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Everything posted by scottybwoy

  1. Quick easy question, or maybe 2 if I'm allowed. What is the php.ini directive I need to change to stop session id being posted in the url? Also if I type http://localhost/ it displays the files not index.php, what should I put in .htaccess file to stop that. Thanks
  2. Don't worry worked it out. Computer was called COM4, I changed it to another name and it now works!
  3. OK, sorry for my impatience waiting for your response. But I have since installed it on practically a fresh install of Win XP SP2, and am getting similar problems. The one I am having now is... 080610 13:36:07 InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 0 46409 080610 13:36:07 [ERROR] C:\MySQL51\bin\mysqld: Can't create/write to file 'C:\Do cuments and Settings\All Users\Application Data\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\data\com4.pid' (Errcode: 2) Can't start server: can't create PID file: No such file or directory This location is available and has all the write permissions. I am using MySQL version 5.1 windows XP installer. Are their any known problems with installing on a local web development machine within a domain? Thanks for your time.
  4. No Checked that it's open to everyone. 777 Apparently according to MySQL it doesn't really matter about the temp files. But the INNODB is the problem
  5. Hi I'm trying to install MySQL 5.1.26 on Windows Pro sp4 and it just won't work. At the moment after typing "mysqld" --console it returns : 080606 10:58:21 [Warning] Can't create test file C:\MySQL\data\com3.lower-test 080606 10:58:21 [Warning] Can't create test file C:\MySQL\data\com3.lower-test 080606 10:58:21 InnoDB: Error: unable to create temporary file; errno: 2 080606 10:58:21 [ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' init function returned error. 080606 10:58:21 [ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' registration as a STORAGE ENGINE failed. 080606 10:58:21 [ERROR] Unknown/unsupported table type: INNODB 080606 10:58:21 [ERROR] Aborting 080606 10:58:21 [Note] mysqld: Shutdown complete The MySQL website is rubbish for finding answers and haven't found a satisfactory one elsewhere, but I know the guys on here are really good so thought you might be able help. Thanks in advance
  6. OK I have, plugged a load of the bugs and done a little bit of tweaking, what do you guys think now? The Link P.S Any one using IE7, can you see the left navigation bar?
  7. Well Dubed, your experience has shown me much.
  8. I have a header image that is clickable, but in firefox you can't click on it, can someone have a look for me, here's the page! and tell me why it act's like this? Thanks
  9. Looking at a few seemingly reputable tutorials on producing drop down menus, there seem to conflicting arguments about using float or inline on the top level lists. Which one is better, in terms of compatibility, ease of coding and less code? I am also using two spans to hold images within the first level anchor so I don't want that to cock up either. Thanks in advance
  10. Yeah, I have been doing allot of research today on css and best practices and note that allot can be changed for the better. In fact I don't think it would be that difficult to change as the main layout is just a single template and the css is already separated over 4 sheets (general, content, topnav, leftnav). I have learned that clearfix needs to be used under all floats, and what I really need to do is stick my template images in the background, use transparent pixels for links, and use a layout that doesn't use floats. I found this one to be the most appropriate. I'll try to incorporate that. Do you have any good links for making my nav bars without using conditional comment blocks and if poss using pure css (no images).
  11. Thanks toonmariner, I was sort of attempting that with my p elem, the reason I just used clear right, is that it moves everything to below my left nav bar. Is there a better way of arranging this?
  12. Hi, I have played around with this page and have narrowed down my problem to be a html one. I have used a <p> element to clear the bottom of my divs. This works fine if an even number of divs sit with each section of the page. I believe this is down to the <p> element and more to the point, my post <h2> element, both having the feature of sitting under the element to the left and using the available space to the right for the elements content. Is there a way around this, possibly to make it act as a block element? Please look at this page and it's source to see how it is displayed, thanks.
  13. OK, I have played around with this and narrowed down my problem (and now believe this should be in the html section, but never mind). I have used a <p> element to clear the bottom of my divs. This works fine if an even number of divs sit with each other in a particular part of the page. I believe this is down to the <p> element and more to the point, my post <h2> element, both have the feature of sitting under the element to the left and using the available space to the right for the elements content. Is there a way around this, like to make it some sort of block element? Please look at the page and it's source to see how it is displayed, thanks.
