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Everything posted by Prellyan

  1. thanks for that i appreciate you help not really used cookies before since i had no need to how would your suggestion be implemented on the page though?
  2. Hey there, i have a cookie which echos ok but would like to know how to automatically select the corresponding option from a drop down list when the page loads. Normal List <form id="switchform"> <select name="switchcontrol" size="1" class="topusernav" onChange="chooseStyle(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value, 60)"> <option value="none">-----</option> <option value="noir">Noir</option> <option value="crimson">Crimson</option> <option value="forrest">Forrest</option> <option value="ocean">Ocean</option> <option value="petal">Petal</option> </select> </form> works fine but <form id="switchform"> <select name="switchcontrol" size="1" class="topusernav" onChange="chooseStyle(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value, 60)"> <option value="none" <?php if (!(strcmp("none", "$_COOKIE[\"mysheet\"];")) {echo "selected=\"selected\"";} ?>>-----</option> <option value="noir" <?php if (!(strcmp("noir", "$_COOKIE[\"mysheet\"];")) {echo "selected=\"selected\"";} ?>>Noir</option> <option value="crimson" <?php if (!(strcmp("crimson", "$_COOKIE[\"mysheet\"];")) {echo "selected=\"selected\"";} ?>>Crimson</option> <option value="forrest" <?php if (!(strcmp("forrest", "$_COOKIE[\"mysheet\"];")) {echo "selected=\"selected\"";} ?>>Forrest</option> <option value="ocean" <?php if (!(strcmp("ocean", "$_COOKIE[\"mysheet\"];")) {echo "selected=\"selected\"";} ?>>Ocean</option> <option value="petal" <?php if (!(strcmp("petal", "$_COOKIE[\"mysheet\"];")) {echo "selected=\"selected\"";} ?>>Petal</option> </select> </form> gives me a whitespace error any thoughts?? thanks
  3. that worked but it wiped out ALL records not just the selected recordID DELETE auctionpropertyaddressdata,auctionpropertyimages FROM auctionpropertyaddressdata INNER JOIN auctionpropertyimages ON auctionpropertyid WHERE auctionpropertyid=%s gives me this error Column 'auctionpropertyid' in where clause is ambiguous where just the recordID from the link is deleted not the entire set thanks for help thusfar --- i am sure we can get it sorted
  4. Thanks for that - but i am seriously stuck on the syntax can you offer any other help as well please? thanks
  5. Hey there ... There seems to be a few ways to do this however i am still a little confused. I have two tables both have a common id field so to delete i thought would just be simple DELETE auctionpropertyaddressdata,auctionpropertyimages FROM auctionpropertyaddressdata JOIN auctionpropertyimages ON auctionpropertyid WHERE auctionpropertyid=%s not so ... can anyone resolve this for me? Thanks
  6. Hey there, i have a page which displays the selected information as a recordID=1 On that page is a repeat region of linked data with an update form On the update however only the URL recordID is parsed not the selected variable from the repeat region 1. is it even possible to have nested update froms 2. Is it the insert script itself that over writes the select record ID that is either $editFormAction = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $editFormAction .= "?" . htmlentities($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); } or $updateGoTo = "../adminloggedin.php"; if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $updateGoTo .= (strpos($updateGoTo, '?')) ? "&" : "?"; $updateGoTo .= $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } header(sprintf("Location: %s", $updateGoTo)); } can the URL variable be cleared on the update of the record Any help is appreciated Thanks
  7. Hey there, This is my sql... SELECT * ,LEFT(description ,30) As description FROM auctionpropertyaddressdata LEFT JOIN auctionpropertyimages ON auctionpropertyaddressdata.auctionpropertyid = auctionpropertyimages.auctionpropertyid ORDER BY propertyprice ASC how can i limit the number of returned records in the auctionpropertyimages table to ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1 so i get all records from auctionpropertyaddressdata and only 1 record from auctionpropertimages table for each auctionpropertyid Cheers
  8. hey there, i am trying to parse a php variable using the allwebmenu program. Never done this before and wondering what javascript needs to be created and inserted to replicate the [a href=\"http://www.backyardcanvas.com/coremember/profileview.php?recordID=<?php\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.backyardcanvas.com/coremember/p...cordID=<?php[/a] echo $row_table['field'];?> normal syntax. Help greatly appreciated Thanks
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