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Everything posted by rbragg

  1. I have a field (PK) in a table called callID that increments. This is what I would like to use for counting. So, with your logic would I do something like this? <?php while($all = mysql_fetch_array( $allResults )) { $countNew++; $countLast = $all['callID']; if $countLast < $countNew { $countNew = $countLast; echo 'encode sound'; } }?> Am I getting what you're saying?
  2. I haven't any yet other than my select statement and display: <?php $queryAll = " SELECT * FROM vigil_student, vigil_operator, vigil_call WHERE vigil_student.studentID = vigil_call.studentID AND vigil_operator.operatorID = vigil_call.operatorID ORDER by time DESC "; $allResults = mysql_query($queryAll) or die( "All query failed: " . mysql_error() ); # count for alternate colors $countRows = 0; while($all = mysql_fetch_array( $allResults )) { # alternate colors for every row if ($countRows++ % 2 == 0){ $style = "background-color: #F9F9F9;"; } else { $style = "background-color: #FFFFFF;"; } $time = $all['time']; echo "<tr class='style1' style='$style'><td>" . date("M j, y @ h:i a", strtotime($time) ) . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $all['first'] . " " . $all['last'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $all['hall'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $all['room'] . "</td>"; echo "<td><img src='images/" . $all['status'] . ".gif'></td>"; echo "<td><a href='displayDetails.php?call=" . $all['callID'] . "'>details</a></td></tr>"; } mysql_close; ?>
  3. I have a call center page with a meta tag to refresh every 60 seconds. So, every 60 seconds the page checks for new records in my db. I would like to have a sound play upon refresh only if a new record is found and displayed. I imagine that I would start at the top of the page with some sort of record count. My page uses sessions, so if there is a larger count than at the last check then the sound would play. Am I heading in the right direction? Could someone help me get started? Thanks in advance.
  4. We were right. Changing the type gave the result I needed. Thanks everyone for your help.
  5. I'm not dabbling with the time at all: <?php $queryUpdate = " UPDATE vigil_call SET status = '$status' WHERE callID = '$callID' "; $update = mysql_query($queryUpdate); ?> I imagine my problem is that the column need not be the timestamp type?
  6. This question will probably sound really stupid: I am storing the date and time of an insertion into the db using now(). However, if I update any other fields/columns in the db later - that date/time is also updated. How can I prevent this? Thanks in advance!
  7. It made good sense. This was successful in echoing the contents of the array. However, on the form it would not display $unitName (the name next to the checkbox) unless I did as that previous helper suggested and add: $_POST['cbUnit'] = array(); Also, since the array is no longer stored as a string I am no longer able to implode it for db insertion" $cbUnitString = implode(", ",$unit); Is there a way around this?
  8. Sure! The only form element I'm posting is the cbUnit array to keep you from scrolling to China. Page 1 (user enters info): <?php session_start(); if( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && isset($_POST['confirm']) ) { foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if ($key != "confirm") { $_SESSION[$key] = strip_tags($value); } } include 'shared/validate.php'; } ?> <form name="application" method="POST" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>"> <?php $cbUnitName = array('Talon', 'Star', 'Cater', 'Landrum'); foreach($cbUnitName as $key => $unitName) { echo "<input type='checkbox' name='cbUnit[]' value='" . $unitName . "'"; if (isset($_POST['cbUnit']) && is_array($_POST['cbUnit']) ) { foreach($_POST['cbUnit'] as $index => $checkedUnit) { echo (($unitName == $checkedUnit) ? (' checked="yes"') : (''));; } echo ">" . $unitName . "<br>"; } else { echo 'Did not enter array'; # just for testing purposes. } }?> <input type="submit" name="confirm" id="confirm" value="confirm" class="style1"> </form> Page 2 (info is echoed): <?php session_start(); echo "<pre>". print_r($_SESSION, true) ."</pre>\n"; $cbUnit = $_SESSION['cbUnit']; foreach($cbUnit as $key => $unit) { echo $unit . "<br>"; }?> The problem is that the array values are not displayed when echoing. Only [cbUnit] => Array and the Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() error. Please don't find something very simple and make me feel like an idiot. I'm very sensitive today.
  9. Thank you for your help. I used your last example and still have the same problem. :'( The empty array idea was suggested by a helper earlier in this thread. Also, the extra single quote was only mistyped here and is not represented in my code. Hmmm... I'm running out of things to change. LOL!
  10. I still get [cbUnit] => Array. :-X All other values that are not arrays are passed successfully. I have another array from a checkbox group that is doing the same thing. Could this not be caused by the foreach statements in my form?
  11. Hi! This still gives me: [cbUnit] => Array and: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
  12. I have another problem pertaining to this thread. <?php $cbUnitName = array(''Talon', 'Star', 'Cater', 'Landrum'); foreach($cbUnitName as $key => $unitName) { echo "<input type='checkbox' name='cbUnit[]' value='" . $unitName . "'"; if ( !isset($_POST['cbUnit']) ) $_POST['cbUnit'] = array(); { foreach($_POST['cbUnit'] as $index => $checkedUnit) { echo (($unitName == $checkedUnit) ? (' checked="yes"') : (''));; } echo ">" . $unitName . "<br>"; } } ?> When I submit the form, cbUnit is stored in the Sessions array. However, I can't get the values (if there are any) to echo on the next page. I move to that next page and print what is stored in the Sessions array. For cbUnit I get: [cbUnit] => Array In the space where I would like to echo the values I do this: <?php $cbUnit = $_SESSION['cbUnit']; foreach($cbUnit as $key => $unit) { echo $unit . "<br>"; }?> I get the "Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()" error.
