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Everything posted by pocobueno1388

  1. Don't forget to press "Topic Solved", that is if you had no trouble implementing the example into your script.
  2. <?php $var = $_POST['field1'].$_POST['field2'].$_POST['field3']; echo $var; ?> Give that a try.
  3. I have no idea why your asking this in a PHP forum, but google will give you plenty of helpful sites http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=macromedia+flash+tutorials&btnG=Google+Search
  4. Ah, okay...your right. It's just not "standard" programming.
  5. Have you looked at this? http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,95426.0.html
  6. You don't even need the parenthesis, but yeah...that is right.
  7. <?php foreach($_COOKIE as $cookie){ fwrite($file, $cookie); } ?> Why are you trying to echo the fwrite() function? That is for writing to a file.
  8. With MySQL you actually type the word "AND" out.
  9. I think your needing to use OR, not AND. SELECT * FROM phpbb_users WHERE user_level = '1' OR user_level = '2'"
  10. So your saying you want to keep the fields filled in if there is an error and they need to fix something? Your form would look like this <form> <input type="text" name="name" value="<?php if(isset($_POST['name']) echo $_POST['name']; ?>"> </form>
  11. <?php $query = "SELECT addition_Cost FROM table_name WHERE (...not sure of your condition)"; $result = mysql_query($query)or die(mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); echo $row['addition_Cost']; //This row holds the percentage from DB ?> If you want more specifics on the query condition, your going to have to explain more. How do you want to determine what row to pull the value from?
  12. I think your talking about a <select> where you can hold down CTRL and choose multiple options. I don't think you can do that for file uploading.
  13. Look at this http://the-stickman.com/web-development/javascript/upload-multiple-files-with-a-single-file-element/
  14. The demand for computer related jobs are rising faster than any other job, so choosing a computer related job won't be a bad choice. It's going to take a lot of experience to become any type of programming developer. Basically your going to have to know your shit, and that takes a lot of dedication and practice. If you truly enjoy programming and strive to always be learning then go for a programming job, but if your not completely dedicated and don't love doing it, then I wouldn't recommend it.
  15. Well, you really only need to use it on data that comes from the user, like POST data. There's no need to make an entire new variable for the escaped string. $var = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['var']); Hmm...I'm still looking at your session issue, so far I can't find anything wrong.
  16. Try changing those lines to this <?php function parse($xml_file) { $feed = trim($xml_file); $ch = curl_init($feed); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, "http://REMOVED"); $fp = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); if (!$fp) { die('Cannot open XML data file: '.$xml_file); return false; } ?>
  17. Try putting session_start() at the top of the page with the functions. As for SQL injections, make sure your using mysql_real_escape_string() on all variables used within a query.
  18. <?php foreach($_COOKIE as $cookie){ echo $cookie.'<br>'; } ?>
  19. You need to use the in_array() function. <?php $asm = array("1","2","3","4","5"); if (!in_array($cat, $asm)) { echo "Not An Option"; } ?>
  20. Just type in something like "PHP regular Expressions" in Google, and you will get plenty of results.
  21. It's called a Regular Expression (Regex) It's a pretty big topic to cover, but you can find tutorials on google http://www.regular-expressions.info/php.html
  22. This isn't using CSS, but you don't really need it. echo '<font color="red">'.$record++ . "</font>) <font color='blue'>" . $row['Name'] . '</font></td>';
  23. Huh? Explain a little more/better.
  24. You didn't close the substr() function. $sex = substr($row['Sex'], 0, 1);
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