 0, 1)=='(') { $array_start = true; } if(substr($line, 0, 1)==')') { $array_start = false; $dataArray[] = $tempArray; $tempArray = array(); } } for ($i = 0; $i <= 3664; $i++) { $emailhash = $dataArray[$i][2]; $emailhash = crc32(strtolower($emailhash)) . strlen($emailhash); $query = mysql_query(" INSERT INTO users (user_id, user_type, group_id, user_permissions, user_perm_from, user_ip, user_regdate, username, username_clean, user_password, user_passchg, user_pass_convert, user_email, user_email_hash, user_birthday, user_lastvisit, user_lastmark, user_lastpost_time, user_lastpage, user_last_confirm_key, user_last_search, user_warnings, user_last_warning, user_login_attempts, user_inactive_reason, user_inactive_time, user_posts, user_lang, user_dst, user_style, user_rank, user_colour, user_new_privmsg, user_unread_privmsg, user_last_privmsg, user_message_rules, user_full_folder, user_emailtime, user_topic_show_days, user_topic_sortby_type, user_topic_sortby_dir, user_post_show_days, user_post_sortby_type, user_post_sortby_dir, user_notify, user_notify_pm, user_notify_type, user_allow_pm, user_allow_viewonline, user_allow_viewemail, user_allow_massemail, user_options, user_avatar, user_avatar_type, user_avatar_width, user_avatar_height, user_sig, user_new, user_reminded, user_reminded_time) VALUES ('$dataArray[$i][0]', '0', '2', '', '0', '', '$dataArray[$i][3]', '$dataArray[$i][1]', '$dataArray[$i][1]', '', '', '0', '$dataArray[$i][2]', '$emailhash', '', '0', '', '0', '', '', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '0', '$dataArray[$i][4]', 'en', 'dst', '1', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '0', '-3', '0', '0', 't', 'd', '0', 't', 'a', '0', '1', '0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '230271', '', '0', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0') ") or DIE(mysql_error()); $query2 = mysql_query("INSERT INTO user_group (group_id, user_id, group_leader, user_pending) VALUES ('2', '$dataArray[$i][0]', '0', '0'')") or DIE(mysql_error()); $query3 = mysql_query("INSERT INTO user_group (group_id, user_id, group_leader, user_pending) VALUES ('7', '$dataArray[$i][0]', '0', '0'')") or DIE(mysql_error()); } ?> The error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''0'')' at line 1 EDIT: I just reuploaded my file and refreshed and now I got a new error, don't think it's a mysql error? Duplicate entry 'Array[1]' for key 2
  23. Got it to work with this: SELECT ordnn_Users.userid, CAST(ordnn_Users.username as varchar), CAST(ordnn_Users.email as varchar), ordnn_UserPortals.CreatedDate, COUNT(ordnn_NTForums_Posts.UserID) AS postcount FROM ordnn_Users LEFT JOIN ordnn_UserPortals ON ordnn_UserPortals.UserID = ordnn_Users.UserID LEFT JOIN ordnn_NTForums_Posts ON ordnn_NTForums_Posts.UserID = ordnn_Users.UserID GROUP BY ordnn_Users.UserID, ordnn_Users.Username, ordnn_Users.email, ordnn_UserPortals.CreatedDate, ordnn_NTForums_Posts.UserID
  24. SELECT ordnn_Users.userid, CAST(ordnn_Users.username as varchar), CAST(ordnn_Users.email as varchar), ordnn_UserPortals.CreatedDate FROM ordnn_Users LEFT JOIN ordnn_UserPortals ON ordnn_UserPortals.UserID = ordnn_Users.UserID This is my current query above. I'm wanting to join a table called ordnn_NTForums_Posts. I'm just needing to get a total of how many rows are in that table where userid = ordnn_users.userid
  25. I was giving the serialize a try, but I don't have the time to get it figure out. This worked and I can easily reference any value in the file now. A while loop will be easy to build with this. Thanks a lot.
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