  13. Thank you sasa! This worked. I know you put a condition in there to see if the box was checked but please explain what it does specifically. I'll then mark this thread as solved.
  14. Ok thanks for sticking with me guys. I think I understand this method and now I have this: <?php $cbUnitName = array('Talon', 'Star', 'Cater', 'Landrum'); foreach($cbUnitName as $key => $unitName) { echo "<input type='checkbox' name='cbUnit[]' value='" . $unitName . "'"; echo "unit name: " . $unitName . "\n"; # added to see if $unitName is being set foreach($_POST['cbUnit'] as $index => $checkedUnit) { echo (($unitName == $checkedUnit) ? (' checked="yes"') : ('')); } echo ">" . $unitName . "\n"; } ?> For every item in the array, I get: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /food_test/ea_form.php on line 139 >Talon Line 139 is the second foreach construct. When I try to echo the $unitName I don't get anything ... not even the "unit name: ". So, I'm guessing that the first foreach is not functioning? I did also copy what you had here directly and had the same warning.
  15. Yes. I would think moving the values from the POST to the SESSION array is redundant since I am already doing that upon submission (using $key => value). Right?
  16. Everything is posted above except for the other form elements, which are unrelated to the checkboxes.
  17. Hi boo_lolly! I tried this: <?php $sticky_cbUnit = (in_array('cbUnit', $unitNames) )?' checked="checked" ':' '; echo '<input type="checkbox" ' . $sticky_cbUnit . ' name="cbUnit[]" value="Talon" />'; ?>Talon<br> The boxes still aren't sticky. I also tried 'cbUnit[]'. Some background info - this page submits to itself and stores the values in the $_SESSION array. <?php session_start(); if( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && isset($_POST['confirm']) ) # only if form is submitted { foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) # put the values into session variables { if ($key != "confirm") { $_SESSION[$key] = strip_tags($value); } } include 'shared/validate.php'; } ?> If there is an error found at validate.php then it will return. My radiobuttons use the $_SESSION array and are successfully sticky: <?php $sticky_rbStart = ( (isset($_SESSION['rbStart'])) && ($_SESSION['rbStart'] == 'Spring') )?' checked="checked" ':' '; echo '<input name="rbStart" id="rbStart" type="radio" value="Spring" ' . $sticky_rbStart . '/> '; ?>Spring
  18. I'd imagine the error is because the second parameter, 'Talon', is not seen as an array. I tried to store the values in an array: $unitNames = array('Talon', 'Star', 'Cater', 'Landrum'); Then, <?php $sticky_cbUnit = (in_array($_SESSION['cbUnit'], $unitNames) )?' checked="checked" ':' '; echo '<input type="checkbox" ' . $sticky_cbUnit . ' name="cbUnit[]" value="Talon" />'; ?>Talon<br> The datatype error goes away but I don't have sticky checkboxes.
  19. Thanks for your help. I have this: <?php $sticky_cbUnit = (in_array($_SESSION['cbUnit'],'Talon') )?' checked="checked" ':' '; echo '<input type="checkbox" ' . $sticky_cbUnit . ' name="cbUnit[]" value="Talon" />'; ?>Talon<br> After receiving a parse error I removed an opening "(" in front of in_array. Now, I get this error: Warning: in_array(): Wrong datatype for second argument in /food_test/ea_form.php on line 132
  20. Oh yes. All of the other form elements on the page (droplists, radiobuttons, textfields) are functioning and sticky EXCEPT for the checkboxes. *EDITED* to add "except for the checkboxes" because someone erroneously marked this topic as solved.
  21. I have a group of checkboxes that I would like to be sticky. I want the checkboxes that the user has checked to remain checked upon returning to the page from a validation error. <?php <input name="cbUnit[]" type="checkbox" value="Talon">Talon<br> <input name="cbUnit[]" type="checkbox" value="Star">Star<br> <input name="cbUnit[]" type="checkbox" value="Cater">Cater<br> <input name="cbUnit[]" type="checkbox" value="Landrum">Landrum<br> ?> I've tried this: <?php $sticky_cbUnit = ( (isset($_SESSION['cbUnit'])) && ($_SESSION['cbUnit'] == 'Talon') )?' checked="checked" ':' '; echo '<input type="checkbox" ' . $sticky_cbUnit . ' name="cbUnit[]" value="Talon" />'; ?>Talon<br> I'm guessing the array [] is giving me the problem but it WILL be an array so I need it. ???
  22. You know I have to make things more complicated than they really are. The operation works fine outside of the query. <?php $decimal = @($hit / $ab); # @ prevents division by zero error $avg = round($decimal,3); # round to 3 decimal places $queryUpdateAll = " UPDATE stats_all SET hit = hit + '$hit', ab = ab + '$ab', bb = bb + '$bb', 2b = 2b + '$secondb', 3b = 3b + '$thirdb', hr = hr + '$hr', rbi = rbi + '$rbi', avg = '$avg' WHERE playerID = '$playerID' "; ?> This works perfectly fine. Thanks for all of your help as usual.
  23. I understand what you've done. Thank you. Can you perform only limited operations within a query? Before, I was calculating an average outside of the query like this: <?php $decimal = @($hit / $ab); # @ prevents division by zero error $avg = round($decimal,3); # round to 3 decimal places ?> I'm trying this: SET avg = round( @($hit/$ab),3 ) ... and of course I get an error.
  24. I wouldn't use the $all fetch_array from the original select query?
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