PC Nerd
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Everything posted by PC Nerd
hi guys im createing an admin panel, similar to the "new post" on this forum. what i want to do is to have a user upload an image, and then have that image saved in a folder, with its current uploaded name. than ive got a page, where it displays all the images ( for the site) and the user can select an image............... and upload a new one to replace it. now im dont know how to do all the upload, save and reload, i can display it ok, i just need to know what sort of information i need, and how to use it... thanks guys, i appreciate any help
um, put the tages on one line, and the codeon the next check which line the error is on then. ive had code, thwere the code before the tages, was causing the error
??? bump???
hi guys, i have a file....: <html> .......... ........ ......... <?php echo $USer_Name; ?> ......... ......... ........ </html> assuming its called email.php, how would i send that file as the body of an email using mail(), coudl i do it. and if so, how..... thanks
thanks thats got it working
its javascript your after itd be somethign like onMouserover("files or whatever"); gdlk
<script language = 'JavaScript' type = 'text/javascript'> alert("Logged In !!!"); <?php echo "location.url = \"B_A-Login4a.php?Login_ID=".$Login['Login_ID']."&User_ID=".$DB_Login['User_ID']."&User_Name=".$DB_Login['User_Name']."\";"; ?> </script> thats my code....... can you see anything wrong with it. it comes up when i veiw it ( as in view source when php is executed) but it doesnt relocate user after the alert
can ajax intereact with actionscript, for flash or anything? i think php can, but for live updateing instead of refreshing, then ajax would be best... thankyou
thaqnks ill look at that one thanks again
um, well what i do is that i actually log every time they log in, and if they login without having logged out the last time, it simply sets their loggin length for last time as 5 minutes, their loss. then what i do, is also store every page request ( to log activity) and store the time of that. then when looking if a user is logged in ( or even to auto logout later with a cron) is to check if a user is logged in, then check if theyve requested a page in the laft 15 minuntes, if not, then log them out with a 5 minutes session length that should work. if your actually letting oterh members to see if a person is logged in like on this forum, then you simply include that code, however you dont do the auto logout . gdlk
hi guys.... im wondering if i can get a javascript script, so use its confirm alert to redirect to a php script?, and pass 3 values, through post data ( however get is ok if necisary) thanks
well i didnt say it was perfect, but its a start, and easily fixed. ive done it before, but im sure the smart people at this forum can fix it for their own sites, its not like were doing all the coding for them.......... its a start and a pointer, surely thats gotta help
um, its prolly setting but you cant veiw cookie contents on the page that its set, ie, refresh and itll work also, its header information, so your database connection isoutput, thats prolly why um, i think i use itm but am not sure look at output buffereing, start_ob(), fluch_ob () um, searhc some of my previously "cookies" or "lgin system" sort of stuff started by me theres a nice explaination there gdlk
$digit_loop = 1; $digit = ''; while ( $digit_loop <= 6){ $digit = $digit.rand(0, 9); } echo $digit you can check i in a loop througha database or whatever if it needs to be unique
*** bump ***
ok, thankyou
um, just wanted to know whats the actual system for tickets, instead of haveing a "contact us page"??? is there likea system that you follow or something?
im looking at acer net..... it might just be me, or is the shared hosting more storage etc than the reseller? and cheaper!!!!! i recomend dailyrazor or arvixe. theyre good from what i can tell...... but i havent been with them. im also looking for a host, paid with decent storage, no more that 10$ AUS
hi guys i have a login system, that logs the time of someones login, and gives it an id every page that is loaded, is loded with when, who etc. and a unique id. what i want to do is similar to what happens here. if a user is inactive ( not requests for 10 minutes) the log him out or something. i understand this would be a cron, but maybe it could be int eh page request, and simply checks and redirects if necicary. bow would i do this? thankyou
um,. could anyone recomend a really good tutorial for AJAX. anything like a pdf or something. not linked pages ( eg i want to be able to easily print it) thanks
um, ive pm'ed you with the answers.