  14. Or Basically what I want to achieve is the structure of two columns of Divs or varying height, sitting next to each other and when there is space to the left to slot into it. Without float otherwise the h elements get affected. I hope that clears things up.
  15. Hi all, I think my problem may span php and html problems as well, but css is probably the main issue here. Please take a look at this page and see its layout behaviour. It's generated by this php code with embedded html : <?php $i = 0; foreach ($objs as $category => $v) { echo "<a href='" . $objs->$category->drivers . "'><h2>" . $objs->$category->name . "</h2></a>"; $sub_cats = $objs->$category->sub_cats; foreach ($sub_cats as $sub_cat => $sub_arr) { if (!empty($sub_cats->$sub_cat->drivers)) { if($i & 1) echo "<div class='r50'"; else echo "<div class='support'><div class='l50'"; $modelsids = $sub_cats->$sub_cat->model_ids; $height = count($modelsids) * 1.5; $height += 2.2; echo " style='height:" . $height . "em;'><a href='" . $sub_cats->$sub_cat->drivers . "'><h3>" . $sub_cats->$sub_cat->name . "</h3></a>\n\t"; if (!empty($modelsids)) { foreach ($modelsids as $modelsid => $model) { if (!empty($modelsids->$modelsid->drivers)) { echo "<a href='" . $modelsids->$modelsid->drivers . "'>MRI-" . $modelsid . "</a>\n\t"; } } } echo "</div>\n"; if($i & 1) echo "</div>\n"; $i++; } } if($i & 1) echo "</div>\n"; echo "<p style='clear:right;'> </p>"; $i = 0; } echo "</div></div>"; ?> And uses this css : .support { display: block; clear: right; height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; background-color: #fff; } .support div { display: block; clear: none; width: 45%; margin: 0 1%; padding: 0; font-size: 0.9em; } .support div h3 { margin: 0; padding: 0 10px; font-size: 1em; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; } .support a { display: block; clear: none; margin-top: 0.3em; padding-left: 10px; color: #000080; } div.l50 { float: left; width: 48%; margin: 3px 0 0.3em 1%; } div.r50 { float: right; clear: right; width: 48%; margin: 3px 0 0.3em 1%; } Any tips on my markup and the way I do things would be appreciated as well as helping me solve the layout issue, whereby some divs are overlapping the h2 elements and messing other divs on the right meant to be on the left. Thanks
  16. Can you specify which browser you are using and if you have javascript enabled please. Thanks
  17. I like your fight section. I don't like fact the width changes on different pages and that the forum is completely different from the other pages. Also your Nav text can be a bit bigger and have cleaner images, but keep it up mate.
  18. Hi People, I have practically finished this site now, just a hand full of pages need updating and a few images put in, but it's ready to be navigated round for your dissection. I've only tested it in IE6 and FF on Windows 2000, so anyone using other platforms and browsers would be really good for your input. I would also like to know if it is slow? Please bear in mind this is my first proper website. Thanks. Here's the link : http://www.mri.co.uk/index.php
  19. What is the syntax when you want two AND clauses? This is my statement : SELECT TOP 1 modelId, productName, blurb, purchasing, technical, image FROM products AS r1 JOIN (SELECT ROUND(RAND() * (SELECT MAX(products.rrp) FROM products), 1) AS id) AS r2 ON r1.rrp >= r2.id AND endOfLine != 'TRUE' AND pSubTypeId LIKE 3% ORDER BY r1.rrp ASC
  20. Thanks, I did remember reading it b4, but on checking it again I could not see hwere it says it will make a new file. Thanks for refreshing me though.
  21. When using fopen, if the file is not there will it create the file? Would I have to use a specific mode or context?
  22. got it, had to do #content .products h3 {
  23. scottybwoy

    h elements

    Hi, I have some h3 tags that are given one style across my site but in one section I don't want them to have a bottom border which I have set elsewhere. No matter where I set border to none it just won't work. Is there some sort of protection on this element or have I just not done it right somewhere? To ensure I have the right selector I have given it its own class : <h3 class='noBorder'> And have put the css for it as the last style to be applied : .noBorder { border-style: none; } Thanks for your help.
  24. Is there a function that can search an objects for a piece of data to append some information to it? i.e I have a object that has this structure $obj->cat#->sub_cats->sub_cat#->products->product_name I have another object with a number of product_names for all the sub_cats for a specified cat #. How can I search for the product_name in the original object to update it with the additional data in the second object? Thanks, by the way I'm using php4
  25. Is there a function that can search an objects for a piece of data to append some information to it? i.e I have a object that has this structure $obj->cat#->sub_cats->sub_cat#->product_name I have another object with a number of product_names for all the sub_cats for a specified cat #. How can I search for the product_name in the original object to update it with the additional data in the second object? Thanks, by the way I'm using php4
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