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PC Nerd

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Everything posted by PC Nerd

  1. ** ouch?? btw - if someone uploaded it to our server - then look at your security etc.. ,maybe change passwords etc... ebcause if its easy to uplaod to your serve rthen it coudldefinately happen again.
  2. im already running a XAMPP server on my computer- and running it from localhost. what i want to be able to do is run previous versions of MYSQL on yhere..... basically so i can finish a MySDQL wrapper im writing. but i need the previous versions to make sure that mysql_ is working... not jsur mysqli_ etc. thanks.... btw - those two hosts above are a) one is MySQL5 b) requries phone and address any other suggestionis? Thanks
  3. edit: normal syntax is as above: TABLENAME.FIELDNAME, TABLENAME.FIELDNAME etc thats the same as in the WHER cluase as well however if you are using a join that is along the lines of "all from one table and records from the second where they match"... you need to use: table_name {RIGHT|LEFT|FULL} [OUTER] JOIN table_name {ON <condition> | USING (column_name [,column_name]) } hopefully that makes sense thats in teh context of: SELECT <fields> FROM table_name LEFT OUTER JOIN ON tbl1.fiield1=tbl2.field1 WHERE <another condition> hope that helps
  4. From my knowledge ( as im not great at relationship queryies) - you need to specify each table and then use the fields like this: SELET table1.field1, table1.field2, table2.field3 FROM table1, table2 WHERE<condition> now i think there is an INNER JOIN statement there however that may have to comebefore this query..... gldk
  5. not necicarily. if those are all the details... then simplay make the reigstered field say "False" probably a Boolean value would be best. Then you simpyl check to see if they are registed befroe usign the other data. gdlk
  6. Hi, Im looking for a host that has PHP and MySQL, but i need the mysql to be only msql_ and not mysqli_... meanign it cant be 4.1 or more recent versions. Can anyone recomend a free host that has these requirements. I dont care about banner adds etc because its for personal use only. Thanks
  7. yes my question is what version oh PHP was it first implemented in? ie MySQl may be able to support those functions ( being 4.1.3 or higher ) but if the serve ris running version 4.1.1 it may not have the mysqli_ support what verison oh PHP was mysqli_ first introduced ? thanks
  8. Hi, Ive got a server which is running 4.1.22 PHP and MySQL 4.1.21 Now i know that mysqli_ functions in PHP 5 work with MySQL 4.1 and higher however does php 4.1 support mysqli_functions? Thanks for your help P.S. - if thre is a specific page that outlines all compatability thigns between PHP and MySQL coudl you point me to that page and ill use it for future reference. Thanks
  9. OK... php -m ??? what does this mean and where do i do it... ? thankx
  10. Hi, Im currently workign with XAMPP, which most of you woudl know is a package that you install that has apache, php, pearl, mysql and mercury mailserver all in the one bundle. However Im starting to work with cURL, and i wanted to work with the CLI version of PHP. Now Im not too sure how to go about this because there are mentions of compiling the source code or somethign to make cURL work. Im wondering if theres an alternative to compiling the C source, because I dont think tha tXAMPP comes with teh CLI version of PHP. If Im wrong, please correct me. Is there an easier method than manually creating my webserver from scratch with PHP, mysql and apache? all i want is somethign nice like XAMPP, but with cURL and other additions. Coudl anyone suggest another method for installing cURL, or alternatively anthother wever package similar to XAMPP that has cURL installed. Thanks
  11. Im finding that its not sending as HTML Im using google apps email to read the outgoing email, btu using another mailserver to send the email from. Is there another way to send as HTML - or another funciton the spacialises in HTML email sending? ( im using mail()) Thanks for your help
  12. Hi, Ive got an email feature on my website - and I need it to be HMTL. I know that my email host supports HTML emails, however whenever I send an email It appears as text. Its got this at the beginning of my HTML email: <html><head><meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html' /> Is this incorrect, or is there another method to making my email in HTML format? Thanks
  13. ok - when you get the "domain has been blocked error" , is that in the email or on the webpage?
  14. Ive been learning VB.NET (2005/2008 express editions) - so its not specifically using ASP>NET, However comign from a PHP background I much prefer PHP because of its language. in VB ( and i dont lknow abot C# or C++ etc etc) - the for statements are a lot more constrained ( only havign a <= and >=), and the loops are all indent based, instead of having {} to define their limits. Personally i much prefer PHP because its got fantastis MySQL support- whereas VB is harder to connect to MySQL databases. This is jsut one thing that PHP can do better. GDLK
  15. Hi, I'm looking at creating a mailing list for myself - and im familiar with using mail(). However I heard that for bulk email loopign through records and emailing each one using mail() isnt the best way to do it. Is there another function I could use to send a bulk email to people? Thanks for your help in advance.
  16. I find that gmail allows any mail(); emails I send. try signing up for a free account there. good luck.
  17. youl either need to have it online with downloadable source code in a zip ( password protect:?) or have it on CD and provide to upload to a webserver. if using MySQL - the a SQL dump of your datbase would be easy ( export on the phpmyadmin home page) - then import that txt file back in on the new server. gdlk
  18. Thankks. Will that allow for PHP to run on the incldue before its emailed? Thanks
  19. Hi, Im looking for a way to use my file "email.inc" as the content for an email. the inc file automatically chanegs name values for the user - all I need to do is to have it emailed. is there a way to pass that filename to the mail() function - or do i have to do it another way? Thanks in advance.
  20. THANKS THANKS THANKS THANKS!!! Thats fixed it - thank you sooooo much!!!
  21. ok.... sure: index.php home.php contact.php etc will all work.. the other way to do it is like this: index.php?id=1 then in index.php: if($_GET['id'] == 1) { then do one page. usually built rhoguh : if($_GET['id'] == 1) {require('page1.inc'); } then you build your pages in page1. - but it appears to be index.php hope that helps you to understand
  22. no - its not - still not working,..... the only thoguh i could think of was that the if statement was incorrect. any other suggestions? Thanks
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