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Everything posted by aveach

  1. aveach

    Rand() ?

    Hi, I am trying to insert random usernames and passwords into my database. When i just use rand() it generates a number the length of the field between 0 and 1. my fields are set to 15 chars so i end up with something like \"0.1789632597412\". Are there arguments that go with this function that would let me generate a 10 char string made up of random letters and numbers like \"ad4er888af\"? Thanks
  2. aveach

    Text file?

    I am trying to dump or pipe several columns from my database to a .txt file. What is the easiest way to do this? Thanks Also how do i display a list of all open connections from the shell? THanks alot
  3. Here is how i display links returned from MYSQL database. if ($row[\"bar_website\"]) { echo \'<br><a href=http://\'. $row[\'bar_website\'] . \'>\' . $row[ \'bar_website\'] . \'</a>\';} $row[\'bar_website\'] returns \"www.whateveraddress.com\".
  4. I need to select all the records in my table that have entries in a particular column. Like Select * from bar_info where bar_website=notnull I just want to display all the records that have entries in the bar_website column. Obviously I\'m new, Please help. Thanks
  5. I\'m new and i\'m trying to write a query that searches all columns for a certain variable without writing out the name of every column in the table. Is there a command like SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE * LIKE\'%...%\' ? That would search the entire table for a value? I dont want to write SELECT * from mytable WHERE field1 like \'%somevar%\' OR field2 like \'%somevar%\' OR ...... Or even a way of indexing the whole database in one column then i could search that column in my query? How do i go about this. Thanks[/i][/u]
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