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Everything posted by d_barszczak

  1. I use dreamweaver which has the auto complete features. I try my best to build my apps/webs using oop which means that a lot of the time i am using classes and functions of my own. In fact i have one engine that is the base of most of my sites. The auto complete helps out when i need a quick refresh of how a function works that i have not used for a while. I do however perform tweaks on live systems using pico in ubuntu which has no IDE or auto complete.
  2. From a moral standpoint you would know that the files are sensitive and you should not really be sniffing for open ports. But if law came knocking at your door what do you think the outcome would be. This stems from a video a watched on you tube where a large amount of people set there My Docs as their lime wire share directory. Some clever sod then typed in company account and did a document search. This also returned some interesting results. Is the above example carless file sharing or hacking?
  3. Whats your opinion? If your bored and decide to scan for open smb ports on your isp. This then results in you finding out that some moron has shared his My Documents to the internet with all his business information and finance info with NO PASSWORD required to access the share. Are you hacking or are you accessing a share that is available to the public?
  4. I use LAMP. On our servers i use Ubuntu but one remotly hosted sites it can be any flavour of linux. Also use WAMP in the form of WOS for dev work. I think that's quite cool!! http://www.chsoftware.net/en/useware/wos/wos.htm
  5. Not done much in the way of this myself but i genrally use pay pal. That way it's there problem. You don't have to worry about securing card details, worry about being hacked or even ssl encryption. My advise would be let a 3rd party take care of card payments. That way they are liable and also they are insured if the worst should happen. I am quite an experianced php/mysql coder and could code my own shopping cart but this will take a long time to get right not to mention testing and securing then the worries of storing customer card details means it's only worth while if you can sell the product afterwards. If there is a product that does what you want and open source then why re-invent the wheel. Plus: Don't know if you are based in the uk but the government are planning huge fines or even prison for loosing customer details after they lost something like 3 million child benifit details.
  6. Thanks i'll bear that in mind. The site is a small dropshipping site that would be ideal if paypal could handle the payments. Not sure if they are going to use my company yet to do it but i don't want to end up with customer details going missing every other week. My company is a web development/scripting/consultancy i would like to find one e-commerce solution that can be used for a few customers rather than trying to support a million different solutions. Thanks for all your feedback so far. It's really useful.
  7. Hmm, isn't register globals quite a big security issue?
  8. Thanks for all your advice. ocCommerce was just one that came up time and time again.
  9. Hi All, Ok this is a first for me. I have a Form that i have created in word and converted to PDF. I would like my script to be able to fill in the PDF form with information stored in the database. Does anybody know what would be the best way to do this?
  10. What alternative would you use then?
  11. I am thinking of installing osCommerce as a E-Commerce solution but never used it before. Is it any good? Is it secure? Are there any better OS products out there? Sorry if this is posted in the wrong place.
  12. A holder for the menu sounds good but not sure where else i could but borders without it looking cluttered. Thanks for the idea though.
  13. Ok read the post before replying. I know the links are broken im working on them it the layout & colour scheme that im wanting comments on. Thanks
  14. Hi all, I am designing a website but im no artist so please take a look at the following. I know the links are broken but it the look & feel that im trying to get right. http://www.scripts2go.co.uk/development/intergrated/ Thanks.
  15. Guess you need to work in education to get that one. Basically teachers want a vle/mle but can any be bothered to supply content for it... nup..
  16. No worries you have helped me a lot in the past and it's always worth listening to your advice. Your right though i have learned that tempoary hacks can be left longer that you expect them too. Also i did say it was a moodle installation which means that all input relys on teachers so getting them to populate a vle with 999 letters is hard enough never mind 999 courses.
  17. Your absolutly right but... The database is a Moodle Installation that will be transfered to a bigger solution. The id number is just a tag to make it easier to import. Plus the THS is the initials of the company and MATHS would be the department and the 001 is the unique id and i know there will never be 999 maths courses before we transfer.
  18. Cheers, Are you some sort of mysql god? lol
  19. Hi all, I have a column that stores id numbers for courses called idnumber i.e. THS-ICT-001 THS-ICT-002 THS-MATHS-001 THS-MATHS-002 I want to use a DISTINCT query to return THS-ICT, THS-MATHS without the final -001. Is this possible?
  20. My favorate at the moment seems to be useing POST forms and trying to retrieve the info with $_GET[]. It don't work, it never will, but my brain won't stop trying. What the hell's up with me.
  21. I used this in the end. SELECT `order`, `tag` FROM `nav_directory` ORDER BY `order` desc LIMIT 1; This alway returns the highest value with the tag. EDIT: Also gone and named `order` which is a reserved word. Need to be more careful with my naming stratergy.
  22. Thanks but that gives me the same result. I want the highest value of `order` and the `tag` that accompanies it. Thanks.
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