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Everything posted by djed

  1. Hi: The following code worked fine in Mysql (Note: Already changed mysql to mssql).  It queries a table for songs added in the last 30 days (today - 30). [i]$sqlconnect=mssql_connect($server,$username,$password); $sqldb=mssql_select_db("xx",$sqlconnect); $dayspast = 30; $result = mssql_query(" SELECT date_added, artist, title, album FROM songlist WHERE (songtype='S') AND date_added > (SUBDATE(NOW(),INTERVAL '".$dayspast."' DAY)) ORDER BY date_added DESC, artist,title,album", $sqlconnect);[/i] I am getting an error saying NOW is not a recognized function name. Can someone help me code this correctly for a MS SQL DB? It would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks Ed
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